
36 relevant result(s)

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Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons
1698 websites Super lightweight, simple, nice, modern looking and effective social media sharing and following buttons and icons on your site quick and easy WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight fr
AddToAny Share Buttons
33870 websites Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny sharing button, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, WhatsApp, many more, and follow icons too. The AddToAny WordPress sharing plugin helps people
Social Circles
21 websites This plugin/widget allows you to create social media icons for the header or sidebar of your website. A simple widget that allows you to place links to your social media accounts. Instead of icons, e
End Page Slide Box
34 websites End Page Slide Box is to have an element in the page last paragraph that triggers End Page Slide Box to appear. End Page Slide Box is to have an element in the page when you hit the bottom of an arti
Heatmap Plugin
31 websites This plugin monitor user mouse movement and clicks. This plugin will help you to analyze where people click on your site. As the result you will discover where better to place banners, how to organiz
Modal Links
2 websites This is NOT just another modal plugin. Its much more. With this plugin you add modal functionalities to your wordpress. Go to Settings->Modal Links and check the options. We appreciate any bug rep
Smart About Me Widget
2 websites Smart About Me widget shows the about me content added by wordpress admin This plugin contains a widget for showing off the about me content on your wordpress blog sidebars. With this plugin you can
Auto Link Best Tags
34 websites This plugin improve the navigation of your blog by adding links to your post's content that match tags in use in your blog. Depending to your preferences, it will target only a few tags, dependi
3 websites LinkToThisPage plugin places a link to this page item on each page or post with your chosen keywords that can be copied and linked from their own web The Link To This Page WordPress plugin provides a
2 websites Adds a UserLogin Widget to display login form or dashboard links depending on user role. Front page login/logout and control panel.
BNS Login
31 websites This plugin provides a link, in the theme footer area, to the dashboard when logged in as well as a log out link. A shortcode is also available. A simple plugin providing a link to the dashboard; and
CASH Music Flower
7 websites Adds MooTools 1.2.4 and Flower 1.0 to the head of a WordPress template This plugin adds the CASH Music Flower 1.0 code to a WordPress template, providing image and video lightboxes, sound players, i
Simple Welcome Bar
1 websites Simple Welcome Bar is a dropdown bar at the top of your site to draw attention to a link or message. Simple Welcome Bar is a tool to expand on your theme and draw attention to your message. With this
Simple Banner
2006 websites Display a simple banner/bar at the top of your website. This plugin makes it easy to display a simple announcement banner or bar at the top of your website. You can easily customize the color of the
WP Pinterest
53 websites Integrates Pinterest and it's different assets and goodies with your WordPress site. Add Pinterest assets like Pin-it button, Follow button and Pinboard to your WordPress site without hassle. L
Gigs Calendar
192 websites Manage and display a calendar of your gigs/shows/performances. This plugin is geared toward bands and musicians to manage and display a calendar of their gigs within WordPress. It's meant to be as e
1 websites NOTE: This plugin is no longer maintained. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for all the fish! LinkedList was a simple WordPress plugin for sorting your blogroll in the order by which the sites on th
Admin Bar User Switching
49 websites Extends the excellent User Switching plugin by John Blackbourn by adding a User Switching to the admin bar for quick and easy user switching. An admin bar “Switch to User” option is provided whic
jCarousel for WordPress
13 websites jCarousel for WordPress implements the jCarousel as a WordPress plugin. It also displays a larger image size of the clicked item in the scroller or th This plugin displays thumbnail images in a carou
Last Seen Posts Widget
1 websites Show title and links to the last 5 posts a user has consulted. This plugin creates a widget which will show the title, thumbnail and link to the last 5 posts a user has consulted. To store the data i
Better Author Bio
213 websites Simply adds a author bio in every post automatically. Simply adds an author bio box in every post automatically. You can choose where you want to show it. You can add links of your Blog, Twitter, Goo
Image Gallery
2 websites A simple image gallery with a crossfade effect This is a simple image gallery which will automatically rotate through a list of given images/links, and crossfade through each of them randomly before
bbp style pack
260 websites For bbPress - Lets you style bbpress, and add display features This Plugin lets you style bbpress, and add display features You can change the forum styling for elements, letting you match (or contr
Floating Login
25 websites Floating login/ register element that sticks to the top of the screen and changes depending on user login state. A really simple to use plugin that will create a floating element that either displays
Collapsing Pages
216 websites This plugin uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapsable the set of pages for each parent page. This is a very simple plugin that uses Javascript to form a collapsable set of links in the sid
BNS Badge
3 websites Dynamically displays a user's current rating. "badge" that dynamically displays, in a widget area or with a shortcode, the user's current rating with direct links to
WP Single Post Navigation
96 websites This small and lightweight plugin adds next & previous navigation links on single posts to have some kind of a browse post by post nav style. Using the WordPress core function for previous and nex
Personal Profile Widget
2 websites Personal Profile Widget WP Creative have created a simple personal profile widget for your WordPress website. A simple interface allows you to update your Biography, Profile Picture, website links an
ESV Plugin
22 websites The WordPress ESV Plugin can automatically scan posts, looking for Scripture references. References can be turned into links to the text on the ESV website, can have the Scripture passage automaticall
Author Profile Plus
2 websites Supercharge your WordPress user profiles with Author Profile Plus Adds useful custom fields to your WordPress user profiles, allowing in depth user profiles to appear below the posts in your WordPres
Color Bg Tag Cloud
8 websites A simple, yet very beautiful tag cloud. The plugin renders a tag cloud using a color or some random color as a background. The plugin's tag cloud is completely responsive and is correctly rendered i
iTunes Lookup Widget
26 websites Embeds an iTunes Widget to display any kind of store items (software, albums, artists etc). Embeds an interactive iTunes display as a sidebar widget with optional use of affiliate links. Multilingual
My Wish List
16 websites This plugin allows you to create wish lists for your website, and display them on any post or page with simple shortcode. This plugin allows you to create wish lists for your website, and display the
WP Tweet Button
93 websites This plugin easily and fully implements Twitter's official Tweet Button on your WordPress blog or site. The tweet button can be positioned as you please and can be styled to your delight in the settin
WPX Affiliate Manager
9 websites WPX Affiliate Manager allows you to integrate affiliate 125 x 125 images side by side into your site through a widget. In a world full of ad blockers affiliate programs are gaining popularity. Direct
ARCW Popover Addon
5 websites Popover Addon for Archives Calendar Widget Shows a popover with list of links to the posts of the month/day. This will not work if you don't have Archives Calendar Widget installed/activated. Get it