
36 relevant result(s)

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WP flash img show
31 websites wp-flash-img-show is a FLASH Image Slide plugin for WordPress. You can show your articles , photo,goods,product and other ad. or introduction.Just enj English wp flash img show is a FLASH Image Slid
Scroll Back To Top
1490 websites This plugin will add a button that allows users to scroll smoothly to the top of the page. Scroll Back to Top is a WordPress plugin to add a button that appears only when users scroll down the page a
WWM Social Share On Image Hover
65 websites Easily add social sharing icons on every wordpress image hover! WWM Social Share On Image Hover is a WordPess Plugin that helps you to add social media icons on your Post images . It will shows socia
DevBuddy Twitter Feed
72 websites A Twitter (v1.1) feed plugin for the developers that's fully customisable and support timelines, searches and lists. NOTE: This plugin requires your server to have cURL enabled to work. Feature
19 websites Get appreciated for great content and monetize in new ways. Include a button on each article to allow readers to tip you. - the leading micropayment infrastructure for
61 websites Improve your social media spreading by letting your users pay with a like, a tweet or +1. wpLike2Get allows you to do this easily. WordPress out of the box is smart enough to give you the ability to
Add To Facebook
384 websites This plugin adds a footer link to add the current post or page to a Facebook Mini-Feed. This plugin adds a footer link to add the current post or page to a Facebook Mini-Feed. While the plugin is ac
LB Back To Top
16 websites Including button that takes the user to the top of the page. This plugin includes a button that appears when the user scrolls the scroll bar when you click the button the user is taken to the top of
RealTidbits PushQuote
23 websites PushQuote turns your pullquotes into quotes your readers can share on Twitter and Facebook. PushQuote turns your pullquotes into quotes your readers can share on Twitter and Facebook. Enjoy !
1 websites SharePulse ranks in a widget your site's posts which have had the greatest share count, using Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and your comments. Relying on hit counts simply does not reflect the imp
Social Buttons
5 websites Selectively add social network buttons to your posts, or theme design. Selectively add social network buttons such as digg, sphinn, etc to your posts or theme design. I wrote this plugin because I w
Jamie Social Icons
304 websites Share your posts & pages with your favourite social sites - Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest And LinkedIn and now trackable with your Goo Show social icons at the top or bottom of post/p
Contact Form 7 Select Box Editor Button
31 websites Add a contact form link into article text. For contact forms where the recipient can be chosen in a select box. Ever wanted to use one contact form for all your contacts? Yet be able to link to a spe
Quote Tweet
20 websites A plugin that shows a link when a user selects text on your WordPress site to quote that text, with the current URL, in a tweet. Let your visitors share a quote from your pages with Quote Tweet! Whe
Easy Scroll To Top
5 websites Easily scroll back to the top of your website pages. Easy Scroll To Top is a WordPress plugin to add a button that appears only when users scroll down the page allowing them to scroll to the top of t
2 websites
Easy Social Share Buttons
1396 websites Easily add social sharing buttons to your posts and images without slowing down your site with unnecessary javascript and image files. Add social sharing buttons to your posts without slowing your we
48 websites zbPlayer is a small and very easy plugin. It does one thing: capture mp3 links and insert a small flash player instead. zbPlayer is a very easy audio plugin - you can select some options like: includ
Add to Feedly
65 websites This plugin provides a widget to Display a "Follow on Feedly" banner in your sidebar and a floating button at bottom. Feedly users can subscribe your RSS feed just by clicking the banner "F
Social Share Buttons
6 websites Add various social networking share buttons to your website, including Facebook, Twitter, digg, delicious, StumbleUpon, Pinterest and Linkedin. Add various social networking share buttons to your web
8 websites PullQuote turns your pullquotes into quotes your readers can share on Twitter and Facebook. PullQuote turns your pullquotes into quotes your readers can share on Twitter and Facebook. It's based on
Pinterest Image Pin
26 websites Adds Pinterest button to individual images for one by one image pinning. Enjoy This Pinterest plugin will enable your sites visitors to pin individual images on Pinterest, the pin button will appear
Facebook All
367 websites Make your blog fully social with facebook social plugins and allow your visitor to comment and login with Facebook and Google. The Facebook All Plugin is a collection of facebook social plugins for W
Dynamic "To Top" Plugin
3220 websites Adds an automatic and dynamic "To Top" button to easily scroll long pages back to the top. This WordPress plugin adds an automatic and dynamic "To Top" button to easily scroll long pages ba
Shareaholic | share buttons, related posts, social analytics & more
5 websites World's leading all-in-one Content Amplification Platform that helps grow your site traffic, engagement, conversions & monetization for FREE. Shareaholic is the world's leading all-in-one Co
Shareaholic | share buttons, related posts, social analytics & more
170 websites World's leading all-in-one Content Amplification Platform that helps grow your site traffic, engagement, conversions & monetization for FREE. Shareaholic is the world's leading all-in-one Co
Genesis Simple Love
8 websites Allow your beloved visitors to love your posts and post types aside from sharing! Turn your genesis powered website to more reader engaging site. This plugin requires Genesis Simple Share Are you us
9 websites Just install flodjiShare to enable Social Sharing and SEO-Features on your WordPress site. This Plugin is also compatible to Multi-Author Blogs. EN: Just install flodjiShare to enable Social Sharing
Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange
412 websites Social Login, Social Sharing allows login, share, comment using any social media like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Vkontakte. EASIEST to configure. Social Login, Social Sharing Social Login, Social Sh
2-Klicks-Button - Socialshareprivacy Plugin
84 websites Wordpress-Plugin Umsetzung des 2-Klick-Button Scripts von Datenschutz freundliche Social-Media-Einbindung von Facebook, Twitter und Google+. Ein WordPress-Plugin. Die Umsetzung des 2-Klick-B
Video Recorder
6 websites Build Your Community with Fan Videos. Collect and share crowdsourced video with Vidrack web-based video recorder. Your biggest fans can record and submit videos on your website. Our video recorder w
WP Load More Posts
10 websites WP Load More Posts is a simple and light-weight plugin for easily adding a Load More Posts button to your WordPress blog posts. WP Load More Posts is a simple and light-weight plugin for easily addin sharing for Jetpack
14 websites Add a sharing button to the Jetpack Sharing module Extends the Jetpack plugin and allows you to add a sharing button to the list of sharing services available under Settings > Sharin
Highlight and Share
169 websites A WordPress plugin for highlighting text and sharing it via Twitter. A WordPress plugin for highlighting text and sharing it via Twitter. Sharing selectable text is only possible via Twitter, but an The Social Sharing Platform that Captures 100% of your sites Social Activity!
100 websites encourages social sharing, tracks dark social sharing of your content, provides comprehensive analytics and actionable reporting. is the leading sharing platform that has the capability t
4 websites The Wolfram CDF Plugin is a simple robust plugin that allows users to place CDF Documents on their WordPress Blogs. The Wolfram CDF Plugin adds a CDF button to the WordPress HTML and visual post edit