
36 relevant result(s)

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Facebook Comments for WordPress
822 websites Allows your visitors to comment on posts using their Facebook profile. Supports custom styles, notifications, combined comment counts, recent comments Official site (check for the latest): http://j.m
Devrama Image Lazyload
5 websites Devrama Image Lazyload loads images in the content of your post as you scroll down. It makes the page load faster and reduce server traffic. Devrama Image Lazyload loads images in the content of your
Dynamic Content Gallery
1129 websites Creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest or featured content posts, categories, pages and Custom Post Type posts. This plugin creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest and/or featured cont
Inline Google Docs
8 websites This plugin allows you to embed Google Document/Spreadsheet content in posts and pages using shortcode. Many people maintain dynamic content on Google Documents or hold volatile data on Google Spread
RP News Ticker
6 websites A versatile horizontal news ticker using liScroll.js The plugin creates a shortcode to be used in a widget to display a nice horizontal newsticker which can be placed in a sidebar. Since 0.7: one can
Cyclone Slider
712 websites Create amazing slideshows with ease. Built for both developers and non-developers. Cyclone Slider follows the keep it simple mantra. It leverages wordpress' built-in features. It uses custom post for
TheThe Posts and Comments Widgets
10 websites A wordpress plugin that creates widgets to allows you output all types of posts and comments anywere you like in a style you prefer. The TheThe Posts and Comments Widgets WordPress plugin by TheTheFl
NextGEN Scroll Gallery
277 websites Awesome free JavaScript gallery. BMo-Design's Mootools Javascript ScrollGallery as a Plugin for the WordPress NextGEN Gallery. Nextgen Scroll Gallery: A WordPress Plugin that allows you to use t
Cms Pack
6 websites Add subtemplates to wordpress. Submenu widget. Imageresize. Custom fields on page admin. Add Content It started out as an idea for a lot of different classes that should make wordpress better for us
Stella plugin
5 websites Simple and effective way to build a multi-language website. Stella plugin for WordPress is designed to give the user a simple and effective way to build a multi-language website. It makes it possibl
Lightweight Social Sharing Buttons
3 websites Adds social sharing buttons to single posts and pages. No external scripts or images. This plugin adds social sharing buttons to posts and pages for Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. It doesn
Frontend Uploader
30 websites This plugin allows your visitors to upload User Generated Content (media and posts/custom-post-types with media). What is Frontend Uploader? This plugin is a simple way for users to submit content t
Video Onclick
3 websites This plugin inserts youtube video code when clicked on Play button. This reduces load time on pages with many videos. Speed up your site! Instead of heavy flash plugin this plugin loads only thumbnai
5 websites Make nice notes, alerts with Style Box in your post. Make Styled Note box, Alert box, Help box, Tip Box, Important Box and loads of of other boxes in your posts using classes.
4 websites Highlighting the code in the post with JavaScript library «google-code-prettify».
HD Quiz
4 websites A very easy to use and feature rich plugin to create an unlimited amount of quizzes or questionnaires and embed them onto any page or post. HD Quiz is a very easy to use plugin to create an unlimited
Easy Image Collage
286 websites Create beautiful responsive image collages for all your posts and pages Use Easy Image Collage to easily add responsive image collages to your posts, pages or any custom post type. Go to our website
KN Mobile ShareBar
87 websites Displays a floating share bar with custom shared text on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp at bottom or top of your website via mobile. How it works? Displays a floating share bar with custom shared t
Event List Calendar
83 websites Adds an Events section to the admin which allows you to post events and display them in an ajax powered calendar or a simple list of upcoming events. This plugin adds an Event post type to the WordPr
Author Product Review
105 websites This plugin allow author to add markup options for product reviews. You can add a reviewed product to any blog post and this plugin will display stars at the bottom of said post. Option is
Cleio Toolbox
2 websites Cleio ToolBox is packed with nifty widgets and shortcodes that will cover all the basics of blogging... and more! Key Features New Post Type and Widget: Photo Post, to feature your latest photo pos
WordPress Countdown
20 websites Add JQuery Countdown easily to your page/post with one shortcode only Easily add JQuery Countdown easily to your page/post with one shortcode only Example: [wpc_countdown] Will show next 7 days co
MoneyPress : eBay Edition
34 websites This plugin allows you to display eBay listings on your web site by placing a simple shortcode in your page or post. Filter results by keyword, seller Our MoneyPress : eBay Edition plugin allows you
Smooth Scroll Up
651 websites Smooth Scroll Up is a lightweight plugin that creates a customizable "Scroll to top / Back to top" feature in any post/page of your WordPres Smooth Scroll Up is a lightweight plugin that cr
Classic Facebook Feeds
26 websites Easily Display custom feeds Facebook Feeds to WordPress blog site from any Facebook Fan Page. Classic Facebook Feed is a plugin for display facebook feed on your blog or site. Here you can Get feed f
news ticker benaceur
57 websites This plugin allow you to display the latest posts or latest comments or news in a bar with nineteen beautiful animations and effects... This plugin allows you to view the latest posts or latest comme
Easy External Links
121 websites Take control of external links in WordPress posts, pages & comments. Insert `rel=external nofollow` and `target=_blank` to all your external links Easy External Links is a SEO friendly, external
Like Button Voting & Rating
182 websites Add Like button to posts, pages, comments, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress, custom post types! Sort content by likes! Get instant stats and insights! The Like Button Voting & Rating plugin allow
166 websites PixProof it allows you to have a protected straight forward environment to discuss and proof photos from photo shootings. PixProof is a custom WordPress plugin that is meant to ease the way photograp
Flickr foto info
5 websites This plugin shows a small toolbar over photos from Flickr embedded in your post. The toolbar buttons show Location, EXIF and lots more in a Thickbox This plugin shows a small toolbar over photos from
Genesis Subpage Sidebar
15 websites This plugin replaces your Genesis primary sidebar with a list of child pages (supports custom post types). Only works with Genesis child themes. This plugin should only be used on Genesis sites (on n
WP Single Post Navigation
86 websites This small and lightweight plugin adds next & previous navigation links on single posts to have some kind of a browse post by post nav style. Using the WordPress core function for previous and nex
Ultimate Ads Manager
48 websites Manage Advertisements like a Pro. Create, manage and display advertisements as a widget anywhere on your page. The main features of Ultimate Ads Manager are: Easy to use Awesome statistics Support
DrawIt (
82 websites Draw and edit flow charts, diagrams, images and more while editing a post. DrawIt is a WordPress plugin that interfaces with the website to easily create beautiful diagrams, flow charts and d
IK Facebook Plugin
564 websites IK Facebook is an easy-to-use plugin for adding a Custom Facebook Feed of any Public Facebook Page to your site, with a shortcode or widget. The IK Facebook Plugin is an easy-to-use plugin that allow
565 websites Create, manage and design tables without writing html code. Paging, sorting, filtering, searching and more options. With this plugin you can create and manage very easily your tables from the wordpre