
36 relevant result(s)

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51 websites
1 websites
11 websites
43 websites
1 websites
1 websites
11 websites
2 websites
1 websites
113 websites Monitor and display registered users activity (logins, posts, comments, etc.). You can also track and prevent hackering attemps, with IP blacklisting. This plugin logs registered users activity in yo
Captcha Bank - Solid Security & Advanced Protection
235 websites Captcha Bank is an easy to use wordpress security plugin to prevent spam on your site while letting real people pass through with ease. It's more Captcha Bank = Tough on Bots, Easy on Humans WP
3808 websites Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress on the forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost p
my press articles
1 websites my press articles is the all in one wordpress plugin which includes database optimization feature (new), customize feature for wordpress login form, r Current features include 1) Google Analytics 2)
WP User Manager
274 websites WP User Manager is the best solution to manage your users and create front-end profiles for your members. WP User Manager Managing your members, creating front-end profiles and custom login and regi
Google's No Captcha reCaptcha
9 websites This plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCaptcha to WordPress comment, login, registration and lost password forms. This plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCaptcha to WordPress comment, login, regi
Edwiser Bridge - WordPress Moodle LMS Integration
118 websites Edwiser Bridge integrates WordPress with Moodle LMS & provides an easy option to import and sell Moodle courses using WordPress. Edwiser Bridge integrates WordPress with the Moodle LMS. The plugi
4 websites MyPress is a plugin that lets you customize your WordPress admin area and login screen with your logos and your color scheme. When you are creating a website for a customer in WordPress sometimes you
Captcha Code
25 websites Adds Captcha Code anti-spam methods to WordPress forms. Forms include comments form, registration form, lost passwordform and login form. Adds Captcha Code anti-spam methods to WordPress forms. Forms
Ultimate Member
2935 websites The easiest way to create powerful online communities and beautiful user profiles with WordPress Ultimate Member is a powerful and flexible plugin that makes it a breeze for users to sign-up and beco
Clef Two-Factor Authentication
550 websites Modern two-factor that people love to use: strong authentication without passwords or tokens; single sign on/off; magical user experience. The Clef mobile app provides password-free, two-factor authe
Simple Membership
1143 websites Simple membership plugin adds membership functionality to your site. Protect members only content using content protection easily. A flexible, well-supported, and easy-to-use WordPress membership plu
Paid Member Subscriptions - membership & content restriction
256 websites Accept user payments, create subscription plans and restrict content on your membership website. Paid Member Subscriptions is membership made easy. It offers a complete membership solution, allowing
23 websites Using Slider CAPTCHA, you can replace or add a CAPTCHA to your WordPress forms. By default, Slider CAPTCHA will add a CAPTCHA to your templates' comment form. You can also add sliders to the Registrat
5 websites
Site Users
1 websites This plugin allows you to create users which are not default wp_users by generating a Registration/Login functionality on frontend This plugin allows you to create users which are not default wp_user
Meta Widget Customizer
30 websites Adds a customizable meta widget for the sidebar This plugin provides an alternative to the WordPress Meta widget. It also shows by default the same 5 links (register, login or logout, entries RSS, co
FT QuickLogin by
11 websites Enhance your blog with this super sexy WordPress Authentification plugin. FT QuickLogin is a simple and versatile plugin built to enhance the whole Signup and Login process by displaying all authenti
Front-End Only Users
113 websites A customizable plugin for membership sites. Use shortcodes for registration, login, payment, etc. and only allows access to the front-end of your site Front-End Users Demo Front-End Only Users allow
WordPress Admin Bar Improved
24 websites A set of custom tweaks to the WordPress Admin Bar that was introduced in WP 3.1. Since version 3.3.5 of this plugin, it is only compatible with WP 3.3 This plugin has been completely re-written to in
100 websites Easily place a link to a __Login Form Popup__ at any place of your site. Saves a lot of screen property and looks very nice.
My Wish List
22 websites You can create a favorite list of pages or posts in easy and faster way. This plugin allows you to create wish lists or bookmark for your website pages, posts or product sheet, and display them on an
Design Approval System
27 websites A project management system to streamline the process of getting designs, photos, documents, videos, or music approved by clients quickly. See Live Example and Approve the design. Here's a look at h
Wordfence Security
212 websites The Wordfence WordPress security plugin provides free enterprise-class WordPress security, protecting your website from hacks and malware. THE MOST DOWNLOADED WORDPRESS SECURITY PLUGIN Wordfence sta
Contact Form 7 Image Captcha
1186 websites Adds a clean image captcha to Contact Form 7 Adds an image captcha to your contact form 7 forms by adding the shortcode [cf7ic] to the form editor where you want the captcha to appear. Demo Check o
Freshdesk Official
81 websites Freshdesk Official plugin is a seamless way to add your helpdesk account to your website. Supports various useful functions. Freshdesk Official plugin enables users to achieve three important functio
Custom Functions Plugin
2 websites No need any more functions.php file editing. Just give a tick mark and this plugin will do the rest for you. Lot of custom functions are ready to use. Just give a tick mark. Which one you tick only t