
36 relevant result(s)

Most popular searches for last 30 days:
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WP To Top
207 websites This plugin will add a "back to top/ scroll to top" icon automatically to your blog. This plugin will add a "Back to top" icon automatically to your blog. It features a smooth scrolling eff
Easy Slide Show
3 websites Allows you to add Slide Show for custom Slide Show page or for e-commerce featured products. Easy Slide Show can allows you to add easy slide show to Easy Slide Show can allows you to add easy slide
WP Font Awesome
378 websites This plugin allows you to easily embed Font Awesome icon to your site with simple shortcodes. This plugin allows you to easily embed Font Awesome icon to your website using HTML or built-in shortcode
Arconix Testimonials
4 websites Easily showcase what your customers or users are saying about you or your business. Arconix Testimonials is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to showcase the great things your customers or users
Share Post
6 websites Reblog posts accross the network, Share a post link from a blog to another blog on the same WP multisite network and include the post content ! The plugin allows webmasters to suggest interesting pos
Oni Daiko
1 websites Shows a list of the latest posts from all blogs under your WordPress Multisite. Oni daiko is the traditional masked dance-drama of Sado Island in Japan since it began 500 years ago. People in Sado Is
8 websites A plugin that provides a currency converter tool integrated into the WordPress Shopping Cart. This is trunk from wp-e-commerce-multi-currency-magic pl e-Commerce Multi Currency support is a Add-on Cu
Church Pack
69 websites Developed to meet the common needs of churches using WordPress: nicely display listings of staff, create listings of ministries or groups, create widgets without knowing HTML, add photo galleries with
Tags for AnsPress
13 websites Add tag (taxonomy) support in AnsPress Support forum: Tags for AnsPress is an extension for AnsPress, which add tags (taxonomy) support for questions. An auto suggest t
Simply Sociable
21 websites Adds social media links for Google+, Twitter, and Facebook to the bottom of each blog post. This plug-in will automatically append social media links to the bottom of each blog post to share it on Go
Musopress Discography
8 websites Creates a Discography Custom Post Type and allows you to import your albums from Bandcamp. Musopress Discography creates a Discography Custom Post Type to display and organize your albums on your sit
Floating button
24 websites Floating button for you site or blog, which can give you opportunity to make a survey, show ads and collect some statistics about user. Floating Button is a new way to add survey, ads or some other a
Online Counter
3 websites Visitor Hit Counter plugin. You have the ability to chooce from different stlyles and the option to add it in your sidebar or in the footer. Visitor Hit Counter plugin. You have the ability to chooce
WP Weather Hacks
47 websites Display weather reports in the sidebar. Display weather reports in the sidebar from Livedoor weather API. Sorry! Japanese only. Plugin Homepage (Japanese) Support GitHub
AviaSales поиск авиабилетов
39 websites Плагин для поиска билетов на вашем блоге. Плагин больше не поддерживается и не обновляется Пожалуйст
570 websites font-resizer allows the visitors of your website to change the content font size This plugin allows you to give the visitors of your site the option to change the font size. The plugin acts over jQue
Inline Achives
1 websites Display your monthly archives compactly by year with individual links to each month. Replacement for wp_get_archives('type=monthly'). Display your monthly archives compactly by year with in
Genesis Slider
764 websites This plugin allows you to create a simple slider that displays the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post. This plugin allows you to create a simple slider that displays the
9 websites Adds configurable Credits / Return Policy / Privacy Policy for the European Cookies law, with links / ajax popup / hover box. This plugin lets you add different kind of links into your website, with
Cryptocurrency Ticker
28 websites Fetches, caches, and displays current cryptocurrency prices (bitcoin and litecoin, for now). Cryptocurrency Ticker displays current cryptocurrency prices (bitcoin and litecoin) on your WordPress site
Social PopUP - Facebook, Twitter & Google+
153 websites Social popup to grow your Facebook Likes and Twitter following! This plugin will display a popup or splash screen when a new user visit your site showing a Google+, twitter and Facebook follow links.
OST 3D Image Tag Cloud
5 websites Displays your post tags in 3D rotating animation. OST 3D Image Tag Cloud allows you to display your site's tags using jquery that rotates the image tags in 3D. It works just like a regular tags clou
Featured Post
1 websites Featured Post Plugin for WordPress. Plugin for featured wordpress posts. This is a cool plugin that makes it easier to mark posts as featured posts (not using specific categories) and simple markup t
Subscribe & Connect
38 websites Help your visitors subscribe to your newsletter, and connect with you via your social media profiles. Use your website as a hub for connecting with your audience. Build a following on your social med
23 websites Translates your blog to 35 languages with just one click. Translator uses the great google translation service to fulfill that task with ease. Translates your blog to 35 languages with just one click
100 Cities
7 websites Add great content to your posts automatically: just choose a city and get a map, photos, data, and related offers. Very useful for travel bloggers! 100 Cities is a plugin which displays information a
EidoGo for WordPress
3 websites EidoGo for WordPress makes it easy to embed SGF files in your WordPress-powered blog with the EidoGo SGF viewer and editor. EidoGo for WordPress makes it easy to embed SGF files in your WordPress-pow
DJD Site Post
67 websites Write and edit a post at the front end without leaving your site. Supports guest posts. Add a (responsive) form to your site to write a post without having to go into the admin section. It allows for
A-2-Z Alphabetical Archive Links
27 websites Create and diaplay a list of first characters for post/cpt titles which link to an archive of the posts/cpts that begin with that character. This widget will get a list of post/cpt title first charac
WP Mobile Menu
1823 websites Transform your website with a user friendly, dedicated and responsive mobile menu. WP Mobile Menu is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to have a specific Responsive Header and Footer Bars with sever
12 websites AdMangler Display, sell, and manage ad space on your WordPress powered site. AdMangler provides an intuitive and easy to use interface to help you display banner ads, Google ads, or your very own cus
7 websites Enables you to show a list of Events, Concerts, Sports and Theater Listings. Enables you to show a list of Events, Concerts, Sports and Theater Listings. Current Features Admin pages to view/creat
Countdown to Next Post
5 websites This plugin will display a countdown timer that counts down towards your next scheduled post. This plugin will display a countdown timer that counts down towards your next scheduled post. The countd
Bens Translator
11 websites Bens Translator is a plugin for WordPress that generates translated pages using Google Translator. The pages are cached by your webserver and displaye Bens Translator is a plugin for WordPress that g
More Subscribers
5 websites A simple plugin that uses a widget to ask for someones email and adds it to users as a subscriber. Sometimes, you just want to get the users email address and have it added to WordPress user list as
549 websites wp-forecast is a highly customizable plugin for wordpress, showing weather-data from and/or You are reading the readme.txt file for the wp-forecast plugin. wp-forecast