
36 relevant result(s)

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Add Smart App Banner
41 websites Add a Smart App Banner to your website to increase app installs This plugin adds install mobile app to the top of the website Support Android and Windows Smart Banners are a new feature in Mobile to
Simple lyteload
7 websites A simple plugin to integrate jQuery lazyLoad for lazy loading images. A simple plugin to integrate jQuery lazyLoad for lazy loading images which makes your site load faster and saves bandwidth. The
Superfish Dropdown Menu Widget
23 websites This is a navigation widget that can be used for pages & for categories. Dropdown effects is based on Superfish JQuery plugin by [Joel Birch](htt This is a navigation widget that can be used for
15 websites ColorCycle is a gallery replacement plugin for WordPress. It adds Colorbox for image enlargements, and slideshows using the Cycle plugin for jQuery. ColorCycle is a gallery replacement plugin for Wor
WP Super FAQ
137 websites A lightweight FAQ/QNA plugin that includes an FAQ shortcode for your site. A simple jQuery animation is included to show/hide each question. WP Super FAQ uses the WordPress 3.1+ custom post types and
You Tube ColourBox Plugin
3 websites Plugin is combination of youtube videos and jquery Lightbox. With parameters manageable via its widget Plugin is combination of youtube videos and jquery Lightbox. With parameters manageable via its
Comment Validation Reloaded
16 websites Avoid those pesky blank page with an error message like "please fill out required fields" then loosing your/users comment info. Avoid those pesky blank page with an error message like &ldqu
Flipping Team
23 websites Team page for your blog who made it possible. Nowadays, wordpress is more than just a blog. And behind such website is a team. The plugin acknowledges those guys. The plugin provides the administrat
Sliding Panel
15 websites Adds a responsive sliding panel to the top of your WordPress-powered site. The Sliding Panel plugin creates a new sidebar for your site that allows you to add widgets. These widgets appear within a
Surbma - Smooth Scroll
67 websites A very simple and lightweight smooth scroll plugin. This plugin adds smooth scroll effect to every anchor link on your site. Even in the menu or in any navigation section, if a link is an anchor, the
Floating Menu
283 websites Floating Menu creates a sticky, floating menu widget from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Creates a widget, which adds a floating, sticky, drop down menu from any standard WordPress custom me
jCarousel for WordPress
13 websites jCarousel for WordPress implements the jCarousel as a WordPress plugin. It also displays a larger image size of the clicked item in the scroller or th This plugin displays thumbnail images in a carou
HTML5 Placeholder Polyfill
38 websites Mimics HTML5 placeholder behavior in browsers that don't natively support it. The HTML5 Placeholder Plugin simulates placeholder functionality for inputs and textareas, which is particularly han
Expert Village Media Portfolio
16 websites This portfolio plugin is highly suitable to showcase your work / portfolio and group them nicely under jQuery powered filters Expert Village Media Portfolio We have coded this portfolio plugin for a
1 websites By useing this plugin you can easily customize your website scrollbar and you also get the smothscroll effect for targeting your anchor-text. with is plugin you can easily change your scroll effect.
3 websites Enables easy creation of drop-down menus in your WordPress theme. This plugin makes it easy to add a sophisticated jQuery powered drop-down menu to your WordPress theme.
Ajax Post Carousel
32 websites Widget that displays posts as a carousel, using jQuery. It preloads a few posts and Ajax is used to load more posts as the carousel advances. With Ajax Post Carousel you can display posts as a carous
9 websites Integrates Hashcash.IO proof-of-work widget with login/registration/comment forms. This plugin will integrate jQuery plugin Hashcash.IO ( to be used in
2 websites Adds animate the paging navigation on your WordPress blog. EN: Easy paging navigation for your blog using jQuery carousel. RU: Удобная постраничная навигация с испо�
Image Map Edit
3 websites Edit and place Clickable Image Maps through easy to use shortcodes. This is a plugin to help easily configure and display our clickable maps featuring MapHilight JQuery into a WordPress post or page.
(a) Slideshow
75 websites Slideshow for your blog Based on [(a)Slideshow jQuery Plugin]( This plugin and widget allows you to create dynamic, controllable slideshows or presentations for your websit
WordPress Tooltip
63 websites WordPress tooltip lets you add tooltips to content on your posts and pages. WordPress tooltip plugins lets you add tooltips to plain text and links on your post and pages. It offers a tinyMCE shortc
1 websites This plugin integrates the Galleria jQuery plugin with WordPress. Galleriapress allows you to create galleries using the excellent galleria jQuery plugin. Simply drag and drop images from your Media
17 websites This is just a very simple plugin to have a unified "scroll to top" button throughout your whole blog/site. Fully written in jQuery and jQuery UI, the plugin adds a floating navigation butt
Recommend to a friend
30 websites Plugin that add a share to friends jQuery Lightbox Plugin that add a share to friends jQuery Lightbox to your pages or posts. Users will be able to share your content using 3 ways : Writing email a
Super Zoom Gallery
76 websites Gallery plugin with thumbnail and zoom capabilities, great for showing details of photos. Easy to use. Great for webshops! Yet another gallery plugin. I was looking for a simple gallery where you can
1 websites
1 websites
1 websites
7 websites
1 websites
1 websites
1 websites
WordPress Content Slide
1685 websites Content Slide is used to create fully customizable jquery Fading image slideshow anywhere within your WordPress site. Custom options include slideshow size, color, style and more. Created using Jquer
5 websites WP FAQ provides an easy way to add FAQ to your website. Utilizing Custom Post Types, this plugin allows the user to easily add FAQ to his/her website. Display them using shortcode ([wp_faq]) and show
Before After
151 websites Before After Photo viewer Before After plugin integrates modified version jQuery Before/After Plugin in the wordpress. It can be used to show the difference between edited and original photo, before