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WP Slider Plugin
294 websites WordPress slider plugin is a beautifully designed and an elegant plugin. It's simple, very easy to use, modern and responsive slider plugin. The WordPress slider plugin comes by default with a b
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Yeloni Exit Popup
116 websites Exit Popups are the best way to engage visitors leaving your website. Show offers, social buttons, email signup forms or customize it as you like. What the plugin does: Show a popup when a user is le
Shutterstock Affiliate Plugin
13 websites Earn money by referring customers to Shutterstock. Easily show over 20 million search results from Shutterstock on your WordPress Page! The Shutterstock Affiliate Plugin is designed to help affiliate
12 websites Popeye presents images from the WordPress media library as an elegant javascript inline gallery within your posts and pages. Popeye presents images from the WordPress media library in a nice and eleg
Photoswipe Masonry Gallery
412 websites PhotoSwipe Masonry takes advantage of the built in gallery features of WordPress. The gallery is built using PhotoSwipe from Dmitry Semenov. PhotoSwipe Masonry is an image gallery plugin for WordPres
Excellent transition gallery
12 websites Don't just display images, showcase them in style using this Excellent transition gallery plugin. Random Transitional effects on IE browsers. Check official website for live demo http://www.gopi
Featured Video Plus
1845 websites Add Featured Videos to your posts and pages. Works like magic with most themes which use Featured Images. Local Media, YouTube, Vimeo and many more. A picture is worth a thousand words. How many w
Post Carousel Slider
8 websites Posts Carousel Slider is a WordPress posts content slider plugin. Posts slider displays your blog's recent posts using beautiful slider. To use Posts Carousel Slider is a WordPress posts cont
Subscribe / Connect / Follow Widget
217 websites The widget displays image links (icon buttons) to various subscription services and social networking sites. More than 40 services supported. This plugin provides a widget that displays image links (
Pinterest Image Pinner From Collective Bias
132 websites Adds Pin This button to all post images Extremely lightweight jquery based plugin. Adds "Pin This" button to all images. Thanks to Elembee for this walkthrough
Back To Top
254 websites This plugin will create a "back to top" or "scroll to top button" for your website. This plugin will create a "back to top" or "scroll to top button" for your website. You can sel
173 websites Displays a beautiful image gallery in pages or posts. Just insert the [gallery] shortcode into your page or post, and any attached images will appear. Displays a beautiful image gallery in pages or p
WordPress Social Sharing Optimization - Improves Editing / Publishing / Shared Content
32 websites Fast, light-weight, full-featured plugin for great looking shares on all social sites - no matter how your content is shared or re-shared! Make sure social websites present your content in the best p
10 websites The Morpheus responsive 3D slider is a new plugin for wordpress which to create sliders with galleries, presentations, infographics and many more. LIVE DEMO. Compatible with all major browsers and d
Thumbnail For Excerpts
16 websites Thumbnail For Excerpts allow easily, without any further work, to add thumbnails wherever you show excerpts (archive page, feed...). The idea of this plugin is to make excerpts have an image near. By
1 websites