
36 relevant result(s)

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Webloggerz WP Social Media Wigdet
3 websites Webloggerz Social Media Wigdet : A beautiful widget to be used in sidebar or footer, it allows you to add your Twitter , Facebook, Google Plus and Fee Webloggerz WP Social Media Wigdet : A beautiful
Sidebar Login
1459 websites Easily add an ajax-enhanced login widget to your WordPress site sidebar. Sidebar-Login adds a useful login widget which you can use to login from in the sidebar of your WordPress powered blog. Once
Social Media Widget
74 websites Easily create beautiful social media link with the install of this plugin.This widget takes a simple, extendable approach for displaying your social m Easily create beautiful social media link with t
Social Media Badge Widget
71 websites This plugin creates a widget which easily displays the social badges from the leading social media websites in a clear an elegant way. This plugin creates a widget which easily displays the social ba
Author and Post Statistic Widgets
24 websites APSW is an easy solution to display authors' activity and popular posts with statistic information in sidebar widgets. APSW is an easy solution to display authors' activity and popular posts sta
Featured Page Widget
392 websites Allows you to feature pages on your sidebar using an excerpt of the page and a text or image link to the page. Allows you to feature pages on your sidebar using an excerpt of the page and a text or i
Popular Widget
555 websites Display the most commented or most viewed posts in a tabbed widget, filter the post by date range or by category. It also includes a tags tab. This is a simple popular posts WordPress widget for your
61 websites Easy to use, yet powerful and a highly customizable sliding shelf for your site! Slide your target content/widget into and out of the visible page. Th This wp plugin is ideal for users who would like
Pojo News Ticker
275 websites This plugin allows you to add a News Ticker widget to your WordPress site, of which works with Pojo Framework. Please Note: This plugin is for Pojo Framework users only. The News Ticker plugin adds
Latest Posts MultiSite Widget
1 websites Display latest posts from other site in network. Latest Posts MultiSite Widget Latest Posts MultiSite Widget is a wordpress plugin that enables admin to add widgets which display latest posts conten
SDAC Translate
2 websites Simple lightweight translation sidebar widget that uses Google Translation. The SDAC Translate plugin uses Google Translate to translate your site's content in multiple languages using a simple sideb
Awebsome! Online Registered Users Widget
9 websites Shows your online/offline registered users by some display options. Adds a new Widget in your Dashboard and your Theme to show a list of online/offline registered users by some display options. Feat
Widget Paginator
23 websites This plugin lets you add a stylable pagination for the widgets Archives, Categories, Links, Meta, Pages, Recent Comments and Recent Posts. Currently, you can chose the widget, which is to be paginate
Multiple Category Selection Widget
15 websites This widget makes it easy for your site users to drill down into your WordPress post categories. Turn your WordPress post categories into a search powerhouse! This plugin gives you the ability to pro
WD Search Form
31 websites A cutting edge search widget with Autocomplete. Integrate an amazing search widget to your widget's sidebar! Use the widget's built-in autocomplete capability to allow your users to search your site
Extensive Recent Posts Widget
185 websites Recent posts widget with fully customizable layout and advanced options. Recent posts widget with fully customizable layout and optional slider. Buy Full Version Features: ** Fully customizable
Upcoming Events Lists
33 websites A WordPress plugin to show a list of upcoming events on the front-end as widget. A WordPress plugin to show a list of upcoming events on the front-end as widget. Usage After installing and activati
Birthdays Widget
21 websites Birthdays widget plugin produces a widget which displays a customizable happy birthday image and wish to your clients/users. Birthdays Widget allows to add your custom birthday-list and display a cus
Meks ThemeForest Smart Widget
688 websites Easily display ThemeForest items inside WordPress widget. A simple and powerful WordPress plugin with which you can display ThemeForest items as a WordPress widget. Several smart options are provided
Top Commenters Gravatar
18 websites This WordPress plugin/widget will display top commenters of your blog in the form of gravatar images. The images can be stacked up or listed in a side This WordPress plugin/widget will display top co
Category Widget
77 websites Easy way to display the number of post in that particular category by selecting from admin dashboard widget. Easy way to display the number of post in that particular category by selecting from admin
Accessible News Ticker (ANT)
10 websites A news ticker/scroller widget that displays posts and RSS with accessible javascript). A news ticker widget, able to display latest posts as well as remote RSS feed. This widget is written in Unobtru
wp max social widget
17 websites WP Max Social Wigdet : WordPress Sidebar widget To combine your social media profiles and bookmarks. WP Max Social Wigdet : wordpress Social widget having most of the social icon and social bookmarki
Recent Facebook Posts
791 websites Lists most recent Facebook posts from public Facebook pages. A faster, prettier and more customizable alternative to Facebooks Like Box. This plugin adds a widget, a shortcode [recent_facebook_posts]
Short Bio Widget
3 websites Its a widget that collects your short biography and show into wordpress sidebar area. User can add gravatar, name, short personal details, all common Its a widget that collects your short biography a
As Heard On
15 websites This plugin is built to showcase other podcasts that you've been interviewed on. Displays podcast artwork in a widget or on a full page. The plugin includes the option to display a random (one o
Responsive Posts Widget
24 websites Adds a widget that shows the most recent posts of your site with excerpt, featured image, date by sorting & ordering feature Responsive Posts Widget is advanced version of the WordPress Recent Re
Tour Dates
1 websites SeatGeek’s Tour Dates plugin allows artists and fans to display upcoming tour dates for a given performer. SeatGeek’s Tour Dates plugin allows artists and fans to display upcoming tour dates for
Document Links Widget
46 websites This plugin allows you to list links to your Media Library files. Great for offering white papers or other document downloads on your website. This plugin displays all attachments from the WordPress
Direction Map
30 websites This is Google Map Direction plugin used to display direction path in map or way for how you can go from source place to destination place. This is Google Map Direction plugin used to display directi
53 websites The Ultimate Photo Widget for Flickr, Tumblr, and Pinterest is intended to create a means of retrieving photos from various popular sites and displayi
Static Random Posts
7 websites Allows the display of random posts as a widget, but allows the admin to determine how often the random posts are refreshed. Allows the display of random posts, but allows the admin to determine how o
Instagram Slider Widget
3468 websites Instagram Slider Widget is a responsive slider widget that shows 20 latest images from a public instagram user. Features Images are stored in your wordpress upload folder. Display Images in Slid
Donations Widget
9 websites Accept donations from your readers via AlertPay, Moneybookers and/or PayPal. Accept donations from your readers via AlertPay, Moneybookers or PayPal. Plugin add a widget with payment forms. You can s
Folksy Product Listing Widget and Shortcode for WordPress
1 websites Easily add your Folksy items using a widget or shortcode into your wordpress website. WPFolksy Product Listing Easily add your Folksy items using a widget or shortcode into your wordpress website.
Expanding Archives
115 websites This plugin adds a new widget where you can view your old posts by expanding certain years and months. Expanding Archives adds a widget that shows your old posts in an expandable/collapsible format.