
36 relevant result(s)

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5 websites
4 websites
4 websites
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4 websites
1 websites Adds and embed box under an image post.
1 websites
1 websites
2 websites
1 websites
9 websites
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7 websites
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9 websites
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1 websites
Horizontal Carousel
8 websites Using the plugin we can put horizontal image slider with the help of shortcodes. Using this plugin, you can put horizontal image slider with the help of shortcode used after installing plug in. Plug
Woo Out Of Stock Products
97 websites Dynamically display a custom uploaded or default "Out of Stock" image overlay for products in your WooCommerce store that are out of stock. Now your WooCommerce products that are out of sto
WP e-Commerce Dynamic Gallery
25 websites Bring your product pages and presentation alive with WP e-Commerce Dynamic Gallery. Simply and Beautifully. As soon as you install WP e-Commerce Dynamic Gallery it brings your store to life with a be
Ninja Forms - Modal
21 websites Ninja Forms Modal makes it super easy to open any Ninja Form in a pop up modal from a text or image link. Ninja Forms Modal makes it super easy to open any Ninja Form in a pop up modal from a text or
Smooth Slider
348 websites Responsive WordPress Slider for Featured Content, Videos and Media Images In less than 50 seconds, embed a recent posts, category specific or featured posts slider using Smooth Slider WordPress plugi
Simple Custom Login
35 websites Quickly apply some fun or custom branding to your login screen Simple Custom Login allows you to set a custom login for your WordPress site without any code. Simple Custom Login allows you to: - Up
Genesis Custom Headers
176 websites Add custom headers to each page/post/custom post type. Header options include: featured image, custom image, slideshows, HTML, scripts, and more. Please Note: This plugin is only for Genesis Framewor
Wp-Thumbie - Related Posts with thumbnails for WordPress
126 websites Show user defined number of related / similar posts with thumbnail image Display a list of related posts along with thumbnail images of those posts for the current post. You can select the number of
2 websites PicTips provides a shortcode for images to be used as ToolTips. Like ToolTips but with pictures. Ever wanted to make your content more visual? With PicTips, you can! Hovering over an item with a PicT
Hearthstone Cards for WordPress
3 websites Hearthstone Cards for WordPress adds an overlay to written card names and displays the associated image while hovering them. Hearthstone Cards for WordPress adds an overlay to written card names and
JJ NextGen JQuery Slider
206 websites Allows you to pick a gallery from the 'NextGen Gallery' plugin to use as a 'JQuery Nivo slider'. The 'JJ NextGen JQuery Slider' allows you to create a 'Nivo slider' (http://nivo.d
Photospace Gallery
170 websites The Photospace plugin takes advantage of the built in features of WP by automatically appying the plugin to the default gallery short code. The Photospace plugin takes advantage of the built in featu
YITH WooCommerce Featured Video
90 websites YITH WooCommerce Featured Video allows you to place a video in the product detail page instead of the featured image. YITH WooCommerce Featured Video plugin is an extension for the WooCommerce plugin
WP Flow Plus
106 websites Flow style gallery with Lightbox popups. Uses images from the WordPress Media Library or an uploaded directory of images. WP Flow Plus Display attractive flow style carousel galleries with or withou