
36 relevant result(s)

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Tweet This
205 websites Tweet This offers easily embedded, stylish tweetable content boxes in your posts and pages. Get your visitors sharing on Twitter today! All the pros agree. Sharing your content on Twitter is an immen
X-Scroll To Top - Responsive
27 websites This plugin will automaticaly add a scroll to top on bottom center. X Scroll to top plugin makes the scrolling of a page easier. It appends an icon at bottom of the page which attracts user attention
Skype Legacy Buttons
55 websites Unlimited, highly customizable and accessible (!) Skype buttons through widgets, post shortcode/quicktag and template tags. NOTICE: as of Mai 2015, Microsoft has officially dropped Skype's Online Sta
wp tell a friend popup form
95 websites This will create Tell A Friend form to the user to share the link to their friend. Concept of this plugin is to open Tell A Friend form in the popup. Check official website for live demo http://www.g
Facebook Like Box
2 websites Get thousands of extra facebook page likes in few days. The Like Box is a special version of the Like Button designed only for Facebook Pages. It allows admins to promote their Pages and embed a simp
Social Toolbar
2 websites Plugin for adding a highly customizable toolbar with color selection, social network icons, recent tweet and share buttons into footer. Now updated with a full web-based, management and customizatio
Podcast Player
11 websites Easily add a podcast player to your WordPress website with shortcodes and a user-friendly button. Embed or create a podcast on your WordPress blog with our plugin. Just use our shortcodes or user-fri
Mashshare - Social Media Icons SEO Share Buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Subscribe
1551 websites Social Media Icons & Share Buttons, a highly customizable social sharing and & Media SEO ecosystem Facebook, Twitter and more ... Mashshare - The Social Media Ecosystem (Twitter counts sup
BNS Support
3 websites Widget to display and share common helpful support details. Displays useful technical support information in a widget area (sidebar); or, via a shortcode on a post or page. The displayed details are
Facebook Like
1 websites Facebook Like button in all post , page and front end. You can also setting. Facebook Like button in all post , page and front end and category. You can change display at Setting > Facebook Like.
Social Widget
82 websites A beautiful widget that allow you to add a stylish Facebook like box, twitter follow button and a google +1 button to your sidebar. Adds a social widget for your social media account to your wordpres
Video Onclick
3 websites This plugin inserts youtube video code when clicked on Play button. This reduces load time on pages with many videos. Speed up your site! Instead of heavy flash plugin this plugin loads only thumbnai
Metro Buttons
11 websites This plugin allows you to display catchy looking Metro style button using shortcode in your posts, pages and widgets. Use it for your call to action button to catch your visitor attention. More info
90 websites DEPRECATED :: Share your posts with Twitter, Facebook, and a host of other services Future upgrades to Sharedaddy plugin will only be available in Jetpack. Jetpack connects your blog to the WordPres
Dailymile Widgets
18 websites Share your latest workout with Dailymile widgets in your WordPress sidebar. Widgets are cached so your pages load faster. Share your latest workout with Dailymile widgets in your WordPress sidebar. T
4 websites Alert your visitors that they are using ad-blocking software and present them with a nice message telling them to switch it off for your site. I created this plugin initially because I noticed that s
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