Top plugins for WordPress

This is a review and relative rating of the WordPress plugins, based on an analysis 1,500 000+ WordPress websites.

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The more sites - the higher rating of plugin.


+73 new websites added last month


+34 new websites added last month

Profile Builder - front-end user registration, login and edit profile

Simple to use profile plugin allowing front-end login, user registration and edit profile by using shortcodes. Profile Builder is WordPress user registration done right. It lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for al

avatar upload, builder, custom field registration, custom redirects, custom registration, custom registration form, custom registration page
-40 new websites added last month


Popup windows, floating action bars, messengers, toast notifications and more. Capture leads, optins and grab visitors attention. All in one solution. The Ultimate Plugin To Capture Leads And Connect With Your Audience Decrease bounce rat

a/b testing, action bar, action grabber, analytics, animation, aweber, builder, campaign monitor, constant contact, email list, exit-intent,
-122 new websites added last month

Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox

All your visitors should know about your facebook page and tell their friends. With this plugin you can display a preconfigured Facebook Fan Page-Like All your visitors should know about your facebook page and tell their friends. With this

facebook likebox, facebook page plugin, facebook popup, fancybox, lightbox, share buttons, social media, social popup
-151 new websites added last month

WP SVG Icons

Quickly and effortlessly enable 490+ beautifully designed SVG font icons, available on the frontend and backend of your site. Features Over 490 icons included Create and upload your own custom icons using the custom icon impor

awesome, boot, Bootstrap, broccolidry, css3, custom, customizable, customize, customizer, design, dropdown, evan, font, font icon, font-awes
+5 new websites added last month

Cookies for Comments

Sets a cookie on a random URL that is then checked when a comment is posted. If the cookie is missing the comment is marked as spam. This plugin will This plugin adds a stylesheet or image to your blog's html source code. When a browser lo

comments, cookies, spam
-96 new websites added last month

Snazzy Maps

Apply styles to your Google Maps with the official Snazzy Maps WordPress plugin. Snazzy Maps adds styles to your existing Google Maps with the click of a button. Features Browse through hundreds of free styles. Quickly apply styles to a

color, google, google maps, maps, schemes, styled maps, styles, themes
+1 new websites added last month

Constant Contact for WordPress

Integrate Constant Contact into your website with this full-featured plugin. This plugin requires a Constant Contact account. Don't have an account? Constant Contact offers a free 60 day trial, so sign up and give this plugin a whirl!

api, constant contact, email, email marketing, event, event marketing, events, form, forms, mail, mailing list, newsletter, newsletters, plu
-93 new websites added last month


-3 new websites added last month

Super Socializer

The unique Social Plugin to let you integrate Social Login, Social Share and Social Comments at your website Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Arabic, Russian and Serbo-Croatian translations included Feature list Social Sharing from

bbPress, buddypress, capture social data, champ, comments, connect,, Digg, Facebook Login, float it, free social login, Google L
-25 new websites added last month

Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup

Give identity to your single or multi-author WordPress website with Fancier Author Box - The Only Author Box Plugin You'll Ever Need. If you're looking for a way to make your every page a landing page for new contacts and leads, then

author, author bio, author bio box, author box, author description, author profile, Facebook, fancier author box, google plus, instagram, li
-119 new websites added last month

WP PageNavi Style

Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi wordpress plugin. First i will like to say thanks to Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan & scribu for this beautiful wordpress page navigation plugin. To Use this plugin you must have Wp Pagenavi plugin in

navigation, pagenavi css, pagenavi style, pagenavi styling, pages, pagination, paging, wp pagenavi styling
-131 new websites added last month


-66 new websites added last month

2 Click Social Media Buttons

Facebook-Like/Empfehlen, Twitter, Flattr, Xing, Pinterest, t3n, LinkedIn und Googleplus dem deutschen Datenschutz entsprechend in WordPress. Fügt die Buttons für Facebook-Like (Empfehlen), Twitter, Flattr, Xing, Pinterest, t3n, LinkedIn

button, Facebook, flattr, googleplus, linkedin, pinterest, privacy, social, t3n, twitter, twoclick, xing
-98 new websites added last month


+113 new websites added last month


Counter and statistics plugin for WordPress. Counterize is a complete counter and statistics plugin with no external library dependency. Saves timestamps, visited URL, referring URL, IP addresses (1), operating systems and browser informa

Browser, chart, counter, diagram, graph, hits, operating, statistics, stats, system, traffic, Visit
-65 new websites added last month


+160 new websites added last month

Aqua Page Builder

Powerful Drag & Drop Page Builder with UI that feels like home with WordPress. Aqua Page Builder is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create an unlimited number of template variations for use in your WordPress themes. It f

aquagraphite, page builder, syamilmj
-26 new websites added last month

User Access Manager

With the "User Access Manager"-plugin you can manage the access to your posts, pages and files. With the "User Access Manager"-plugin you can manage the access to your posts, pages and files. You only create a user group, put reg

access, admin, member, member access, member area, members, page, pages, Post, posts, privacy, private, restrict, user, user access manager,
-77 new websites added last month


+68 new websites added last month

Contact Form 7 Style

Simple style customization and templating for Contact Form 7 forms. Requires Contact Form 7 plugin installed. This plugin is an addon for Contact Form 7 which needs to be installed on your wordpress blog. Supports custom styling, which can

cf7, CF7 addon, CF7 style, Christmas templates, contact form 7, contact form 7 css, contact form 7 style, contact form 7 styling, custom for
+15 new websites added last month


Making WordPress multilingual Features Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. The trans

bilingual, international, language, localization, multilanguage, multilingual, translate, translation
+35 new websites added last month


-16 new websites added last month


-15 new websites added last month

Add Local Avatar

This plugin adds the ability to manage global, local, and use twitter avatars. Adds local (private) avatars for your users. Maybe your users don't want a global avatar, aren't IT savvy enough to set a Gravatar up, simply want a private av

Avatar, global, gravatar, images, local, photos, pictures, user
-99 new websites added last month

Widgets on Pages

The easy way to Add Widgets or Sidebars to Posts and Pages by shortcodes or template tags. ''NOTE'' Apologies but you may lose the widgets in your customised sidebars if upgrading from pre 0.0.8 version. The cause of this loss is required

inline, pages, Post, shortcode, sidebar, widgets
-89 new websites added last month


+107 new websites added last month


+116 new websites added last month

Scroll Back To Top

This plugin will add a button that allows users to scroll smoothly to the top of the page. Scroll Back to Top is a WordPress plugin to add a button that appears only when users scroll down the page allowing them to scroll to the top of the

arrow, back, back to top, button, icon, jquery, link to top, scroll, scroll back to top, scroll to top, scroll top, scroll up, scroller, Smo
-106 new websites added last month