
36 relevant result(s)

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1 websites PAFacile è un plugin nato per consentire alle pubbliche amministrazione di gestire la trasparenza amministrativa secondo gli obblighi di legge. PAFacile è un plugin sviluppato dalla per v
WordPress Social Login
1642 websites WordPress Social Login allow your visitors to comment and login with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and more. WordPress Social Login allow your website readers and customers
Simple Locator
69 websites Add Google Maps location search functionality for any post type. Why use Simple Locator? Simple locator is ideal for developers who are looking for a way to implement location search for any post ty
WordPress YouTube Embed
423 websites YouTube Embed plugin is an convenient tool for adding video to your website. Use YouTube Embed plugin to add YouTube videos in posts/pages, widgets. WordPress YouTube Embed plugin is useful and conv
Lightweight Social Sharing Buttons
4 websites Adds social sharing buttons to single posts and pages. No external scripts or images. This plugin adds social sharing buttons to posts and pages for Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. It doesn
Social Likes
510 websites Little, easy to use plugin that adds single-style buttons with fast like counters for: Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and others. Little, easy to use plugin that adds social networks sharing bu
WordPress Local SEO
55 websites Boost the Local SEO rankings of your WordPress and optimize the display of your locations:, GEO sitemap, Google Maps, infinite locations Features Branding with title & logo Address &
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Gears This Blog
1 websites Allow users to stock blog content on their computer for offline surf. Gears This Blog allow your blog's visitors to store the blog's content on their computer for offline navigation, this, with the
Easy Bubble Menu
8 websites Powerful jQuery Supplementary Menu & Social Icons Builder Enhance your site by adding an elegant supplementary menu. WYSIWYG - Easily build supplementary menus builder tool. Add links with
Easy Maps
13 websites Enhance your posts with Google Maps. Use the Easy Maps plugin to easily create more dynamic content with an inline editor. In literally just a few seconds, you can add beautiful Google maps to any o
VO Locator - WP Store Locator Plugin
28 websites Simple wordpress store locator plugin to manage multiple business locations and other any places using Google Maps VO Locator is simple location management plugin to power your wordpress website with
68 websites GSpeech is a text to speech solution which uses Google power and allows to listen any selected text on your site! GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide
76 websites Single Sign On for Enterprises + Social Login + User/Passwords. For all your WordPress instances. Powered by Auth0. This plugin gives WordPress a new Login Widget (powered by Auth0) that enables: E
Most Shared Posts - Social Media counter for Twitter, Facebook & Google+
123 websites Author: Tom Anthony Author URI: Track your most popular blog posts, sorted by those with the most social shares. It checks the number of Facebook Likes, Twitter T
Viper's Video Quicktags
1949 websites Allows easy and XHTML valid posting of videos from various websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, and more. Tired of copying and pasting the embed HTML from sites like YouTube? Then this plugi
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DynamicWP Running RSS
3 websites This plugin will displays RSS feed on the bottom of your site as a running text and floating. DynamicWP Running RSS is a RSS feed reader plugin. This plugin will displays RSS feed on the bottom of yo
73 websites The WordPress mailing platform Style your html and plain text mails with dedicated themes and templates. Double opt-in subscription. Subscriptions to Comments, Newsletters/Post notifications and eve
2 websites Automatically adds city-precise location information of comment authors to comment metadata. GeoSmart automatically adds city-precise location information for each comment author to comment metadata