
36 relevant result(s)

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1 websites
1 websites
1 websites
Social Links Sidebar
11 websites Social Links Sidebar is a sidebar widget that displays icon links to your profile pages on other social networking sites. Based on About Me / Social L Social Links Sidebar is a sidebar widget that di
Responsive Social Sidebar Share
14 websites This is a very basic plugin that will add a floating social sidebar to your posts/pages which is responsive for smaller resolutions. This plugin will add a sidebar to your post/page which will float
Facebook wall and social integration
15 websites Facebook wall and social integration allows you to display customized Facebook feed of any public Facebook page or group or profile. Facebook wall and social integration shows facebook page/group/pro
Easy Team Manager
68 websites Easy Team Manager helps you to create team members with their short descriptions, social profiles with smooth hover effects. Easy Team Manager helps you to create team members with their short descri
Facebook Widget
2257 websites This widget adds a Simple Facebook page Like Widget into your WordPress website Sidebar or Footer area. Also enabled short code for POST and PAGE. This is one of the most popular plugin for facebook
3 websites Foundation Press offers the Foundation Framework styles with WordPress Shortcodes. It makes adding styles (Tabs, Buttons, Grid...) pretty easy. FoundationPress offers the Foundation Framework styles
1 websites
7 websites
1 websites
Olevmedia Shortcodes
720 websites Olevmedia Shortcodes plugin adds a button to editor, which provides you plenty of handy shortcodes: Accordion Toogle Tabs, (it’s responsive) Blockquote Box Buttons (you can choose icons, colors, s
Header and Footer
2 websites Why you have to install 10 plugins to add Google Analytics code, MyBlogLog tracking code, Google Webmaster verificaton code, MyblogLog verification code, tradedoubler verification code (and so on...)
2 websites
Gigya - Social Infrastructure
50 websites Integrate your WordPress site with Gigya Gigya's Customer Identity Management Platform helps companies build better customer relationships by turning unknown visitors into known, loyal and engaged cu
Facebook Friend Inviter
5 websites A plugin to allow your website visitors to invite their Facebook friends. It helps increase social media presence and engagement on the website. A plugin to allow your website visitors to invite thei
Personal Contact Info Widget
42 websites Add a custom Widget to display your profile photo, social media links and contact information. This plugin adds a custom Widget which displays your profile photo, social media links and contact infor
Most Shared Posts - Social Media counter for Twitter, Facebook & Google+
95 websites Author: Tom Anthony Author URI: Track your most popular blog posts, sorted by those with the most social shares. It checks the number of Facebook Likes, Twitter T
Easy Bubble Menu
8 websites Powerful jQuery Supplementary Menu & Social Icons Builder Enhance your site by adding an elegant supplementary menu. WYSIWYG - Easily build supplementary menus builder tool. Add links with
Brankic Social Media Widget
477 websites Social media icons with nice hover vertical animation Social media inline icons with nice hover effect (vertical slide with color change). 49 icons included (aim, apple, behnace, blogger, cargo, deli
TinyMCE Advanced
17 websites Enables the advanced features of TinyMCE, the WordPress WYSIWYG editor. This plugin will let you add, remove and arrange the buttons that are shown on the Visual Editor toolbar. It includes 15 plugin
Simple Shortcodes
179 websites Simple Shortcodes is a plugin that fits nicely in your editor toolbar for simple insertion of various commonly used shortcodes. This plugin works with any theme, but was made specifically to work wit
WordPress Social Ring (Facebook Like, Google +1, ReTweet, LinkedIn and Pin It)
76 websites Let visitors share posts/pages on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon. From admin page you can choose which button display: Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Google +1, Google+ Share, T
Nite Shortcodes
10 websites Nite Shortcodes is awesome premium shortcodes wordpress plugin for free with over 25+ shortcodes, 100% responsive with clean and elegant design. Nite Shortcodes plugin lets you customize content fast
VA Shared Count
1 websites Can get the number that your article has been shared on social networking sites. This plugin has already finished support. I am developing new plugin now. As for the new plugin, there is no transfer
2 websites SocialAuth-WordPress a WordPress 3.0+ plugin which enables social login integration through different providers (eg. Facebook, Twitter). SocialAuth-WordPress a WordPress 3.0+ plugin derived from popu
WP Content Calendar
11 websites A simple, Drag and Drop Editorial Calendar that gives you an overview of your blog posts and when they'll be published. WP Content Calendar Lite is an editorial calendar that gives you an overvi
Gallery Share: Social Lightbox For Every Image
16 websites Share each of your blog images individually and independently on Facebook! FULLY FIXED AND WORKING NOW ON ALL BROWSERS INCLUDING IE11. WORDPRESS 4.0 COMPATIBLE. Separately share each Image on your w
BlogWell's Simple Image Link Widget
138 websites A widget which allows you to add an image with a link to your sidebar. So you want to put an ad or an image in your sidebar. And you want it to link to another site. And you want to do it easily, wit
Product Grid for WooCommerce
13 websites Awesome Product grid for WooCommerce. Query Product and display on grid. Use any where by short-codes and easy customize via short-code generator page, you can display or hide grid meta items like P
Drag To Share
2 websites "Drag to share" is the newest trend in social sharing. Just drag an image and drop it into any social website to share the whole page in real time. "Drag to share" is the newest trend in social shari
Aspexi Facebook Like Box Sidebox
102 websites Plugin adds fancy Facebook Page Plugin (formerly Like Box) Sidebox. Plugin adds fancy Facebook Page Plugin (formerly Like Box) Sidebox. Free version Facebook Page Plugin (formerly Like Box) Sidebo
Responsive Page Scroller
4 websites Responsive Page Scroller adds beautiful scroller buttons to scroll from top to bottom and vice versa of your WordPress Page/Post. Responsive Page Scroller is a Responsive WordPress Plugin which allow
Blog Authors Description
5 websites Shows information about blog authors in sidebar along with various social networks links and a picture. Provides a stupidly simple way to show informations about blog author/authors on the sidebar al
Add Pinterest Follow Button
49 websites Pinterest follow button plugin give an ability to maximize your followers of Pinterest account. Pinterest follow button is a very simple & attractive plugin allows WordPress blogger to reach it m