
36 relevant result(s)

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Before After
150 websites Before After Photo viewer Before After plugin integrates modified version jQuery Before/After Plugin in the wordpress. It can be used to show the difference between edited and original photo, before
WooCommerce Out of Stock Message
36 websites WooCommerce Extension which allows you to supply a literal message for out of stock products. This plugin allows you to supply a literal message for out of stock products. You can also add links and/
WP Pace
5 websites Easily add good looking, customizable progress bars to your website/blog. Based on Pace - Automatic page load progress bar. Create an automatic page load progress bar. Based on Pace - Automatic page
Social Media Widget
6122 websites Adds links to all of your social media and sharing site profiles. Tons of icons come in 3 sizes, 4 icon styles, and 4 animations. The Social Media Widget is a simple sidebar widget that allows users
36 websites This plugin convert WordPress default pagination behavior into the Twitter style using Ajax functionality.
Easy ToolBox
4 websites This plugin is simple, all in one and really simplifies your life (SEO, Social networks, Google adsense, GetClicky, button +1, plusone, plus one, Twit EasyToolbox is an All in One plugin. with, it wi
Open Social
42 websites Login or Share with social networks: QQ, WeiBo, Baidu, Google, Microsoft, DouBan, XiaoMi, WeChat, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook. No API! Single PHP! Login or Share with social networks: QQ, WeiBo, Baidu,
WP Top 5 Social Sharing
5 websites WP Top 5 Social Sharing is a easy to use and flexible WordPress plugin. This plugin add a floating icon set for sharing your blog posts, pages, attach WP Top 5 Social Sharing is a easy to use and fle
Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange
412 websites Social Login, Social Sharing allows login, share, comment using any social media like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Vkontakte. EASIEST to configure. Social Login, Social Sharing Social Login, Social Sh
Social Tags
6 websites Automatically converts a post's tags into hashtags, allowing your readers to join the conversation on their favorite social network. With Social Tags, the post's tags are seen as hashtags, and a
ic BeSocial
108 websites Genera botones para el envío o la votación en distintas redes sociales. AVISO IMPORTANTE La versión 3.0 es una reescritura completa del plugin, y se ha eliminado alguna funcionalidad (por ejemplo
Social Stickers
215 websites A simple plugin that shows the various social networks you use. Also supports themes. This is a simple plugin that shows the various social networks you use in the form of "stickers" (see screenshots
Helios Solutions Social Media Buttons
326 websites Add Social Media Buttons to your Site Embed the customised Social Media Buttons, like – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus, Linkedin, Xing, Tumblr , Skype and Pinterest to your Website. Add S
WP Tab Anchors
10 websites This plugin allows you to permalink (i.e., bookmark) to content on Twitter Bootstrap tabs (and now content inside collapsible components) via hash tag This plugin allows you to permalink (i.e., bookm
Cocorico Social
182 websites Cocorico Social is a simple social sharing plugin for WordPress. English Cocorico Social lets you add social share buttons before and after your content. The following networks are supported : Fac
25 websites EGW CSS3 transitions Animation Social Social share buttons display on post or page or custom post, EGW Social Share is a simple and fast way to let your visitors share your content. With zero setup r
Social Share Motivator
1 websites Prompt your visitors to share your Blog, even by locking your content... Social Share Motivator is a flexible and very efficient plugin that helps you to increase the readership of your pages rapidly
DT Author Box
181 websites Easily add an author box bio signature with custom profile image and social profile buttons to the end of each author's posts DT Author Box is great for those who have multiple authors on a Word
2 websites The WordPress ImageShare plug-in gives you the possibility to add social bookmarking icons on an overlay on images in your blog posts. The WordPress ImageShare plug-in adds social bookmarking buttons
5 websites SlideWizard helps you to create beautiful slider from various source. Easily create a slider on your website. You can add various source for the slider, such as Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, Twitter t
WP Facebook Timeline (MF Timeline)
10 websites Creates a visual linear timeline representation from your WordPress posts and other media sources in the style of Facebook Profile Timeline. Creates a visual linear timeline representation from your
Images Beautifier
6 websites The easiest way to beautify your images with simple shortcode. Any image placed inside the shortcode will be wrapped with custom style provided by the plugin. Usage [image type=""] <img
WP Font Awesome Share Icons
165 websites A simple plugin to display share button links before or after post or where ever you choose, utilizing Font Awesome Icons. WP Font Awesome Share Icons is a simple plugin that will help you put social
Wp AIO Social
1 websites Wp AIO Social is Packed with most used social widget and sharing plugin,So you dont need separate plugins for all features you need. WP AIO Social : wordpress all in one social plugin is packed with
Live Blogging Plus
21 websites Plugin to support automatic live blogging and Twitter updates with link to liveblog. Live Blogging is a plugin that allows you to insert micro/live blogs into posts with automatic updating of the con
Shariff Wrapper
459 websites This is a wrapper to Shariff. It enables shares with Twitter, Facebook ... on posts, pages and themes with no harm for visitors privacy. The "original" share buttons send data of your visitors to the
22 websites This plugin helps you insert a post or page from the WP posts database table within another, bring your Facebook posts and Twitter feeds to your blog.
Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup
1568 websites Give identity to your single or multi-author WordPress website with Fancier Author Box - The Only Author Box Plugin You'll Ever Need. If you're looking for a way to make your every page a landin
NewsBoard Post and RSS Scroller
24 websites Newsboard is a jQuery Post and RSS feed auto-scroller. Latest posts, custom posts, most commented posts, posts from specific categories and more. View Live Demo | Follow us on Twitter | Find us on Fa
WordPress Social Login
1705 websites WordPress Social Login allow your visitors to comment and login with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and more. WordPress Social Login allow your website readers and customers
BuddyPress Avatar Bubble
41 websites After moving your mouse pointer on a BuddyPress user avatar (or clicking) you will see a bubble with the defined by admin information about this user. After moving your mouse pointer on a BuddyPress
Social Likes
503 websites Little, easy to use plugin that adds single-style buttons with fast like counters for: Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and others. Little, easy to use plugin that adds social networks sharing bu Stats Smiley Remover
68 websites Removes the smiley face created by Stats and JetPack plugins for WordPress by adding a single line of CSS to your header. The Stats Smiley Remover quickly removes the smil
Author Box Plugin With Different Description
95 websites The Plugin will add an author box to your site. It also gives a flexibility to add different description for the same author according to the post. This Plugin will add an author box to your post con
3 websites Foundation Press offers the Foundation Framework styles with WordPress Shortcodes. It makes adding styles (Tabs, Buttons, Grid...) pretty easy. FoundationPress offers the Foundation Framework styles
Facebook Comments Points (FCP)
6 websites This plugin will change your current comments system to an amazing ajax based comments system like facebook. This plugin will allow you to completely customize your comments system layout. By default