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Recommended Links for WordPress
1 websites A sort of "Reddit clone" that allows users to post links, up- or down-vote them, and comment on them. This plugin aims to support community link-sharing, social bookmarking, and discussion
CDN Tools
8 websites CDN Tools is a plugin designed to help you drastically speed up your blog's load time by loading data onto a content distribution network (CDN). CDN Tools is a WordPress plugin that allows you to loa
hpb Dashboard
189 websites "hpb Dashboard" plug-in is the data importer for "Home Page Builder 17/18/19/20". "hpb Dashboard" plug-in has the function which imports data created by "Home Page Builder 17/18/1
WP Multi File Uploader
32 websites Allows a user to submit multiple files when added to a form on your WordPress site via AJAX to the WordPress media gallery. Allows a user to submit multiple files from a form on your WordPress site v
Go Gallery
59 websites Responsive filterable gallery. Easy to use, lightweight yet very powerful shortcode driven gallery plugin to display beautiful galleries. THE IDEA: We wanted to create a gallery plugin that displays
Facebook Tabs
15 websites Responsive Facebook Tabs for WordPress. Displays - Facebook Likebox, Facebook Streams, Facebook Activity. Facebook is a highly used social networking site that is used by millions of individuals and
1 websites
1 websites
Simply Attached
16 websites Simply Attached gives the ability to append any number of files to your pages and posts. It creates a nice looking table of download links. Simply Attached gives you the ability to append any number
Responsive Lightbox
984 websites This plugin offers a nice and elegant way to add Lightbox functionality for images, html content and media on your webpages. Responsive Lightbox WordPress plugin adds Lightbox functionality for image
Metaphor Widgets
49 websites Custom pack of widgets including shortcode generators. Custom pack of widgets including shortcode generators. Twitter Social Recent Comments Recent Posts Tabbed Posts Contact Post Navigation Collap
Really Simple Share
1130 websites Put Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more share buttons above/below posts. Plus automate social user growth and revenue with ReadyGraph. Check official website for live demo
Ultimate FAQ
437 websites A simple FAQ plugin that lets you or your users create FAQs, order FAQs, publicize FAQs, etc. and insert a list or AJAX FAQ search using shortcodes FAQ Demo Create, organize and publicize your Fre
23 websites BuddyStream !IMPORTANT! Replace your current cronjob for BuddyStream by the new one (see settings -> cronjob) The old one is broken. Having problems mail me at: [email protected]
Download Attachments
590 websites Download Attachments is a new approach to managing downloads in WordPress. It allows you to easily add and display download links in any post or page. Download Attachments is a new approach to managi
BuddyPress Activity Privacy
100 websites Add the ability for members to choose who can read/see his activities and media files. BuddyPress Activity Privacy plugin add a privacy level to activity stream component. The plugin add the ability
WordPress Calls to Action
656 websites Create Calls to Action for your WordPress site. Monitor and improve conversion rates, run A/B split tests, customize your own CTA templates and more. WordPress Calls to Action works as a standalon
Share Buttons
136 websites Share Buttons - Social network is one of the popular places where people get information about everything in the world. WordPress Share Buttons WordPress Share Buttons Demo Share Buttons FAQ Share
37 websites The Agreement plugin helps to create pop-up licence agreement or term to use before download any thing from post or page. The Agreement plugin helps to create pop-up licence agreement or term to use
WP User Avatar
6621 websites Use any image from your WordPress Media Library as a custom user avatar. Add your own Default Avatar. WordPress currently only allows you to use custom avatars that are uploaded through Gravatar. WP
1 websites
1 websites
10 websites
1 websites
6 websites
SoundCloud Is Gold
1 websites Browse through your soundcloud tracks, sets and favourites. Select and add tracks, sets or favourites to your posts. Live preview, easy. New Widget to display latest and random track, favorites or se
WP Facebox
24 websites Automagically invoke Facebox on gallery items and linked images in a post or page. Takes Facebox and wires it up for sweet WP action. Also makes julienne fries. Maybe.
6 websites Gregarious is the ultimate social bookmarking plugin. Everything is configurable. Share link, Digg button, stats, FeedFlare, LiveSearch and more.
News Bar Plus
6 websites News bar with latest tweets or posts from specified blog category. Extended version. News bar with latest tweets or posts from specified blog category. Extended version. Features Many skins Grab t
Syndication Links
34 websites Simple way to link to copies of your post or presence elsewhere. This plugin adds relational links to various parts of your site. It supports adding rel-syndication/u-syndication links to your post
Grid Gallery with Custom Links
87 websites Displays gallery in a grid. You can add custom links to all images and captions. Grid Gallery with Custom Links displays gallery images in a grid. Live Previews
Yeloni Exit Popup
116 websites Exit Popups are the best way to engage visitors leaving your website. Show offers, social buttons, email signup forms or customize it as you like. What the plugin does: Show a popup when a user is le
Gravity Forms Advanced File Uploader
2 websites Chunked Multiple file uploads, Auto upload of videos to YouTube & Brightcove, Files stored in WP Media Library, Advanced options. Need more control over Gravity Forms multiple file uploads. W
Subscribe / Connect / Follow Widget
217 websites The widget displays image links (icon buttons) to various subscription services and social networking sites. More than 40 services supported. This plugin provides a widget that displays image links (
Music Store
35 websites Music Store is an online store for selling audio files: music, speeches, narratives, everything audio. In Music Store, secure payments with PayPal. Music Store features: ♪ Allows selling audio fil
6 websites