
36 relevant result(s)

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19 websites
2 websites
Fun with Sidebar Tabs
39 websites Creates one or more tabbed dynamic sidebars for your sidebar This plugin is no longer maintained or supported. It has not been tested with the most recent version of WordPress and will likely cease t
Alpine PhotoTile for Flickr
108 websites Stylish and compact plugin for displaying Flickr images in a sidebar, post, or page. Please Note: This plugin is no longer being developed or maintained. If you are a WordPress developer, I encourage
Genesis Latest Tweets
1 websites The official plugin from WP Valet, adopted from StudioPress in 2015. Note: This plugin has just been adopted and is getting re-coded. Genesis Latest Tweets will add a new widget allowing you to show
WP-Parsi Statistics
7 websites This plugin provide you full statistic of your site. You can show statistics with widget or many usefull function in your theme. This plugin provide you full statistic of your site. You can show stat
4 websites Shows the current weather of your location or the weather of the visitors location via widget in the sidebar of your wordpress blog. Shows the current weather of your location or the weather of the
Xorbin Analog Flash Clock
15 websites Customizable Analog Clock plugin by This plugin displays analog flash clock on your website. It's easy to use and it's highly customizable. You can add analog falsh clock to your website a
Powie's Uptime Robot Plugin
35 websites Uptime Robot ( Shortcode and Widget Plugin A Plugin to Uptime Robot Server Monitoring. Add a status List to a post or page using the shortcode PUM or simple add a widget to your
Quran Radio
10 websites Quran Radio plugin is the first WordPress plugin that allows you to add a widget that plays an online Radio station for the translation of the Quran. Quran Radio plugin is the first WordPress plugin
Simple Finance Calculator
16 websites Creates a very simple form that can be used to calculate monthly payments or loan amount based on entered information. A simple form that prompts a user for Interest Rate, Term in Months, and Monthly
FP Responsive Slider
14 websites This plugin will display image as slideshow with several effects. You can manage the options from FP Resposive Slider's Settings page or from wid FP Responsive Slider will display image as slide
Alpine PhotoTile for Pinterest
292 websites Stylish and compact plugin for displaying Pinterest images in a sidebar, post, or page. Please Note: This plugin is no longer being developed or maintained. If you are a WordPress developer, I encour
'Easy Speak' Mailing List
13 websites A simple widgetized mailing list subscription form utilizing jQuery. This plugin utilizes a wordpress widget and jquery to create a widgetized mailing list subscription form. This plugin stores user
Alpine PhotoTile for Tumblr
115 websites Stylish and compact plugin for displaying Tumblr images in a sidebar, post, or page. Please Note: This plugin is no longer being developed or maintained. If you are a WordPress developer, I encourage
Facebook Master
2 websites Facebook Master let's you have full control over all good facebook social plugins in one go, only for professional wordpress websites. Facebook Master plugin for is now available for any serious
Google Affiliate Network
11 websites A Widget / shortcode plugin to display Google Affiliate Network ads. Both text links and image ads can be displayed. A Widget / shortcode plugin to display Google Affiliate Network ads. Both text l
XTCZ Top Box Office
1 websites Real time Weekend Box Office results on your blog. XTCZ Top Box office provides real time ranking of the weekend box office and always keep users upto date with latest box office results. The data up
Feedburner Email Subscription
373 websites Give your biggest fans another way to keep up with your content feed by placing a free feedburner email subscription on your site. This plugin gives your biggest fans another way to keep up with your
Social Media Buttons & Widgets
44 websites Social media buttons with widget made simple. This is plugin is a simple social media buttons that appear on all page and post it has also Facebook like box, Google badge, and Twitter embedded feed.
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1 websites