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TweetScroll Widget
204 websites TweetScroll is widget that displays latest tweets from you Twitter account using new oAuth API 1.1. TweetScroll is widget that displays latest tweets from you Twitter account using new oAuth API 1.1.
Login Widget With Shortcode
621 websites This is a simple login form in the widget. This will allow users to login to the site from frontend. This is a simple login form in the widget. Use this shortcode [login_widget] to use login form in
4 websites The WP FB Feeds allow you to get all the public posts of your facebook page. The WP FB Feeds allow you to get all the public posts of your facebook page. when you install it you need to go into your
Simple BMI Calculator Widget
12 websites Simple Body Mass Index Calculator as a Widget on your website. You can customize it as you want to match Your Theme. It lets you show a Simple BMI Calculator form as a widget. The result is generated
Sidebar Manager Light
201 websites Create custom sidebars (widget areas) and replace any existing sidebar so you can display relevant content on different pages. You can now replace an existing sidebar (widget area) with a custom side
Featured Image Widget Slider
33 websites Get 10 newest featured image from a selected category in a sidebar widget as a slider. Featured Image Widget Slider is a plugin by which you can get 10 newest featured image from a selected category
Blog Post Calendar Widget
220 websites The Blog Posts Calendar Widget allows you to display your archived or future posts in a calendar as a sidebar widget. Monthly grid view calendar widget highlighting archived and/or future posts. Add
Collapsing Categories
214 websites Adds a widget which uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapse the set of posts for each category. Collapsing Categories creates an expandable list of categories and subcategories. It can also
228 websites A simple widget that shows your recent tweets with fully customizable HTML output and Twitter API 1.1 support. This is a simple widget that shows your recent tweets. It also supports caching, so you
Category Post List Widget
1019 websites This plugin is used to show posts under particular category in widget and in a page. Category Post List Widget is a plugin which displays the most recent posts from a certain category. Category Post
Facebook Like OMG Ubuntu
8 websites Fecabook Like Plugin/Widget like you just seen on Are you tired of finding the the plugin that use? Now you should find the right one here. Please note that you canno
Adapter Post Preview
4 websites Show your best posts in any widget area. Creates a widget with a post preview, or a carousel of the most recent posts. Creates a widget with the post's featured image, headline, excerpt, and link. T
SlideShare Presentations in Widget
12 websites The SlideShare Presentations in Widget enables you to feature all of your SlideShare presentations and features easily on your website. If you’re looking to display your SlideShare slide decks, inf
Easy Social Buttons
9 websites It is very easy and simple Plugin for showing your social links using a simple widget so that people can connect with you more easily. When you activate this plugin widget, you'll see 'Easy Social Bu
GSY Ajax Recent Posts
1 websites Provides a widget for your site’s most recent posts with ajax. This plugin adds a widget which is like the built-in 'Recent Posts'. The main and only difference is that the built-in one doesn't upd
4 websites StackTack is a JavaScript widget that displays questions from Stack Exchange sites. If you've written a question or answer on any Stack Exchange site and you would like to share it with your readers,
Feature A Page Widget
324 websites Shows an attractive summary of any page in any sidebar. IMPORTANT: Feature a Page Widget 2.0 requires includes a new template override system. Sites using an old template should still work in most ca
anpPopular Post
7 websites Widget to display a list of the most commented posts. The posts are displayed on a color scale of colors. Widget to display a list of the most commented posts up to 10 or most viewed posts. The posts
Chuck Norris Jokes Widget
3 websites Shows a random Chuck Norris joke on your blog. For personalized Chuck Norris jokes starring yourself, please refer to the Personalized Chuck Norris Jo This plugin adds a small WordPress widget that s
MK Post and Page Excerpts Widgets
7 websites Creates widgets that display excerpts from posts or pages in the sidebar. MK Post and Page Excerpts Widgets : Creates widgets that display excerpts from posts or pages in the sidebar. You may use 'm
Posts By Tag
1 websites Provide sidebar widget, shortcode and template functions that can be used to display posts from a set of tags using various options in the sidebar or Posts By Tag WordPress Plugin, provides sidebar w
Disqus Popular Threads Widget
24 websites Shows your most commented posts from Disqus via widget, shortcode, or template tag. Integrates with the Disqus API to show your most popular threads (most commented posts). Can be added via sidebar w
GP Hub - Driver Widget
5 websites F1, Indy, Formula E championship widgets. This plugin includes two widgets: Widget 1: Series Overview. The includes the drivers & teams standings and the upcoming races. Widget 2: Driver (F1 Onl
Child pages
10 websites Displays the childpages of the page you're currently on The child pages widget automatically displays the childpages of the page you're currently viewing. If the current page has no child pages,
Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget
222 websites Shows the latest tweets from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget. This plugin displays the latest posts from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget. Easy customization of style, replies, retweets,
OH Youtube In LightBox
1 websites A simple plugin that creates a widget which performs a lightbox for any youtube video. Just choose an image, a title, a youtube ID and you are good to go. this plugin does not include any desgin (css
Multi Image Slider Widget
34 websites Display Multi Images from your Media Library in a Modern Responsive Slider. This widget includes option to customize the Responsive Slider. Display Multi Images from your Media Library in a Modern Re
Attach Files Widget
99 websites Simple attachment widget that uses native WordPress upload manager to add files link widgets to your site. Simple attachment widget that uses native WordPress upload manager to add files link widgets
6 websites curreX is an AJAX powered Currency Conversion widget for WordPress sidebars. curreX is an AJAX powered Currency Conversion widget which can be run in your WordPress sidebar(s). The widget is very sim
TFD Word of the Day
3 websites A widget that shows the Word of the Day as selected by This is a WordPress Widget that displays an English Word-of-the-Day. It provides a word, along with a definition and an ex
WPX Affiliate Manager
10 websites WPX Affiliate Manager allows you to integrate affiliate 125 x 125 images side by side into your site through a widget. In a world full of ad blockers affiliate programs are gaining popularity. Direct
WP App Store Connect
18 websites Display Apple's App Store data & charts within your posts and pages via shortcode or in a sidebar widget. English & German With WP App Store Connect you can retrieve data and charts from
Facebook Login Widget
28 websites This is a facebook login plugin as widget. This widget also supports default wordpress user login. This is a facebook login plugin as widget. This widget also supports default wordpress user login. A
Mini twitter feed
249 websites Embed your twitter feed or the twitter timeline from your favorite users on your WordPress blog. Shortcodes and widgets are used. Important notice: Twitter shut down their v1 API and use now the v1.1
Blog Time
9 websites Display the time according to your blog via an admin toolbar widget, a sidebar widget, and/or a template tag. This plugin adds a dynamic, functional clock to the the admin bar (at top of all admin pa
Widgetize Navigation Menu
80 websites Allows you to add any widget to your navigation’s drop-down menus with an easy to use interface. Comes with four custom widgets. Widgetize Navigation Menu allows you to add any widget to your navig