
36 relevant result(s)

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Popup Plugin
304 websites WP Popup plugin is beautifully designed and elegant plugin with focus on ease of use and functionality. Create unlimited Popups with subscriber forms. After the frustration with the existing popup pl
Ebook Downloader
4 websites Ebook downloader allow admin to create ebook and sell it thorugh the site. Ebook downloader gives wordpress admin to add ebooks for sale through the site. It is a so simple plugin. No login required
uLogin - виджет авторизации через социальные сети
45 websites Форма авторизации uLogin через социальные сети. Улучшенный аналог loginza. uLogin — это инструмент, который позволяет
23 websites BruteProtect is no longer actively supported. All new development is now being done on the Protect feature in Jetpack. BruteProtect is no longer supported or under active development In August of 2
wp-Easy Member Pro
3 websites An Extension to Easy Member Pro, Allowing for the Viewing of Pages and Posts Based on Membership Levels, and drip feed options. An Extension to Easy Member Pro. Wp-EasyMemberPro is a wordpress plugin
MiniMeta Widget
5 websites "Mini" Version of the WordPress Meta Widget. "Mini" Version of the WP Meta Widget Different logon types (Form,Link) Uses redirection for logon/logout All standard WP Links can enabled/di
Buddypress Force Password Change
13 websites Force Buddypress users to change their password on their next login. This plugin adds a checkbox option to the "edit user" screen in the WordPress admin that, when checked, will force a user to chang
1 websites WPChameleon allows you to offer your users multiple variations on your website's theme using CSS. After launching a new theme, I found that my readers couldn't agree on what colors they find eas
WP Analytics Pro
1 websites Displays various statistical informations in graphical chart for User Registration,New Posts,Comments,Buddypress Activity,New Updates,Birth Chart,Foru The plugn will display various statistical infor
BuddyBar Widget
18 websites The BuddyBar Widget places all the links on BuddyPress’s BuddyBar in a sidebar widget. The BuddyBar Widget places all the links on BuddyPress’s BuddyBar in a sidebar widget, so you can hide the B
62 websites Easy to use, yet powerful and a highly customizable sliding shelf for your site! Slide your target content/widget into and out of the visible page. Th This wp plugin is ideal for users who would like
Pre Loaded - CSS Image Preloader
2 websites Preload Images Contained Within ALL Referenced CSS Files. Uses jQuery to Preload to DOM. Plug n Play. Upload, activate and sit back! Preload Images Contained Within ALL Referenced CSS Files. Uses jQu
124 websites This plugin allows you to easily add a Flattr donation buttons to your blog and blog posts. Flattr was founded to help people share money, not only content. Before Flattr, the only reasonable way to
FE-Editor inline
3 websites DON'T USE IT ANYMORE BECAUSE FRONT-EDITOR NOW DOES THE SAME AND PERHAPS BETTER The famous Front-end editor by scribu is changed The famous Front-end editor by scribu http://scr
244 websites Integrate Pardot with WordPress: easily track visitors, embed forms and dynamic content in pages and posts, or use the forms or dynamic content widget Say hello to marketing automation simplicity! Wi
22 websites Adds remotely hosted service support to your WordPress website. is remotely hosted password protection and membership site management service for your website. With this plugi
Simple Email Subscriber
19 websites The simple email subscriber plugin allows user to register their email to the wordpress subscription list Requires user to register for email subscription is a pain: lots blogs doesn't allow user to
Comments Switcher
7 websites Allows users to comment on your blog using the facebook credentials or the default wordpress guest credentials. The plugin replaces your comment form and includes one that also allows to use the face
Gravitate Event Tracking
314 websites Easily create Tracking Events to be sent to Google Analytics. Author: Gravitate Description: Easily create Tracking Events to be sent to Google Analytics. This Plugin
16 websites The best captcha alternative. Accessible, Mobile-friendly, and Retina-ready! Used and loved by millions Thousands of websites are already enjoying the benefits of visualCaptcha, with less spam and m
Front End Theme Preview
5 websites Allow users to preview and/or download/buy themes on the front end This plugin allows you to preview your themes or to allow users to preview a theme on the front end. It renders a different theme f
2 websites Displays your Issuu-hosted catalog of PDF files in your wordpress posts/pages using a shortcode. is a great place to host your PDF magazines, but you'd rather keep your visitors on your sit
Custom Registration
8 websites This plugin disable auto-generated registration password and allow users to create own password on registration page. This plugin disable auto-generated registration password and allow users to creat
RDP inGroups+
3 websites Integrate LinkedIn groups into WordPress On October 14, 2015, LinkedIn converted all groups to private, which has made the groups display functionality of this plug-in impossible. However, the Sig
Frontend Edit Profile
76 websites Wordpress plugin to add profile information to your frontend with shortcode, no coding required. WordPress plugin to add profile information to your frontend through shortcode, without coding or hack
Author Profile Widget
26 websites Author Profile Widget add authors list widget and profile widget. Author Profile Widget add authors list widget and profile widget. Authors List Widget Displaying authors list. Profile Widget Dis
WP Autoloader
84 websites WordPress Autoloader helps to make life of WP developers a lot easier. This plugin loads automatically PHP classes, no need to wrote include scripts. Cool Admin Colour Schemes If you don’t find a
MailChimp List Subscribe Form
7971 websites The MailChimp plugin allows you to quickly and easily add a signup form for your MailChimp list. The MailChimp plugin allows you to quickly and easily add a signup form for your MailChimp list as a w
IG Shortcodes
30 websites A complete set of WordPress shortcodes to add beautiful and useful elements to your theme. IG Shortcodes is a complete set of WordPress shortcodes to add beautiful and useful elements to your theme.
Easy Captcha
5 websites Several types of captcha to protect your site in one easy to use plugin. Easy Captcha is an ideal solution for those who want to try different types of captcha to achieve an optimal site usability an
9 websites Integrates Hashcash.IO proof-of-work widget with login/registration/comment forms. This plugin will integrate jQuery plugin Hashcash.IO ( to be used in
WF Cookie Consent
712 websites The `wunderfarm-way` to show how your website complies with the EU Cookie Law - very easy, 100% responsive and with multi-language support! WF Cookie Consent shows the user a clear message that the s
Twit Connect
15 websites [Warning: This plugin is no longer actively supported.] Integrate Twitter and WordPress. Provides single-signon and avatars. Includes Twitter&#039 [Warning: This plugin is no longer actively
Janrain Registration
21 websites Janrain Registration and Customer Profile Data Storage Janrain makes it easy to know your customers and personalize every interaction. Our Customer Profile Management Platform helps companies build a
Simply Instagram
619 websites Simply Instagram displays your photos from Instagram either using Widget or Short Code. The Simply Instagram plugin display your Instagram photos in three Endpoints that Instagram offers through shor
Ink Coming Soon Page
1 websites Easily let website visitor know your website is in maintenance mode, while you are working on it and collect email from your visitors. The ink coming soon plugin allows you quickly create a launch pa