
36 relevant result(s)

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BuddyPress Multilingual
10 websites BuddyPress Multilingual allows BuddyPress sites to run fully multilingual using the WPML plugin. The plugin allows building multilingual BuddyPress sites. It works with single-site or multi-site Budd
Fancybox Plus
130 websites Seamless integration of Fancybox (similar to Lightview, Lightbox, Thickbox, Floatbox) to create a nice overlay to display images and videos without th A wordpress plugin which implements Fancybox. F
Cool Author Box
20 websites Adds a stylish author box with author name, bio, Gravatar and links after the content in posts and/or pages. The Cool Author Box plugin adds information about the author to the bottom of the content
Ebay Sales Lister
22 websites Contact: [email protected] Website: The Ebay Sales Lister is a plugin that lets y The Ebay Sales Lister is a WordPress plugin that
3352 websites WP-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site. Latest News I am happy to announce that, effective December 15, 2014, No
Accessible News Ticker (ANT)
10 websites A news ticker/scroller widget that displays posts and RSS with accessible javascript). A news ticker widget, able to display latest posts as well as remote RSS feed. This widget is written in Unobtru
Short Bio Widget
3 websites Its a widget that collects your short biography and show into wordpress sidebar area. User can add gravatar, name, short personal details, all common Its a widget that collects your short biography a
WP Social Bookmarking
22 websites WP Social Bookmarking plugin syndicates your blog posts in social networking sites. This plugin will add a image below your posts, allowing your visitors to share your posts with their friends, on Fa
Lazy content Slider
12 websites This Plugin will show the latest images from a catergory. You can add the slider to any page or post using shortcut code or adding to the theme php. This Plugin will show the latest images from a sel
XmasB Quotes
72 websites Add random quotes with image to your WordPress blog with this widget. XmasB Quotes lets you add and show randow quotes to your wordpress blog with ease. It uses the db to store quotes. You can speci
WP to Twitter
3326 websites Posts a Twitter update when you update your WordPress blog or add a link, with your chosen URL shortening service. Post Tweets from WordPress to Twitter. Yep. That's the basic functionality. But it'
WP Fragmention
2 websites Add support for Fragmention links to WordPress. Fragmention is a method of linking to any text in a web page proposed by Kevin Marks. It uses a double hash syntax appended to a URL with the text foll
WP Comment Remix
16 websites WP Comment Remix adds a plethora of new options and features to WordPress. For the readers WP Comment Remix adds a number of great features that you can turn on or off, but they include: Reply Link
CSV to SortTable
4 websites Import data from a spreadsheet (.csv file format) and display it in a sortable HTML table. CSV to SortTable is great for anyone who wants to display information from a spreadsheet on a WordPress webs
SlideShare Presentations in Widget
12 websites The SlideShare Presentations in Widget enables you to feature all of your SlideShare presentations and features easily on your website. If you’re looking to display your SlideShare slide decks, inf
Embed iPhone/iPad App
12 websites a plugin converts iTunes Store URLs into iOS(iPhone/iPad/iPod) app info This is a plugin to embed iOS(iPhone/iPad/iPod) app information in your post, just by pasting URL of the iTunes App Store app p
Cr3ativ Carousel
80 websites Cr3ativ Carousel plugin is taken from a custom post type used to create an easy to use carousel using your content (text, images or links) and display Easily add as many carousel items as you'd like
Easy Content Adder
24 websites A WordPress plugin to easily add content to all of your Pages, Posts, and Custom Post Types. Easy Content Adder allows you to add custom content via a native WordPress editor and display the content
74 websites Fully integrated jcarousel Image Gallery plugin for WordPress to allow quick and easy galleries built from the images attached to posts. Carousel of Post allows you to quickly and easily put one or m
Easy Social
166 websites A simple to use social media plugin with Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin & Stumbleupon post buttons and a widget. *Now includes pintrest!* Ever get tired of having a different plugin for eac
Simple Social - Sharing Widgets & Icons
25 websites Adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. This plugin adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. Widgets are
No Right Click Images Plugin
1069 websites Disables right click context menu on images to help deter leeches from glomming images. The No Right Click Images Plugin Plugin uses JavaScript to change the right click action on IMG tags to disable
Buy This Book
127 websites Buy This Book allows authors to display their books on their website with links to six different possible buying options - Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Buy This Book is a WordPress plugin designed for
e.nigma buttons
6 websites e.nigma buttons allows you to easily add buttons to your posts, pages etc. e.nigma buttons is a lightweight plugin that adresses a common problem that applies to many WordPress users: Visually highli
Google Maps All In One
45 websites Easily embed and customize Google maps on your WordPress site - in posts, pages or as an easy to use widget. Google Maps is the internet standard for mapping and direction. And why not? Their lates
Pojo Accessibility
3001 websites This plugin implements the accessibility features for the Pojo WordPress Themes. Please Note: This plugin is for Pojo Framework users only. This plugin implements the accessibility features for the
Scroll Triggered Boxes
295 websites Flexible call to action boxes, a better alternative to pop-ups. Call-To-Action Boxes Scroll Triggered Boxes is a lightweight plugin for adding flexible call-to-actions to your WordPress site. Boxes
WP PageNavi Style
1571 websites Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi wordpress plugin. First i will like to say thanks to Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan & scribu for this beautiful wordpress page navigation plugin. To Use this plu
Quick and Easy Testimonials
35 websites This plugin provides a quick and easy way to add testimonials to your site. This plugin provides a quick and easy way to add testimonials to your site. Preview Plugin Preview GitHub Repository F
RSS Retriever
388 websites A simple, lightweight RSS aggregator plugin which uses shortcode to fetch and display multiple RSS feeds. This plugin fetchs an RSS feed, or multiple feeds, and displays them in an unordered list usi
BxSlider WP
273 websites An easy-to-use WordPress slider plugin for bxSlider. Provides an easy-to-use interface for building responsive sliders and tickers with built-in touch support. Features: Very easy-to-use interface
Memberful WP
16 websites Sell memberships and restrict access to content with WordPress and Memberful. A simple WordPress membership plugin that integrates your site with Memberful. Memberful is a service for selling subscri
Auto Thickbox
597 websites Automatically enables thickbox on thumbnail images (i.e. opens the images in a fancy pop-up). The Auto Thickbox plugin for WordPress automatically enables thickbox on thumbnail images (i.e. opens the
Footer Putter
868 websites Put a footer on your site that boosts your credibility with both search engines and human visitors. Footer Putter can create two widgets: a Footer Copyright Widget and a Trademarks Widget Include yo
Open Browser Window
27 websites Opens a new browser window containing the page specified using JavaScript. Opens a new browser window containing the page specified using JavaScript. You have the option to choose the features as we
Google Translate
64 websites With Google Translate Widget you can show your website content in many different languages using the Google Translate engine. With Google Translate Widget you can show your website content in many di