Top plugins for WordPress

This is a review and relative rating of the WordPress plugins, based on an analysis 1,500 000+ WordPress websites.

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The more sites - the higher rating of plugin.


+197 new websites added last month


An easy-to-use widget creator for Joomla and WordPress to build entire pages in no time.

-4 new websites added last month

AccessPress Social Icons

Add social media icons on your site | select from pre-designed sets or upload your own | create multiple icon sets | Use it anywhere using shortcode. Link-up your social profiles right from your website, in an easy and fun way! AccessPres

social icon, social icon widget, social icons, social icons widget, social media, Social Media Icons, Social Media Plugin, social networking
+26 new websites added last month


+103 new websites added last month


+192 new websites added last month


Soliloquy is a responsive WordPress slider plugin that makes building sliders in WordPress a task that you will want to experience over and over again.

-26 new websites added last month


+49 new websites added last month


+119 new websites added last month

WordPress Social Login

WordPress Social Login allow your visitors to comment and login with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and more. WordPress Social Login allow your website readers and customers to register on using their existing soc

comment, dribbble, Facebook, github, google, instagram, linkedin, login, Reddit, register, social login, social networks, Steam,,
+63 new websites added last month


+271 new websites added last month

Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons

Super lightweight, simple, nice, modern looking and effective social media sharing and following buttons and icons on your site quick and easy WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight free social media WordPress plugin that al

bookmark, bookmarking, bookmarks, button, buttons, content, CSS, edit, Facebook, filter, flickr, follow, following, foursquare, free, google
-28 new websites added last month


Finally official* web fonts plugin for wordpress. CLICK ON ANYTHING TO CHANGE IT(see screenshots)! Then change color, size and font face using sliders Finally official web fonts plugin for wordpress. No need for any coding at all! How? Thi

AJAX, font, fonts, fonts plugin, Google WebFont, TinyMCE plugin, typekit, web fonts, webfonts
-7 new websites added last month

Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin

AWPCP Classifieds: Great for increasing retention to your site, adding revenue for your business, and creating customer interaction. Main Site | Support Forum | Documentation | Showcase | Premium Modules Add a classified ads section to y

ads, awpcp, classified, classified ads, classified script, classified theme, classifieds, classifieds script, classifieds theme, wp classifi
-19 new websites added last month


+275 new websites added last month

Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar plugin - it's ultimate booking system for online reservation and availability checking service for your site. Booking Calendar plugin will enable online booking services for your site. It's highly supported, oldest (s

accommodations, appointment, availability, availability calendar, bed and breakfast, Booking, Booking calendar, booking form, booking system
+58 new websites added last month


+237 new websites added last month


Royal Slider for WordPress is responsive image gallery and HTML content slider plugin with touch swipe navigation. Plugin is mobile-friendly and allows creating completely custom slideshows and css3 banner rotators with images, videos or HT

-26 new websites added last month


GigPress is a live performance listing and management plugin that's been serving musicians and performers since 2007. GigPress is a powerful live performance listing and management plugin designed for musicians and other performers. M

artists, bands, concerts, music, musicians, performers, record labels, shows, tours
+1 new websites added last month

WordPress Content Slide

Content Slide is used to create fully customizable jquery Fading image slideshow anywhere within your WordPress site. Custom options include slideshow size, color, style and more. Created using Jquery Coin Slider and the fade effect is cre

ads, images, photos, rotating ads, rotating banners
-22 new websites added last month

Feedburner Form

Feedburner Form let you insert a Google Feedburner subscription form in any widgetized area of your site. Feedburner Form is a simple plugin that allows you insert Google Feedburner subscription forms in widgetized areas of you site. By us

feed, feedburner, form, rss, subscribers, subscription
-28 new websites added last month


+88 new websites added last month

Better Click To Tweet

Insert click to tweet boxes into your posts, simply and securely. This plugin is customizable, regularly updated, and future-proof. The Best Click To Tweet Plugin on the Market, FREE! This plugin allows you to easily create tweetable cont

Auto Post, bitly, click to tweet, deutsch, español, finnish, italiano, plugin, Post, posts, Russian, Share, social media, suomi, svenska, t
-31 new websites added last month

Mashshare - Social Media Icons SEO Share Buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Subscribe

Social Media Icons & Share Buttons, a highly customizable social sharing and & Media SEO ecosystem Facebook, Twitter and more ... Mashshare - The Social Media Ecosystem (Twitter counts supported) This free Social Media Icon

analytics, email, Facebook, pages, share buttons, social media, Social Share Buttons, social sharing, subscribe, Traffic posts, twitter, wid
-5 new websites added last month


CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress is a pack of pure CSS3 Web Pricing Tables with 2 table styles and 20 predefined color versions that comes loaded with tons of options like extensive admin panel with live configuration,

+27 new websites added last month


This WordPress plugin boosts your website with... you guessed it, columns! Create a column group with the [column-group] shortcode, then add columns to the group with the [column] shortcode, like this: [column-group] [column]This is m

columns, shortcode
-10 new websites added last month

Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox

All your visitors should know about your facebook page and tell their friends. With this plugin you can display a preconfigured Facebook Fan Page-Like All your visitors should know about your facebook page and tell their friends. With this

facebook likebox, facebook page plugin, facebook popup, fancybox, lightbox, share buttons, social media, social popup
-46 new websites added last month


ZillaLikes A simple plugin which allows you to quickly and easily add “liking” functionality to your pages and posts on your WordPress powered site.

+174 new websites added last month

Official MailerLite Sign Up Forms

Add newsletter sign up forms to your WordPress site. Subscribers will be saved directly to your MailerLite account. Super easy to set up! Official MailerLite WordPress plugin The Official MailerLite Sign Up Form plugin makes it easy to gr

form, mailerlite, newsletter, subscribe, webform
+47 new websites added last month


-16 new websites added last month

Pinterest Pin It Button On Image Hover And Post

Pin Your WordPress Blog Posts Pages Images With Pinterest Plugin Pinterest pin it button on image hover plugin provides facility to pins your blog posts, pages and images into your Pinterest account boards. Simply install then activate the

pin images, pin it button, pin it button on post and page, pin it on hover, pin photo, pin plugin, pinterest, pinterest button, pinterest ph
-13 new websites added last month