
36 relevant result(s)

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Friendly ResponsiveSlides Slider
5 websites A widget and shortcode to easily implement the amazing ResponsiveSlides jQuery Slider. All of the hard work by @viljamis @viljamis made an amazing jQuery slideshow plugin called ResponsiveSlides. you
Subscribers Text Counter
15 websites Facebook fans, twitter followers, YouTube subscribers and WordPress members raw text counters to use as a widget, in post/page content or in blog temp This plugin let you create your customized twitt
Responsive Google Map
79 websites Just another Responsive Google Map, 24 beautiful map styles with latest version. Responsive Google Map helping you integrate Google Map without any authentication key. You can independently customize
Custom Posts Order
25 websites A plugin which allows you to order the posts with simple Drag and Drop Sortable capability. Custom Posts Order plugin will order posts with simple Drag and Drop Sortable capability. Place a shortcode
Opacity Tags
32 websites Opacity Tags generates a new type of tag cloud that uses a link's opacity to indicate its popularity. No more ugly tag clouds! Opacity Tags generates a new type of tag cloud that uses a link's o
WooCommerce Cart Tab
332 websites Displays a sitewide link to the WooCommerce cart which reveals the cart contents on hover. A big UX mistake on many eCommerce web sites is hiding access to the cart. The next logical step after addin
Tabbed Widgets
72 websites Create tab and accordion type widgets without writing a single line of code. Tabbed interfaces can save a lot of vertical space and make your website look less cluttered. Accordion type tabs are par
iTunes Charts
6 websites iTunes widget that automatically updates to reflect the latest charts. iTunes widget that automatically updates to reflect the latest charts
75 websites Tabs, toggles, accordions, and all that jazz. Bells and whistles done right. Whistles was not born as "just another tabs plugin". It was born out of the idea that we need to get rid of all other plu
Social Subscribers Counter
16 websites Social Subscribers Counter is a plugin which display your twitter followers, facebook fans, and feedburner subscribers with a widget and also in the & This plugin allow you to display your Twitte
YouTube Video Inserter
13 websites This plugin help you to insert YouTube Videos to your WordPress Blog with Infos from YouTube. This plugin help you to insert YouTube Videos to your WordPress Blog. You just have to insert the URL and
SAPE Links
150 websites SAPE.RU: Adds widget and shortcode to integrate contextual links for Russian webmasters. This plugin is in Russian language only. Что нового в версии 0.5 Возможнос
DX GitHub Badge
3 websites Display simple GitHub profile badge. Works with widget or placing a shortcode. Display simple GitHub profile badge. Works with widget or placing a shortcode. The plugin is based on Github Badge - htt form
11 websites A very simple plugin which allows users to leave their phone numbers so that you could call tham back later This plugin contains a form where users can leave their telephone whether they want you to
Facebook Popup Like Box
149 websites Show a popup like box when a user visits your WordPress site! Update: This module is now responsive by default Here's a great way to increase Facebook likes for your site.  Add this enticing widge
7 websites Displays categories and subcategories as a mindmap Displays categories and subcategories as a mindmap in a widget Shortcode use : [mindcat cat='' size=50 title='' hide_empty=0 count=0 max_level=0]
Empire Avenue Tools
2 websites Tools to integrate Empire Avenue features in your blog. Add Empire Avenue features to your blog. This plugin will automatically convert (e)TICKER on your blog to a link to the user's page on EA. Cus
Email subscriber
2 websites Best and the simple way to make your blog perfect and add a widget so people can subscribe to your email list. Free plugin with free support. Best and the simple way to make your blog perfect and add
BW Posts Top
9 websites BW Posts Top is a widget to show your posts on top of website. You can use it to show latest post with many themes. BW Posts Top support you to show your posts on top of website. It useful for displa
Google Analytics Visits
130 websites Uses GAPI (Google Analytics PHP Interface) to fetch data from your analytics account and displays visits from each country in the widget with flags. This wordpress plugin uses GAPI (by Stig Manning)
Contextual Nav Menu
23 websites Add some Contextual Navigation Menu Features. Add some Contextual Navigation Menu Features. Provide contextual menus as Navigation Menu, Breadcrumb Navigation Menu and Navigation Submenu Widget. Wh
Random Post
14 websites Spider Random Post allows you to show posts in a random order in a sidebar. You can display simultaneously as many random posts as you need. Display random posts on the sidebar from the same category
27 websites Plugin for displaying daily links. Inserting favorite links while you are surfing web into yout blog. You can make link dump of favorite links you visit regularly.This plug-in can record number of vi
WPSSO Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons - with Support for Admin Edit Pages
26 websites WPSSO extension to add Ridiculously Responsive (SVG) Social Sharing Buttons in your content, excerpts, CSS sidebar, widget, shortcode, etc. Add awesome and Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Butt
Cleverness To-Do List
217 websites Integrates a customizable, multi-featured to-do list. This plugin provides users with a to-do list feature. You can configure the plugin to have private to-do lists for each user, to have all users
FCChat Widget
10 websites An interface for real time chat, video conferencing, instant messaging, and more. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Existing users, please update your host value to ''. DEMO http://www.fas
Handsome Testimonials (with widgets)
22 websites Design and display eye catching testimonials on your site in a snap Handsome Testimonials lets you easily display attractive and eye catching testimonials on your site that evoke your customer’s tr
Janrain Social Login
45 websites Social Login by Janrain Enable people to quickly register or log in to your site using their existing identities from Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, or dozens of other social networks. Janrain
Vertically scroll rss feed
8 websites This plugin scroll the RSS feed title vertically in the widget, admin can add/update the RSS link & style via widget management. Check official website for live demo :
FX Currency Tables
2 websites FX-ForeignExchange 6 currency cross table plugin for WordPress. This easy to use tool adds a horizontal 6 currency table to posts and pages, and the w FX-ForeignExchange 6 currency cross table plugin
Offer Calc
9 websites Offer Calc is a simple plugin letting your site visitors to calculate your services at final cost. The new Offer Calc 1.2 is here! Offer Calc is a simple plugin letting your site visitors to calcula
1 websites
1 websites
245 websites Add a mobile friendly fluid width Facebook like box with an easy to use widget or shortcode
1 websites Ubecube 3D lets you to display 1 to 6 short texts in sequence. Useful for communicate News or what you want.
Kebo Twitter Feed
330 websites Display your Twitter Feed beautifully in 60 seconds. Hassle-free and user-friendly way to add a Twitter Feed to your website. Get started in just a few clicks without the need to setup your own Twitt