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April's Super Functions Pack
40 websites A collection of shortcodes that can be used for laying out and formatting text. Also some useful template functions, js, and widgets. This plugin contains a large number of shortcodes that makes it e
1244 websites No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for email adresses. With CryptX you can hide all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by con No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for em
Arty Popup
25 websites Introducing Arty Popup - a popup plugin for designers. Use Arty Popup to create a designer popup with optional form integration. Upload any background image for the popup, so as a designer you have c
Simple Lightbox
7607 websites The highly customizable lightbox for WordPress Simple Lightbox is a very simple and customizable lightbox that is easy to add to your WordPress website. Features Options for customizing the lightbo
43 websites This is a plugin to add a range of shadow types to a range of objects. Currently supported are images, divs and blockquotes. This is a plugin to add a range of shadow types to a range of objects. Cur
BP BookMarklet
8 websites Allows your member to add a bookmarklet to their browser to easily share links in your BP community BP BookMarklet allows your members to add a bookmarklet to their browser to easily share links in y
Gixaw Chat
1 websites The simple and powerful way to add live chat for your WordPress blog. Add powerful live chat to your WordPress blog. ONE-CLICK INSTALL The KEY FEATURES are: Unlimited Rooms Private Chat Group Chat
ESB Testimonials
3 websites Display testimonials with slider, grid or list view used with dynamic shortcode. This plug-in is used to display testimonials. It is compatible for any WordPress site. Lists testimonials same as Wo
Easy Testimonials
2483 websites Easy Testimonials is a simple-to-use plugin for adding Testimonials to your WordPress Theme, using a shortcode or a widget. Easy Testimonials is an easy-to-use plugin that allows users to add Testimo
WordPress Poll
431 websites Wordpress Poll is completely ajax powered polling system. This poll plugin supports both single and multiple selection of answers. This poll has the following features which uses both ajax and jquery
WP Booklet
309 websites Allows creation of flip books using the jQuery Booklet plugin NOTICE TO USERS OF WP BOOKLET 1.x: WP Booklet has been rewritten and requires old booklets to be imported. Use Booklets->Import to imp
Lightbox Gallery
1051 websites The Lightbox Gallery plugin changes the view of galleries to the lightbox. Importance: From 0.7.1, the default view changed to Colorbox due to the license regulation by the plugin directory. If you w
WP Social Bookmarking
19 websites WP Social Bookmarking plugin syndicates your blog posts in social networking sites. This plugin will add a image below your posts, allowing your visitors to share your posts with their friends, on Fa
Testimonials Solution
15 websites Manage and display testimonials for your blog, product or service. Automatically rotate testimonials in your sidebar and create a full page. Testimonials Solution is a WordPress plugin which is inspi
Galleria Javascript Gallery3 Slideshow
4 websites The Galleria Javascript Slideshow fed from Menalto Gallery3 Album. Galleria Javascript Slideshow ( that is fed from an external Menalto Gallery3 ( album
Strong Testimonials
1524 websites A full-featured testimonials plugin that works right out of the box for beginners and offers advanced features for pros, all backed by strong support. All the features you need to quickly add and cus
Simple lyteload
7 websites A simple plugin to integrate jQuery lazyLoad for lazy loading images. A simple plugin to integrate jQuery lazyLoad for lazy loading images which makes your site load faster and saves bandwidth. The
YITH WooCommerce Quick View
2324 websites This plugin adds the possibility to have a quick preview of the products right from product list Sometimes the halfway is better: what if you are looking to a product in a list and its image is still
Easy Instagram
190 websites Simply, quickly and easily, displays one or more Instagram images from a User ID or a from a Tag, using shortcodes or widgets - without using a third- The "Easy Instagram" plugin can display an Insta
Github Ribbon
2 websites Adds "Fork me on Github" ribbons to your WordPress posts Github Ribbons is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to add "Fork me on Github" ribbons to your WordPress posts or pages. You can en
SVG Case Study
10 websites SVG Case Study is a simple WordPress plugin that provides a way to showcase case studies for your business. We provide advance level of support for installation and customization at $10/hour.
72 websites Fully integrated jcarousel Image Gallery plugin for WordPress to allow quick and easy galleries built from the images attached to posts. Carousel of Post allows you to quickly and easily put one or m
WP Post Navigation
396 websites Show Next and Previous Post Links at Posts. WP Post Navigation Plugin gives you facility to show Previous and Next Post Links at the Top or Bottom of a Post. You can set to navigate within category o
CBX Next Previous Link
44 websites Shows next previous page or article link using icons, have setting to configure as need. Improve Your User’s Experience by Giving Easy Navigation For Site Content Looking for a WordPress plugin th
GetOnline Pro Featured News
2 websites GetonlinePro Featured News rotator for WordPress. GO Featured News is a plugin for displaying the latest news from given categories in a simple, clear view. Some features for website owners Use un
NGG Video Extend
7 websites Addon plugin for Nextgen Gallery that adds the ability to have video lightboxes IMPORTANT: The shortcode has changed to [nggvid][/nggvid] for ALL types of video! If you are upgrading, make sure you u
FireFly Effect on WordPress
2 websites FireFly is a Jquery Plugin that creates spark effect on web page. Sparks moves in random motion and path. You have to call firefly_wp_setup() on every Noise is an important part of most designs when
Recent Comments with Gravatar
36 websites Recent Comments with Gravatar is a WordPress widget that does the same thing with the standard Recent Comments widget in WordPress >2.8 with addit Recent Comments with Gravatar is a WordPress wid
Simple Social - Sharing Widgets & Icons
24 websites Adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. This plugin adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. Widgets are
2 websites yaCAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA plugin for WordPress that helps you block comment spam from automated bots. yaCAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA plugin for WordPress that helps you block comment spam from automated bots. I
Document Gallery
1005 websites This plugin generates thumbnails for documents and displays them in a gallery-like format for easy sharing. This plugin allows the user to effortlessly create a gallery of documents and other attache
Video Backgrounds for SiteOrigin Page Builder
117 websites Add self-hosted background videos to your SiteOrigin Page Builder rows, with optional coloured or patterned overlays. Built and maintained by BG Stock Video Backgrounds for SiteOrigin Page builder gi
1 websites Add theme's or plugin's options to the WordPress Customizer. Build theme and plugin options accessible from WordPress front-end. Customizer Plugin is a tool built for WordPress Theme Develo
Network Posts Extended
68 websites List posts and/or pages from across entire network. The plugin is designed to share posts, pages, and custom post types from across entire network on any given page on main blog. You may list them in
Dev Corner Badge
2 websites Places a highly visible marker in the upper corner of every post/page to denote a development site. Sometimes you're developing a theme or a site, and it looks similar to (or exactly like) the produc
WP slabText
2 websites Allows for re-rendering a multi-rowed long headlines more beautiful and more impressive. This is a plugin for WordPress that allows for re-rendering a multi-rowed long headlines more beautiful and mo