
36 relevant result(s)

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325 websites SearchAutocomplete implements the jQuery UI Autocomplete functionality on your WordPress installation. SearchAutocomplete implements the jQuery UI Autocomplete functionality on your WordPress install
jQuery Responsive Select Menu
164 websites Automatically turns your standard WordPress navigation menus into responsive select / drop-down menus when the screen is below a certain width. Do you find this plugin helpful? Please consider leavin
8 websites WordCycle is a WordPress plugin that acts as a wrapper for the popular jQuery Cycle Plugin by Mike Alsup. WordCycle is a WordPress plugin that acts as a wrapper for the popular jQuery Cycle Plugin by
jQuery Cycle Slideshow for Simplest Gallery
6 websites Display your WordPress galleries as a jQuery Slideshow. Requires the "Simplest Gallery" plugin (adds a new gallery style to it). This plugin adds a new style to the simplest gallery plugin:
FireFly Effect on WordPress
2 websites FireFly is a Jquery Plugin that creates spark effect on web page. Sparks moves in random motion and path. You have to call firefly_wp_setup() on every Noise is an important part of most designs when
7 websites Plays FLV video inline in content or in a modal dialog. ILC FLVBox will parse your post content looking for links to FLV videos. When found, it will add a player to play it inline or in a modal dialo
WP jQuery Lightbox
3279 websites A drop-in replacement for Lightbox 2 and similar plugins, shedding the bulk of Prototype and Scriptaculous. Improved for mobile devices. This plugin lets you keep the awesome Lightbox 2-functionality
JQuery Drill Down Ipod Menu Widget
20 websites Creates a widget, which allows you to create a drill down ipod style menu from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Creates a widget, which allows you to create a drill down ipod style menu from a
Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7
702 websites New standard of validation for Contact Form 7 plugin. This plugin adds jquery validation to your contact form 7. You will be able to validate extra validation rules like: url, date, credit card, phon
jQuery Latest News Ticker
11 websites jQuery Latest News Ticker is a WordPress News Ticker Rotator plugin jQuery Latest News Ticker is a WordPress version of a flexible and easy to configure news ticker rotator plguin. The original versi
Page Cornr
1 websites Adds page peel to your blog. Adds a page peel in the corner of the site... with jQuery! no Flash :D Based on the work by Soh Tanaka:
Lazy Load
2836 websites Lazy load images to improve page load times and server bandwidth. Images are loaded only when visible to the user. Lazy load images to improve page load times. Uses jQuery.sonar to only load an image
15 websites A widget that uses jQuery and Twitter to display a user's tweets (or can just list the updates). Works with the Twitter API 1.1 A Widget that uses jQuery (if you want) and Twitter to fade in an
WordPress Sliding Drawer Plugin
29 websites The WordPress Sliding Drawer Plugin instantly adds a jQuery powered Sliding Drawer content area to your site. The WordPress Sliding Drawer Content Area plugin greatly increases the screen real estate
12 websites This plugin gives support for the jQuery plugin, jScrollPane. This plugin gives support for the jQuery plugin, jScrollPane. To use, navigate to Dashboard->Settings->WP jScrollPane. Most questi
1 websites
Gallery without the Fluff
13 websites Adds Gallery management functionality to WordPress, still using the built in Media Uploader & Library. For people who want to use their own jQuery This plugin is ONLY for people wanting to play a
15 websites Creates a loop of recent posts (up to 10) with images, within selected category, and scrolls through with jQuery effects This plugin creates a widget which loops up to ten recent posts and cycles thr
WP Parallax Content Slider
125 websites A customizable JQuery content slider with CSS3 animations and parallax effects. WP Parallax Content Slider is a plugin which adds automatically a content slider of your last posts where you want on y
JQuery Slick Menu Widget
33 websites jQuery Slick Menu creates a sticky, sliding menu widget from any WordPress custom menu. Creates a widget, which adds a sticky, sliding menu from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can h
Jquery news ticker
84 websites Jquery news ticker plugin brings a lightweight, flexible and easy to configure ticker plugin to site. This plugin adds scrolling horizontal tickers. Check official website for live demo http://www.go
jQuery Hover Footnotes
34 websites Lets you add footnotes with qualifiers of you're choosing, then dynamically displays them when you hover over. JQuery Hover Footnotes lets you add footnotes with qualifiers of you're choosing, t
WP Orbit Slider
112 websites WP Orbit Slider is a jQuery slider that uses custom post type and taxonomies. Oh, its also responsive! WP Orbit Slider is based around the jQuery Orbit Slider from the excellent team Zurb. It uses a
jQuery Tabber Widget
1 websites A simple widget to display a jquery based tabbed menu for recent, random and popular posts. A simple widget to add recent, popular, and random posts. This plugin is based on Jeff Star's sidebar tabbe
'Easy Speak' Widget Contact Form
37 websites A simple widgetized contact form This plugin utilizes a wordpress widget and jquery to create a widgetized contact form that visitors can use to send the site owner, or whoever you decide for that m
JQuery Mega Menu Widget
682 websites Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any standard WordPress
Good Old Gallery
45 websites Good Old Gallery helps you use galleries on multiple pages and posts, it also uses jQuery plugins for sliding and fading transitions. Good Old Gallery is a WordPress plugin that helps you upload imag
jQuery Comment Replies
3 websites Make your multi-level comment replies show on demand with a slick jQuery slideToggle() action. Simple plugin to show/hide comment replies, rather than have them all listed. An options page makes it
6 websites WP-Imagefit is a plugin that extends jQuery to proportionally resize images posts to fit the width of the containing column. Rather than relying on a CSS or HTML-driven approach to resize large or wi
Scroll to Top
231 websites Creates a floating box centered in the footer of your site that, and when clicked gently roll the site to the top. Fully written in jQuery, the plugin adds a floating box centered in the footer of yo
Super Simple jQuery Parallax Background
31 websites For themes with background images, creates a parallax effect when scrolling. Super simple; no configuration. Just works. Super Simple jQuery Parallax Background enables a parallax effect with your th
'Easy Speak' Mailing List
13 websites A simple widgetized mailing list subscription form utilizing jQuery. This plugin utilizes a wordpress widget and jquery to create a widgetized mailing list subscription form. This plugin stores user
Full Calendar Js
20 websites Display multiple Calendar XML feeds into a jquery calendar. Works with Google Calendar and others. FullCalendarJs allows you to save multiple XML feeds into a calendar id and display those calendar's
9 websites WordPress integration with jQuery Lazy Load. This plugin optimizes your page load performance using the jQuery Lazy Load. The img src attributes in your posts are replaced with placeholder tags. The
WordPress News Ticker
18 websites A jQuery based news ticker widget. The jQuery plugin was provided by:
Royal Date Picker
13 websites This plugin will automatic add jquery datepicker when using specific IDs (#rtdate, #startdate, #enddate, #eventdate). Date Picker for text field. Features Easy to use. More Thank you for using