Top plugins for WordPress

This is a review and relative rating of the WordPress plugins, based on an analysis 1,500 000+ WordPress websites.

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The more sites - the higher rating of plugin.

Reduce Bounce Rate

Get the real Bounce Rate and Time On Site in Google Analytics. Simple and effective. Get the real Time On Site and Bounce Rate in Google Analytics. Google Analytics calculates the Time On Site based on the length of time between a user ent

analytics, bounce rate, google, google analytics, seo, statistics, stats, time on site, tracking
-62 new websites added last month

Page View Count

Places an icon, all time views count and views today count at the bottom of posts, pages and custom post types on any WordPress website. Page Views Count does 2 things - beautifully On the front end it adds an icon and page views count t

page view count, post views, postview count, wordpress page view
-17 new websites added last month


Broadcast posts to Twitter and/or Facebook, pull in reactions from each (replies, retweets, comments, "likes") as comments, and allow commen Brought to you by MailChimp, Social is a lightweight plugin that handles a lot of the he

broadcast, comments, Facebook, import, integrate, integration, social, twitter
-85 new websites added last month

Meks ThemeForest Smart Widget

Easily display ThemeForest items inside WordPress widget. A simple and powerful WordPress plugin with which you can display ThemeForest items as a WordPress widget. Several smart options are provided for selecting and ordering. You can sel

ad, ads, advertising, affiliate, envato, marketplace, sidebar, themeforest, widget
-29 new websites added last month

Widgetize Pages Light

Drop widgets in page or post content area. Widgetized pages. Build your custom page layout in no time. No coding, easy and fun! Widgetized pages in WordPress are very powerful tool. Have you ever wanted to drag and drop a widget in a page

custom layout, custom sidebar, sidebar, widget area, widgetize page, widgetized pages, widgets, widgets in page, widgets on pages
-53 new websites added last month


+26 new websites added last month

WordPress Calls to Action

Create Calls to Action for your WordPress site. Monitor and improve conversion rates, run A/B split tests, customize your own CTA templates and more. WordPress Calls to Action works as a standalone plugin or hand in hand with WordPress

a b test, a b testing, a/b test, a/b testing, ad management, ad placement, banner ads, call outs, call to action, Calls to Action, click tra
-55 new websites added last month


+62 new websites added last month

Alligator Popup

Add popups to your site. Add links to pages/posts via a shortcode which will be opened in a popup browser window. This plugin allows you to enter a shortcode to add links to pages/posts which will be opened in a popup window. The only opti

jquery, message, popup, popup link, popup message, popup window, popups, shortcode, simple
-43 new websites added last month

SportsPress - Manage Leagues & Sports Clubs

SportsPress is an extendable all-in-one sports data plugin that helps sports clubs set up and manage a league or club site quickly and easily. Create a Professional Sports Website Transform your WordPress blog into a fully configurable te

afl, baseball, Basketball, calculations, calendars, club, club management, clubs, countdowns, cricket, darts, data, dota 2, equations, espor
+19 new websites added last month


This plugin creates an image slideshow in your theme, using the jQuery Cycle plugin. You can upload/delete images via the administration panel, and di The WP-Cycle plugin allows you to upload images from your computer, which will then be u

images, jquery cycle, slideshow
-43 new websites added last month


+11 new websites added last month

Smooth Scroll Up

Smooth Scroll Up is a lightweight plugin that creates a customizable "Scroll to top / Back to top" feature in any post/page of your WordPres Smooth Scroll Up is a lightweight plugin that creates a customizable "Scroll to top / Ba

arrow, back, back to top, link to top, navigation, scroll, scroll back to top, scroll to top, scroll top, scroll up, Smooth Scroll, top, up
-33 new websites added last month


+24 new websites added last month


+1 new websites added last month

Biz Calendar

Business day and event calendar on widget. Biz Calendarは、営業日・イベントカレンダーをウィジェットに表示するプラグインです。 休業日、イベント開催日を表示するカレンダーを サイド�

calendar, event, widget
-12 new websites added last month

FD Footnotes Plugin

Add elegant looking footnotes to your posts simply and naturally. This plugin provides an extremely easy way to add elegant looking footnotes to your posts. The syntax is natural, simple to understand, and degrades gracefully if the plugin

editing, endnotes, footnotes, Formatting, posts, writing
-35 new websites added last month

Google Calendar Widget

This plugin installs a sidebar widget that can show the upcoming events from a Google Calendar feed. This plugin installs a widget for showing a Google Calendar agenda on the sidebar. Once installed it adds a sidebar widget called 'Google

calendar, google, widget
-24 new websites added last month


Version: 2.1 This plugin will turn the form to lightbox. Support Gravity Form and Contact Form 7 shortcode.

-71 new websites added last month

Enlighter - Customizable Syntax Highlighter

Simple post syntax-highlighted code using the EnlighterJS Javascript Plugin. Enlighter is a free, easy-to-use, syntax highlighting tool for WordPress. It's build in PHP and uses the MooTools(Javascript) based EnlighterJS to provide a beaut

asm, assembly, c++, code, coding, config, cpp, CSS, customizable, cython, html, ini, java, javascript, jquery, JS, json, lua, matlab, mootoo
+6 new websites added last month

Google Forms

Embeds a published, public Google Form in a WordPress post, page, or widget. Fetches a published Google Form using a WordPress custom post or shortcode, removes the Gooogle wrapper HTML and then renders it as an HTML form embedded in your

forms, google, Google Docs, shortcode, spreadsheet
-75 new websites added last month


+40 new websites added last month


-27 new websites added last month

WordPress Countdown plugin

WordPress Countdown plugin is an nice tool to create and insert countdown timers into your posts/pages and widgets. Our WordPress Countdown plugin allow website owners to create nice and functional Countdown timer just in a few minutes. Th

animated countdown, birthday countdown, clock, count down, countdown, countdown clock, countdown generator, countdown timer, countdown timer
-24 new websites added last month


+47 new websites added last month

WordPress Colorbox Lightbox

View image, video (YouTube, Vimeo), page, inline HTML, custom content in lightbox. Add jQuery Colorbox lightbox effect to your WordPress site. WP Colorbox plugin is a simple lightbox tool for WordPress. It allows users to pop up content in

colorbox, gallery, image, images, javascript, jquery, lightbox, lightview, links, media, modal, overlay, photo, photography, photos, picture
-42 new websites added last month

PayPal for WooCommerce

Developed by an Ace Certified PayPal Developer, official PayPal Partner, PayPal Ambassador, and 3-time PayPal Star Developer Award Winner. Introduction Easily add PayPal payment options to your WordPress / WooCommerce website. PayPal Ex

angelleye, dodirectpayment, express checkout, payflow, payments pro, paypal, woocommerce
-59 new websites added last month


+32 new websites added last month


+44 new websites added last month


+14 new websites added last month