
36 relevant result(s)

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Brankic Photostream Widget
87 websites Showing photostream from Dribble, Flickr, Instargam or Pinterest Brankic Photostream plugin displays photos from Flickr, Pinterest, Dribbble or Instagram in your sidebar. Just set username, network a
Pre Loaded - CSS Image Preloader
3 websites Preload Images Contained Within ALL Referenced CSS Files. Uses jQuery to Preload to DOM. Plug n Play. Upload, activate and sit back! Preload Images Contained Within ALL Referenced CSS Files. Uses jQu
I am Human
5 websites A customisable human detection plugin, that isn't annoying. Seriously. Firstly Sorry for not responding to forum questions; I wasn't setup to recieve emails when posts were created so completel
While Loading
24 websites It shows a screen while all content page is being loaded. After the content has been rendered, it disappears. It shows a screen while all the content loads. If you have a page that takes long time to
FB Photo Sync
58 websites Import and manage Facebook photo albums on your WordPress website. Easily import Facebook photo albums from a public page into your WordPress website. Simple to set up, manage, and display on any pos
1 websites G3Client embedds Gallery3 resources into a WordPress posting or page. G3Client embedds Gallery3 resources (albums, photos) into a WordPress posting or page. It requires the following software availab
Simple Page Transition
2 websites Add Simple Transition between pages (between unload and load) Add Simple Transition between pages (between unload and load). Avoid to see page loading. Features: New Features : you can now change
Basic jQuery Slider For WordPress
14 websites A basic jQuery Slider For WordPress Basic jQuery Slider For WordPress is a basic jQuery Image Slider For WordPress. Simply use the [BasicSlider] Shortcode on any post or page Demo:
WP Lynx
8 websites WP Lynx allows you to mimic Facebook's wall links in your WordPress posts. WP Lynx allows you to create stylized links akin to those in Facebook. These stylized links, known as lynx prints, can
Kento Team
2 websites Group or team members for your company. Super simple plugin for displaying team or company members list on page post or anywhere by using shortcodes Live Preview:
Flash Clock Widget
14 websites With Flash Clock Widget you can add a flash clock to your wordpress. This plugin include 24 amazing different flash clocks. Flash Clock Widget allows you to add a flash clock widget to your wordpres
Lazy Load XT
124 websites Lazy Load images, videos, iframes and more using Lazy Load XT. Lazy load images, YouTube and Vimeo videos, and iframes using Lazy Load XT. Lazy Load XT is the fastest, lightest, fully customizable l
phZoom Plugin for WordPress
3 websites phZoom is a kind of plugin board, based on jQuery to show photos light box effects. phZoom is a kind of plugin board, based on jQuery to show photos light box effects. Although phZoom's volume is ver
Online Counter
3 websites Visitor Hit Counter plugin. You have the ability to chooce from different stlyles and the option to add it in your sidebar or in the footer. Visitor Hit Counter plugin. You have the ability to chooce
Guerrilla's Recent Posts Widget
17 websites This is a plugin that adds a widget that you can use to showcase your most recent posts in the sidebar of your WordPress powered website. This is a plugin that adds a widget that you can use to showc
OMS Sidebar Widgets
15 websites A collection of widgets for displaying maps, images, and/or videos in your website sidebars. Sidebar Map Maps are powered by the Google Maps API v3. Locations can be automatically geocoded or latitu
Responsive WordPress Slider - HG Slider
561 websites A responsive image rotator plugin that easily creates WordPress slideshows. Now 100% Organic! HG Slider creates a new 'Slides' area in your WordPress admin and allows you to easily setup multiple sli
WP Footer Ad
2 websites WP Footer Ad allows to set up banners (image or text) to be displayed in the footer. Wp Footer Ad adds a banner in the footer of your blog. All users who visit your blog will see a clickable banner a
Lazy Load
2602 websites Lazy load images to improve page load times and server bandwidth. Images are loaded only when visible to the user. Lazy load images to improve page load times. Uses jQuery.sonar to only load an image
Royal PrettyPhoto
210 websites This plugin will automatic add lightbox in wordpress post/page without disturbance. Features Easy to use. Support Images, Youtube Video, Vimeo video, iFrame, DEV. For image not need to add rel B
Pirobox Extended V.1.0 wp-plugin
2 websites Please visit the new pirobox wp plugin at page Please visit the new pirobox wp plugin at page Pirobox Extended 1.1
Best Related Posts
3 websites Shows related posts with thumbnails. Allows you to design your own layout using simple interface. Good for SEO and reducing bounce rate. Best Related Posts is a straight forward and easy to use plug
Simple Nivo Slider
48 websites "The world's most awesome jQuery slider" by Gilbert Pellegrom, made easily available for WordPress. The Simple Nivo Slider plugin provides easy access to Gilbert Pellegrom's excellent
ABS Accordion
15 websites ABS Accordion is an awesome, super, category supported, lightweight plugin for your wordpress website. This plugin will enable Accordion in your wordpress theme. You can embed accordion via shortcode
Live Search Popup
14 websites Spotlight (tm) like live search with an ajax popup This plugin adds Spotlight (tm) like live search with an ajax popup to the default search box. See the screenshot. It can be used as a widget or di
8 websites Overlays images on the current page using Slenderbox, a lightweight and framework-free lightbox plugin that can be used with valid HTML5. This plugin overlays images on the current page using Slender
Ad Blocking Alert
2 websites Detects if your visitor is using ad blocking plugins such as AdBlock, and if so will popup a message asking the visitor to disable or add an exception Stop losing money on your google adsense and oth
7 websites Enables you to show a list of Events, Concerts, Sports and Theater Listings. Enables you to show a list of Events, Concerts, Sports and Theater Listings. Current Features Admin pages to view/creat
Windows Live Writer
12 websites Creates a manifiest file using the Provider Customization API of Windows Live Writer to create a custom sidepanel in Windows Live Writer for your blog Using the Provider Customization API of Windows
93 websites Allows users to dynamically change the font size. Although users can change the font size of a web page through standard browser settings, few people knows or remembers how to do it. WP-chgFontSize
WordPress Lazy Load
12 websites WordPress Lazy Load plugin enhances your page load speed by not loading the images until they are visible to the user WordPress Lazy Load plugin enhances your page load speed by not loading the image
Header and Footer
2 websites Why you have to install 10 plugins to add Google Analytics code, MyBlogLog tracking code, Google Webmaster verificaton code, MyblogLog verification code, tradedoubler verification code (and so on...)
15 websites A simple and beautiful Flickr widget that supports themes. Fidgetr is a WordPress widget that displays the latest photos from your Flickr photostream in an attractive manner. It features support for
Tipsy Social Icons
52 websites Tipsy Social Icons aims to be the easiest way to include access to your social networking profiles. Tipsy Social Icons is a WordPress widget that makes it easy to include a variety of social icons an
What Time Is It?
29 websites A lightweight plugin to display clock widgets on your website. What Time Is It is a light-weight plugin to let you create and customize your clocks on your website. Main functions: Local clock Wor
RP Post Nav
8 websites Show Next and Previous Post Links, Thumbnails or Excerpt at Posts, Pages, Media or Custom Post Types. RP Post Nav plug-in gives you facility to: Navigate within Post Category/Taxonomy or Date Wise