
36 relevant result(s)

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Simple Responsive Slider
425 websites Put a simple, lightweight and responsive slider on your site. Put a simple, lightweight and responsive slider on your site. The plugin enables the cropped image so easy, plus the addition of links, c
TopUp Plus
1 websites Seamless integration of TopUp (similar to Lightview, Lightbox, Thickbox, Floatbox, Fancybox) to create a nice overlay to display images and videos wit TopUp is a jQuery based wordpress plugin which i
Latest twitter updates with date and time
5 websites Display the latest updates for any twitter user in a widget. Automatically embeds links to @users, #hashtags and urls. This plugin will display the most recent tweets for any twitter user who has the
AccessPress Custom CSS
48 websites Add your own custom styles to your site. AccessPress Custom CSS is a FREE plugin to add your own custom css to your site that will override plugins and theme's default stylesheets. With this plugin
WF Cookie Consent
755 websites The `wunderfarm-way` to show how your website complies with the EU Cookie Law - very easy, 100% responsive and with multi-language support! WF Cookie Consent shows the user a clear message that the s
Read Offline
24 websites Read Offline allows you to download or print posts and pages. You can download the posts as PDF, ePub or mobi NOTE This is still a beta version Features Add download links to the top and bottom of
Little Hippo
22 websites Little Hippo is a multifunction plugin for agencies and site owners that speeds up the process of onsite optimisation. Little Hippo is a Multifunction plugin for agencies and site owners that speeds
Adfever Monétisation
2 websites Plugin de monétisation pour les membres de la régie publicitaire AdFever. Ce plugin permet à tous les éditeurs inscrits sur AdFever - - d'ajouter simplement de nombreux formats de mon
13 websites Implements strong, automatic anti-spam protection for email addresses that appear in the text of articles. The "wp-spamspan" plugin implements strong, automatic anti-spam protection for email address
Blunt GA
9 websites This plugin is no longer supported. See the description. I will no longer be supporting this plugin. This plugin supports Classic (or Old) GA. Univiersal Analytics is out of Beta and in a short time
119 websites Integrate Twitter with your WordPress blog. Automatically tweet new posts, display your latest tweet in your sidebar, etc. Uses OAuth for user authent Twitter is big. Too big to ignore if you're a bl
Twitter Bird on Site
13 websites Add Twitter bird on Site with follow and tweet this links.On the mouseover the bird shows "tweet this" and displays a "follow me" This plugin gives an flying twitter bird in your
WordPress Tooltip
63 websites WordPress tooltip lets you add tooltips to content on your posts and pages. WordPress tooltip plugins lets you add tooltips to plain text and links on your post and pages. It offers a tinyMCE shortc
Gameplorer`s WPColorBox
8 websites Gameplorer`s WPColorBox adds a ColorBox effect to all of your linked images - automatically! There are a few ColorBox plugins available, but the most of them add inline JavaScript code to your site,
Share Button
10 websites With Share Buttons Widget you can share your content at Facebook, Twitter, Google, Digg, Delicious and many more! Share Buttons Widget is simple and easy to use. With Share Buttons Widget you can sh
Youtube Playlist Thumbs
57 websites Use the [ypt playlist_id=] shortcode to show a Youtube playlist with side thumbnails. Playlist videos can be triggered by links in page content. Demo Install and activate the plugin. Insert the [ypt
Accordion Shortcodes
79 websites Shortcodes for creating responsive accordion drop-downs. Accordion Shortcodes is a simple plugin that adds a few shortcodes for adding accordion drop-downs to your pages. The accordions should blend
Interactive World Map
24 websites Free plugin for WordPress displaying an interactive map of the world with clickable regions. The map features customized links and popup balloons. Looking for a responsive and mobile-friendly maps? T
Comment Autogrow
4 websites Makes the comment textarea expand in height automatically Getting comments on your site is one of the most important goals. Longer comments tend to be especially valuable. However, most comment text
Full Circle
17 websites Full Circle allows you to connect your blog to your favorite social media by announcing your blog posts automatically for you. Full Circle is develop Full Circle's primary purpose is to allow you to
bbPress Advanced Statistics
25 websites phpBB/vBulletin-esque statistics for your bbPress Forum - show off just how active your forum is with additional statistics and user tracking! The statistical functionality within core bbPress is lim
95 websites Social floating fly out tabbed boxes/panels. Can be located on either side of screen and customized to match any theme's colors. Social media floating fly out tabbed boxes. Can be located on eit
Google Universal Analytics
3 websites Adds the latest Google Universal Analytics JavaScript tracking code to your WordPress website. Many options! Adding Google Analytics code to your website has never been easier. Simply copy and paste
WP Page Numbers
1529 websites A simple paging navigation plugin for users and search engines. Instead of next and previous page it shows numbers and arrows. Settings available. User friendly navigation With page numbers instead
RSS Digest
33 websites RSS Digest is a plugin that creates daily digests from an RSS or Atom feed that you specify. RSS Digest fetches items from the RSS or Atom feed that you specify and posts them to your blog in a daily
Smart News Ticker
7 websites Smart News Ticker Plugin Super Lightweight, easy customization. This plugin enable by Smart News Ticker for wordpress, In This plugin you will get these facilities easy installation, multiple sortcod
Simple Share Buttons Adder
6693 websites A simple plugin that enables you to add share buttons to all of your posts and/or pages. The Simple Share Buttons Adder does exactly what it says on the tin – adds share buttons to all of your post
Advanced Fancybox
26 websites Fancybox (lightbox) fully copatible for wordpress. Fancybox (lightbox) fully compatible for wordpress. You can add (so far): Image link (local or external) Html content (or normal - Content
Easy Scroll Up
7 websites Easy Scroll Up Plugin Super Lightweight and easy to install. This plugin Enable for Scroll To Up in this plugin you will get various multiple color options with an option panel very easy to use just
WP Visual Adverts
9 websites WP Visual Adverts plugin allows you to quickly and easily create ads to display in the sidebar of your site. WP Visual Adverts plugin allows you to quickly and easily create different types of advert
JQuery Slick Menu Widget
33 websites jQuery Slick Menu creates a sticky, sliding menu widget from any WordPress custom menu. Creates a widget, which adds a sticky, sliding menu from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can h
WP Wall
47 websites "Wall" widget that appears in your blog's sidebar acting as a cool shoutbox for your visitors. WP Wall is a "Wall" widget that appears in your blog's sidebar acting as a cool shoutbox
6 websites Dramatically speed up your WordPress site and make navigation effectively instant by loading the next link on hover. InstantClick dramatically speeds up your website, making navigation effectively in
Ad Buttons
7 websites The Ad Buttons plugin displays a number of graphical ads in a sidebar widget The current version contains the following functionality: Add new ad buttons: By entering image URL, link URL and link te
SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
6029 websites A collection of all widgets, neatly bundled into a single plugin. It's also a framework to code your own widgets on top of. Widgets are great. No matter where you’re using them. In a Page Bu
WooCommerce Out of Stock Message
36 websites WooCommerce Extension which allows you to supply a literal message for out of stock products. This plugin allows you to supply a literal message for out of stock products. You can also add links and/