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Combo Slideshow
35 websites Featuring a slideshow javascript with multiple settings and transition effects: blog highlights, post types & taxonomies, galleries, custom slides Combo Slideshow is a photo and image viewing mas
69 websites This plugin will add an expand collapse accordion feature inside a post or page.
3D Tag Cloud
381 websites Displays your post tags in 3D rotating animation. 3D Tag Cloud allows you to display your site's tags using jquery that rotates the tags in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more v
556 websites A really simple way of putting featured posts on your website.
113 websites
Owl Carousel
356 websites Add a carousel to your website. Based on the Owl Carousel, a responsive and fully customizable carousel. Add a carousel to your website. Based on the Owl Carousel, a responsive and fully customizable
mybb Last Topics
1 websites Show the last posts of mybb forum With this plugin you can last an mybb forum posts on your WordPress site to display. Features: Quick and easy to install and use View Title Latest Posts Forum and
Comments Facebook and Share Button
183 websites This plugin will display the comments of Facebook after of post. Contribute your SEO. No more comments spam. Easy to install. Also will display the sh This plugin will display the comments of Faceboo
BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts
20 websites Users can rate group forum posts in BuddyPress. Good posts are highlighted and poor posts diminished. Highlighted karma points shown for each user. BuddyPress 1.6 compatible. Users can rate forum pos
1 websites Adds breadcrumbs, pagination, post pagination, related content, author info and social sharing buttons to your blog. This plugin adds six functionalities that all blogs should have: Breadcrumbs Pag
Metaphor Widgets
49 websites Custom pack of widgets including shortcode generators. Custom pack of widgets including shortcode generators. Twitter Social Recent Comments Recent Posts Tabbed Posts Contact Post Navigation Collap
WP About Author
297 websites Easily display customizable author bios below your posts This plugin is the easiest way to add a customizable author bio below your posts. The plugin works right out of the box with WordPress built i
Custom Users Order
21 websites A plugin which allows you to order the users with simple Drag and Drop Sortable capability. Custom Users Order plugin will order users(admin, editor, author, subscriber, contributor) with simple Drag
Portfolio Slideshow
231 websites Add a clean, responsive JavaScript slideshow to your site. Requirements: PHP 5.3 or higher is required to use this plugin. Support: I'll do my best to help troubleshoot bugs, but should set e
Reaction Buttons
46 websites Adds buttons for very simple and fast feedback to your post. Inspired by Blogger. This addon adds buttons below your posts (or somewhere else) to make it easy to get reactions to the post, but withou
1 websites The Google + Plugin integrates WordPress with your G+ Profile and Page - now with BuddyPress and Post Format Support!
4 websites WP Decoratr can automatically find images relevant to your post content from Flickr to spice up your posts.
MT Tabs
3 websites Lets you add tabs to your post and pages using a shortcode. To add tabs just have to insert this shortcode on your page / post: [mtabs] [mtitle]Title 1[/mtitle] Content 1 [mtmore] [mtitle]Title
4 websites Make nice notes, alerts with Style Box in your post.
80 websites Display reviews for ISBNs or IDs you specify on any page or post. The GoodReviews plugin displays information about a specific title from Goodreads, including reader reviews. This plugi
16 websites Add maps to your posts or pages, embed Microformat Geo or Adr, and output GeoRSS and KML. GeoPress adds geographic tagging of your posts and pages. You can enter an address, points on a map, or enter
Subscribe To Author Posts Feed
8 websites This plugin adds links after the posts for subscribing to the post author's posts feed via RSS. This plugin adds links after the posts for subscribing to the post author's posts feed via RSS. So
Ajaxy Live Search
630 websites A facebook like ajaxy live search for wordpress, this plugin uses the same functionality as facebook to retrieve the results from your blog. this plugin is a an ajax live search that uses the same t
123 websites This plugin allows you to cross-post your blog posts to your Facebook Wall and to any Facebook Fan Page / Group that you are an administrator for.
ESB Testimonials
3 websites Display testimonials with slider, grid or list view used with dynamic shortcode. This plug-in is used to display testimonials. It is compatible for any WordPress site. Lists testimonials same as Wo
17 websites Bangla Typing Scripts for wordpress. This Java Script based add-ons will let your visitors type in Bangla without using any 3rd party tool or keyboard Bangla Typing Scripts for wordpress. This Java S
Use Client's Time Zone
5 websites Sets the default time zone for PHP scripts to that of the client. This plugin retrieves the time zone of the client using "Automatic Timezone Detection Using JavaScript" (http://pellepim.bitbucket.or
WP Attention Boxes
11 websites A specialized code snippet tool that provides one click access, when editing posts, to 10 different CSS-styled DIVs for custom purposes. Sometimes you just want to call out attention to a particular
Easy2Map Photos
15 websites The easiest tool available for creating geo-tagged photo galleries. Display photos & their geographic location in a great-looking slider gallery Easy2Map Photos is a simple-yet-powerful tool for
Resume Submissions & Job Postings
73 websites Allows the admin to create and show job postings. Users can submit their resume in response to a posting or for general purposes. --- Quick Announcement --- After the first of the year and when curr
Facebook Sharer
13 websites This plugin adds a link within each blog post to share blog posts on FaceBook. This plugin adds a link within each blog post to share blog posts on FaceBook.
Wp Subcribe Author
13 websites Wp Subscribe Author plugin is help subscriber to follow his/her favorite author. Wp Subscribe Author plugin is help subscriber to follow his/her favorite author. Once subscriber starts follow the aut
Related Posts by Zemanta
956 websites Zemanta recommends your content to new audiences both on your blog and across our network of high-quality sites. Welcome nRelate users! Our friends at nRelate recently announced that they will be di
6 websites
1 websites BuddyPress plugin to post checkins or places.
272 websites SearchAutocomplete implements the jQuery UI Autocomplete functionality on your WordPress installation. SearchAutocomplete implements the jQuery UI Autocomplete functionality on your WordPress install