Top plugins for WordPress

This is a review and relative rating of the WordPress plugins, based on an analysis 1,500 000+ WordPress websites.

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The more sites - the higher rating of plugin.


-6 new websites added last month


Display awesome Announcements, Welcome notes, Greetings, Events, News etc with attractive style, colors, themes and position it anywhere in the page. Announcer is a easy plugin to add multiple attractive announcements, notifications, greet

admin, advertising, affiliate, announce, announcement, blog, calendar, date, editor, event, events, fixed, float, Formatting, jquery, News,
-5 new websites added last month

Brankic Social Media Widget

Social media icons with nice hover vertical animation Social media inline icons with nice hover effect (vertical slide with color change). 49 icons included (aim, apple, behnace, blogger, cargo, delicious, deviantart, digg, dopple, dribbbl

animated, brankic1979, Facebook, google, hover, icons, linkedin, media, network, plus, social, twitter
-27 new websites added last month

Useful Banner Manager

This banner manager plugin helps to manage the banners easily over the WordPress blog. It works with BuddyPress too. There are many WordPress blogs which have or need to have banners on them. So a banner manager plugin is very useful for t

ads, advertisement, banners, buddypress
-56 new websites added last month

Popular Widget

Display the most commented or most viewed posts in a tabbed widget, filter the post by date range or by category. It also includes a tags tab. This is a simple popular posts WordPress widget for your blog. Add and day interval to specify w

Avatar, box, by date, cloud, comments, current posts, dynamic, images, most commented, most-viewed, popular, popular posts, post by category
-79 new websites added last month

Event List

Manage your events and show them on your site. The purpose of this plugin is to to show a list of events with date, time, description, place, etc. on your site by using a shortcode or a widget. Current Features Admin pages to view/creat

admin, attribute, calendar, categories, category, event, events, feed, filter, list, listview, page, rss, schedule, shortcode, sidebar, widg
-22 new websites added last month

Decent Comments

Decent Comments shows what people say. Provides widgets, shortcodes and API to display comments including author avatars, links, comment excerpts. Decent Comments shows what people say. If you want to show comments along with their author

Avatar, comment, comment API, comment excerpt, comment excerpts, comment shortcode, comment widget, comments, excerpt, excerpts, latest comm
-45 new websites added last month


+24 new websites added last month

Seamless Donations

The Most Popular Donations Plugin for WordPress IMPORTANT: Before upgrading from 3.3 or if you are experiencing problems upgrading from v3 to v4, read this. Five Minutes to Your First Donation Seamless Donations is so easy to install and

charity, church, churches, crowdfunding, donate, donation, donation plugin, donations, fundraiser, fundraising, gifts, giving, non-profit, n
-7 new websites added last month


+31 new websites added last month

ZipList Recipe Plugin

Version: 3.1 Formats recipes so they are SEO-friendly. Now fully supports WordPress 4.0.1. ZipList brings your recipes right to your readers’ tables! Make your recipes SEO-friendly and more likely to appear in Google's Recipe View sear

google rich snippets, hrecipe, print recipe, recipe, recipe card, recipe seo,, seo
-46 new websites added last month


-44 new websites added last month

WordPress Charts

Create amazing HTML5 charts easily in WordPress. A flexible and lightweight WordPress chart plugin including 6 customizable chart types. Create amazing HTML5 charts easily in WordPress. A flexible and lightweight WordPress chart plugin inc

canvas, chart, chart js, charting, charts, graph, graphing, graphs, html5, line chart, pie chart, plugin, shortcode, visualisation, visualiz
-27 new websites added last month

itemprop WP for SERP/SEO Rich snippets

Add itemprop code to the (custom) post content for search engines and bots for better SERP results This plugin is very simple. Using WordPress built in function to filter element attributes and adding < meta > tags with sc

html5, images, itemprop, itemprop article, itemprop review, microdata, rich snippets, richsnippets, schema,, itemprop,
-29 new websites added last month


-13 new websites added last month


+35 new websites added last month


Sends a list of subscribers emails when you publish new posts. Automate user growth and revenue with ReadyGraph integration. Check official website for live demo Live demo More Description Sugges

email, notification, notify, posts, subscribe, subscription
-51 new websites added last month


+7 new websites added last month


+22 new websites added last month


+24 new websites added last month


-8 new websites added last month


-37 new websites added last month


+26 new websites added last month


+56 new websites added last month

Shariff Wrapper

This is a wrapper to Shariff. It enables shares with Twitter, Facebook ... on posts, pages and themes with no harm for visitors privacy. The "original" share buttons send data of your visitors to the social network sites, even if they do n

Facebook, googleplus, privacy, sharebutton, sharing, social, twitter, vk, Vkontakte, whatsapp
+8 new websites added last month

YITH Infinite Scrolling

Add infinite scrolling to archive post or shop page. They want it all right away! People have become used to see contents online in a sequential way: think about Facebook or Twitter, two navigation systems that now influence how we browse

ajax pagination, blog, blog infinite scrolling, infinite, infinite scroll, infinite scrolling, load more, scrolling, woocommerce, woocommerc
-9 new websites added last month


-34 new websites added last month

Sticky Popup

Sticky Popup is a simple and easy wordpress plugin used to add popup on fixed position like bottom, left or right side with CSS3 effects. Sticky Popup is a simple, easy and fully-customizable wordpress plugin used to add popup on fixed pos

advertisement, advertising popup, contact form, css3, css3 effects, feedback, fixed menu, float, float anything, float menu, jquery, popup,
-38 new websites added last month

Gallery Lightbox

Gallery Lightbox - Displays your images gallery into the awesome and responsive lightbox slider in just a few seconds WordPress supports image galleries without having to use any plugins. The native WordPress image gallery displays as a gr

best gallery, free gallery, gallery, gallery lightbox, image, image lightbox, image slider, images, lightbox picture, photo lightbox, Photo
-8 new websites added last month


+38 new websites added last month