
36 relevant result(s)

Most popular searches for last 30 days:
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1 websites
1 websites
1 websites
4 websites
178 websites Version: 1.1 CopyLink is a WordPress plugin which places automatic links on text copied from your website. People copy content from websites they visit and spread it around via email, social media,
uploading downloading non-latin filename
22 websites This plugin allows you to upload/download non-latin filename. WordPress cannot attach files with non-latin file name (e.g., Korean). This is the one major drawback to popularization of WordPress amon
Users Ultra Membership Plugin
54 websites Users Ultra is the ideal plugin for creating advanced user communities & networks easily. It includes Social Login & Paid Membership Features Users Ultra is the ideal tool for creating advanc
Social Sharing Toolkit
909 websites Easy sharing and connecting on social networks. Display on posts or use widgets or shortcode. Also Twitter name/hashtag to link converter. Sharing content The plugin currently supports the following
VK All in One Expansion Unit
1271 websites This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site. This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web s
Custom Coming Soon Pages
3 websites Custom Coming Soon Pages WordPress Plugin allows you to display a Customized Coming Soon Page or Under Construction page to normal visitors or regular members of your WordPress based website or Blog -
Video Recorder
5 websites Build Your Community with Fan Videos. Collect and share crowdsourced video with Vidrack web-based video recorder. Your biggest fans can record and submit videos on your website. Our video recorder w
Find Me On
156 websites The Find Me On sidebar widget displays icons & links for all of your social network profiles. *73* Supported Social Networks! The Find Me On sidebar widget displays icons for all of your social n
Sexy Author Bio
14 websites A WordPress author bio plugin that adds a sexy, custom about the author box below your posts for single and multiple authors. Sexy Author Bio is a WordPress author bio plugin that supports single and
Like To Keep Reading
27 websites Get more Facebook Likes, Google +1s, and Tweets by forcing users to perform a social action before accessing the rest of your content. Market your content virally on social networks by forcing users
JW Player for Flash & HTML5 Video
14 websites The JW Player WordPress Plugin makes it extremely easy to deliver Flash and HTML5 video through your WordPress website. This WordPress video player plugin allows for easy customization and embedding o
DDevs Media Gallery
2 websites This plugin will add Image, Video gallery items in your WordPress site using shortcodes and custom post. Just add "ddm" Before "gallery". This plugin will add Image, Video gallery items in your WordP
Multi Image Slider Widget
35 websites Display Multi Images from your Media Library in a Modern Responsive Slider. This widget includes option to customize the Responsive Slider. Display Multi Images from your Media Library in a Modern Re
About Me 3000 widget
142 websites Add an "About Me" widget to your sidebar. This widget will show general information About You. Add your email and small description, and your gravatar will be shown next to the summary. Yo
40 websites
3 websites
1 websites
2 websites
3 websites
1 websites
1 websites
1 websites
Quick Box Popup
1 websites Create a javascript based, light-weight and non-annoying onclick quick popup box in your blog. A quicklook into Quick Box Popup ★ Create a light weight quick onclick popup box ★ Full control o
Podcasting Plugin by TSG
163 websites Enhances WordPress' basic podcast support with enhance iTunes support by adding multiple iTunes-compatible feeds. The Podcasting plugin by TSG brings complete podcasting support to WordPress. T
SEO Image Tags
5 websites Improve your site's SEO with the best solution for completely Search Engine Optimizing images and dynamically fixing HTML validation errors. The best solution for completely Search Engine Optimi
Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget
738 websites Add follow me social buttons. Uses font icons, ready for Retina Display. No settings page, only a simple widget to add to your widget areas. It displays the Follow Me social buttons. No images, this
WP Easy Gallery » WordPress Gallery Plugin
287 websites WP Easy Gallery is an easy to use WordPress Gallery Plugin. Simple WordPress Gallery Plugin WP Easy Gallery is the best free WordPress gallery plugin. WP Easy Gallery allows you to easily create and
Display Latest Tweets
6 websites A widget that displays your latest tweets from your twitter account. This plugin is compatible with the new Twitter API 1.1 Connect your Twitter account to this plugin and the widget will display you
NextGEN Download Gallery
203 websites Add a template to NextGEN Gallery that provides multiple-file downloads for trade/media galleries Add a template to NextGEN Gallery that provides multiple-file downloads for trade/media galleries. Ne
BuddyPress Edit Activity
65 websites BuddyPress Edit Activity allows your members to edit their activity posts on the front-end of your BuddyPress-powered site. Let your BuddyPress members edit their activity posts and replies on the fr
Random Posts, Mp3 Player + ShareButton
2 websites The 4 in 1 plugin shows rotating random posts, flash mp3 player, share button + quick notification that floats at top or bottom of browser The plugin has 4 powerful features, Random featu
Storefront Product Sharing
114 websites Add attractive social sharing icons for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Email to your product pages. A simple plugin that adds an attractive sharing component to product pages. Prompt visitors to sh