
36 relevant result(s)

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1 websites flicknpress is a WordPress plugin that lets you attach a cropped photo from Flickr right inside your blog post. flicknpress is a WordPress plugin that lets you attach a cropped photo from Flickr righ
IMDB Info Box
3 websites Display movie information from IMDB in wordpress post. This plugin helps to add movie information (from IMDB) in wordpress post using shortcode [imdb id="imdbmovieid"]. IMDB Info Box is using omdbapi
Facebook Events Importer
21 websites Import Facebook events into your WordPress blog or website. Use the included widgets and sidebar to customize your events template. WordPress Facebook Events Importer: Using Facebook Events featu
AB Press Optimizer
7 websites The Easy Way to Increase Conversion in WordPress. A/B testing integrated directly into your WordPress site. Quickly and easily create dozens of different versions of your buttons and headlines. Know
Genesis Simple Sidebars
2 websites This plugin allows you to create multiple, dynamic widget areas, and assign those widget areas to sidebar locations within the Genesis Framework on a This plugin allows you to create multiple, dynami
Kouguu Facebook Like Button
14 websites Use the Facebook Like Button in your blog with this highly customizable WP plugin via iFrame or FBML. Shortcode enabled. Features: Internationalization Support: English, Deutsch Use iFrame or FBML
Simple microblogging
4 websites Add a microblog to your site; display the microposts in a widget or using a shortcode. This simple plugin allows you to easily post short messages such as thoughts and updates. These messages will n
Boxers and Swipers
65 websites Integrates Colorbox, Slimbox, Nivo Lightbox, Image Lightbox, Photoswipe and Swipebox into WordPress. Integrates Colorbox, Slimbox, Nivo Lightbox, Image Lightbox, Photoswipe and Swipebox into WordPre
Video Thumbnails
5 websites Video Thumbnails simplifies the process of automatically displaying video thumbnails in your WordPress template. Video Thumbnails makes it easy to automatically display video thumbnails in your templ
Pinterest "Pin It" Button
1057 websites Add a Pinterest "Pin It" Button to your site and get your visitors to start pinning your awesome content! Add a simple Pinterest "Pin It" Button to your posts in 2 minutes! No need to copy
Counter Ecl
19 websites Making WordPress web counter widget and cookie Law. A simple counter to the web and cookie Law. Is responsive. Features Counter Ecl A simple counter to the web Use bootstrap css. Responsive. Cus
WP ULike
675 websites WP ULike enables you to add Ajax Like button into your WP and allowing your visitors to Like/unLike the posts, comments, activities & topics. WP ULike plugin allows to integrate a beautiful Ajax
Exclusive Content Password Protect
55 websites Exclusive Content Password Protect is a plugin that allows you to hide a section (or multiple sections) of content on your page or post. Exclusive Content Password Protect is a plugin that allows you Geotagging: Geotags / GeoMetatags / GeoFeedtags / GeoMicrodata / Maps
50 websites Create geo-posttags, geo-metatags & maps for posts + pages. An easy-to-use geopicker map with auto-locating functionality helps entering locations Create geo-posttags, geo-metatags, geo-feedtags,
285 websites The easiest tool available for creating custom & great-looking Google Maps. Add multiple pins and customize maps with drag-and-drop simplicity. Easy2Map is a simple-yet-powerful tool for quickly
Imperfect Quotes
4 websites An even easier to use plugin for misquotes and testimonials! Use the intuitive and powerful rich text interface to add and edit quotes, using the 'featured image' functionality to add a thumbnail ima
829 websites Highly customizable plugin to display Instagram photos in a sidebar widget, a post or on a page. Also an image gallery with paging functionality. Attention At the moment Instapress won't work on you
1 websites The Ultimate Adsense / Ad-Management Plugin for WordPress WP-INSERT by SmartLogix : The Ultimate WordPress Plugin (Optimized for Adsense) Wp-Insert is the most powerful yet easiest to use wordpress
Xavin's Review Ratings
4 websites Adds a shortcode tag [xrr rating=4/5] that displays a rating in one of several formats. Intended for sites doing reviews. This plugin adds a shortcode tag that will display a rating in one of several
Display posts in grid layout without coding - Content Views
5882 websites It is super easy to query & display latest posts or any posts (by category, tag, author...) anywhere in responsive Grid layout without coding! Do you want to display latest posts on any WordPress
Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons
1560 websites Super lightweight, simple, nice, modern looking and effective social media sharing and following buttons and icons on your site quick and easy WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight fr
uploading downloading non-latin filename
22 websites This plugin allows you to upload/download non-latin filename. WordPress cannot attach files with non-latin file name (e.g., Korean). This is the one major drawback to popularization of WordPress amon
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
1020 websites Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. As seen on SyntaxHighlighter Evolved allows you to easily post syntax-highlighted code to you
Helios Solutions Brand Logo Slider
42 websites HS Brand Logo Slider HS Brand Logo Slider is a WordPress plugin that helps users upload logos of their, clients, affiliates, sponsors, etc. along with a tile and short description. The slider can be
Query Shortcode
14 websites An insanely powerful shortcode that enables you to query anything you want and display it however you like. This plugin gives you [query] shortcode which enables you to output posts filtered by speci
Posts per Cat [Unmaintained]
81 websites Group recent posts by category and show them inside boxes organized to columns. Posts per Cat is a simple plugin that grab all or only selected categories from blog database, and then list recent N p
Simple Events Calendar
43 websites Simple and lightweight events calendar to show events on posts/pages, manage them centrally, hCalendar compliant and stays up to date. What does the plugin do? The Simple Events Calendar is a WordPr
KK I Like It
15 websites Plugin gives users or guest an option to like an article or a page. KK I Like It - FREE VERSION!!! We are preparing for the plugin core rewriting! Please report all problems HERE Plugin gives user
Image Gallery Reloaded
311 websites Replaces the default WordPress gallery with a featured slideshow. A jQuery based Image Gallery Reloaded plugin replaces the default WordPress gallery with a highly customizable slideshow and gallery.
Kento 3D Model Viewer
14 websites Display 3D model on wordPress page, post, or custom page, 3D model rotate, zooming enabled. Display 3D model on wordPress page, post, or custom page, 3D model Rotation, zooming enabled . Plugin Feat
48 websites WP-Newsticker is a nice javascript Newsticker that show your featured (or latest) posts/pages in a nice flewing ticker. WP-Newsticker provides a powerfull and nice javascript Newsticker for WordPress
Image Caption
95 websites Adds image caption under images that have their title or alt attribute defined. Extracts the title or alt attribute from images within your blog post and generates a neat caption directly underneath
2 websites Wordpress plugin for creating jquery tabs with shorcode inside posts and pages content. Also capable to show your custom field values in a post or pag
More from Google
10 websites Easily embed Google search results within your WordPress site, with the More from Google plugin. Now you can easily add search results from Google within your WordPress search results page. The More
DDevs Media Gallery
2 websites This plugin will add Image, Video gallery items in your WordPress site using shortcodes and custom post. Just add "ddm" Before "gallery". This plugin will add Image, Video gallery items in your WordP
124 websites Add chat to your blog. Chat with your readers and let them chat with each other. Start communicating! Bring live, two-way chat to your site. Host your own live chat sessions, interact with your visi