
36 relevant result(s)

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WP Sticky Social
51 websites Add sticky bar with social icons Plugin display sticky bar with icons and links your socials profiles. For icons is used Zurb Foundation Social Icons Font. You can select from 22 icons, set positio
Cimy Header Image Rotator
858 websites Change your theme image real-time. Displays an image that automatically rotates depending on setting. You can setup from one second up to one day and more. Intermediate settings are also possible. S
Author Box Ultimate
6 websites Display author information under post. Displaying author info by Author Box is super easy and customizable. use different themes to match with your site template. Plugin Features Different themes.
1 websites G-Projects is a wordpress plugin tested on wordpress 3.0.1 that creates a simple portfolio for developers/designers. Create a portfolio on your website. Feautres * Add/Edit/Delete/Order Projects *
Simple Custom Login
37 websites Quickly apply some fun or custom branding to your login screen Simple Custom Login allows you to set a custom login for your WordPress site without any code. Simple Custom Login allows you to: - Up
3 websites Displays incoming queries from search engines like Google. The queries data come from a Piwik-database. This Plugin displays last incoming queries from search engines in the sidebar or an area in the
Transpose Email
234 websites Keeps your email safe from spammers when you want to use mailto: links. Putting your email address in a blog post is an open invitation to spammers. There are several methods to prevent this, like us
154 websites WP-Sponsors gives your sponsors or partners a separate home where you can add a link and a logo. WP-Sponsors gives your sponsors or partners a separate home where you can add a link and a logo. Ever
Number My Post Pages
42 websites This plugin handles the pagination with a much more organized way in your single.php and page.php. Instead of using so many page numbers on your post page or having next and previous links, this plug
22 Social Buttons
11 websites With this plugin you can easy set cool 22 social buttons Just choose a button, set title and url and get code - that's it! Try it now! (3,500 downloads. Thank you!) 22 social buttons All you need u
TW Pagination
219 websites TW Pagination is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site. TW Pagination is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides us
LDW Mobile Contact Optimizer
6 websites Don’t waste any contact! Be reached in 1 click from mobile. Don’t waste any contact! Be reached in 1 click from mobile. LDW Mobile Contact Optimizer add links (phone, e-mail address and location
SKT Skill Bar
158 websites Showcase skillsets that you are good at anywhere on your website using this plugin. This plugin adds fancy jquery skill bars. Skill bar like progress bar or circular bar or half circular bar showcasi
8 websites Cartalog allows you to add product listings quickly and easily to any page on your Cart66 enabled site. Cartalog is a companion plugin to the Cart66 product, the Lite or Pro version, you're choice. I
jPic WordPress Widget
5 websites jPic is a general purpose WordPress widget which shows a picture supplied by an URL. jPic WordPress Widget is a general purpose WordPress widget which shows a picture supplied by an URL.
Yakadanda Instagram
42 websites A WordPress plugin that pulls in Instagram images of user or hashtags. A WordPress plugin that pulls in Instagram images of user or hashtags. Features Display your images or display other images i
Audio Player
9542 websites Audio Player is a highly configurable but simple mp3 player for all your audio needs. Features include: configurable colour scheme to match your blog theme volume control right-to-left layout switc
Responsive Cookie Consent
115 websites Simple, lightweight, fully customisable and responsive. Key Features Responsive Fully customisable Simple and lightweight Modern and clean design Multi-language compatibility Compatible with Explor
Improved Gallery
5 websites Improves the built-in gallery in WordPress 2.5 and newer. This plugin improves the gallery template by making the following tweaks: Puts all the gallery css in a separte file, for easy customisatio
GMO Go to Top
5 websites GMO Go to Top is simple plugin and it will add a simple button which allows users to easily scroll back to the top of the page. This plugin let you place a link button to go back to top of the page f
Easy facebook feed
63 websites Get your facebook posts on your WordPress website in a easy way! Get your facebook posts on your WordPress website in a easy way. Features in Easy Facebook feed include: Displays shared links, vide
Open Files In New Window or Tab
14 websites Makes any link to a file open in a new tab by adding 'target="_blank"' to the link. This plugin enqueues a simple jQuery script that looks for any anchor tag that has an href prop
9 websites Transforms the output of the Multisite Language Switcher to an HTML select Most people are likely to use some lines of PHP or the widget provided by the Multisite Language Switcher to integrate the l
Easy Google+ Widget
36 websites Googles+ widget which provides you public post from your timeline. Googles+ widget which provides you public post from your timeline. It shows your statuses, images, videos, links and albums. You nee
INK - Own your content
9 websites Installs INK on your wordpress blog so you get credited everytime someone copied and paste content from your blog. INK is a new way to own your content. It’s a well know fact, the content you produ
FAVIROLL - FAVIcons for blogROLL
37 websites Caches all favicon.ico in PNG format and use this in your blogroll. This plugin convert the favicon.ico from the blogroll sites into PNG images and save this in a local cache file. The conversion pro
1 websites Displays call to actions, tracks their performance and optimizes placement AdHerder is an automated A/B advertisement testing platform. Create your ads and AdHerder will select the best ad for each i
Easy Shortcode Buttons
189 websites Add demo, download and call to action buttons to your site easily with the Easy Buttons Plugin. Ever wanted to add great looking download links on your site? Need to add call to action buttons but do
48 websites zbPlayer is a small and very easy plugin. It does one thing: capture mp3 links and insert a small flash player instead. zbPlayer is a very easy audio plugin - you can select some options like: includ
List Authors
4 websites A widget to display a list of site authors. A widget to display a list of authors in your WordPress blog. Includes widget options to configure the features mentioned below. Completely updated to use
Share Post
6 websites Reblog posts accross the network, Share a post link from a blog to another blog on the same WP multisite network and include the post content ! The plugin allows webmasters to suggest interesting pos
RecipeCan Recipes
5 websites Organizes recipes on your food or cooking blog. Each recipe can be inserted in a post and stored on a recipes page. A WordPress plugin that organizes recipes on your blog. This is the WordPress plug
Latest Apple Movie Trailers
7 websites Displays the latest movie trailers from featured on Each trailer listed comes along with the movie poster and synopsis. Displays the latest movie trailers from featured on - http
phZoom Plugin for WordPress
3 websites phZoom is a kind of plugin board, based on jQuery to show photos light box effects. phZoom is a kind of plugin board, based on jQuery to show photos light box effects. Although phZoom's volume is ver Partner Program Plugin
160 websites Licence: MIT Affiliate Partner program to sell goods on your own website. Affiliate Partner Program Plugin allows you include products on your own website and earn affiliate c
CB Storefront
23 websites CBengine Storefront Plugin For WordPress allows you to present all ClickBank products available through their FEED with your affiliate ID. CBengine Storefront Plugin for WordPress generates a basic