
36 relevant result(s)

Most popular searches for last 30 days:
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Solve Media CAPTCHA
51 websites Secure & Monetize your site with Solve Media's CAPTCHA replacement. Secure & Monetize your site with Solve Media's free CAPTCHA replacement. CAPTCHA is a simple and popular method of se
WP Spam Fighter
181 websites Comment spam prevention without moderation, captchas or questions This plugins prevents comment spam without requiring you to moderate all comments or your users to use user-unfriendly captchas or an
Shockingly Big IE6 Warning
32 websites A shockingly BIG or SMALL warning popup with customizable message about the dangers of using IE6. And now an option to crash IE6. The Shockingly Big IE6 Warning is a plugin that shows a warning messa
Two-Factor Authentication (Google Authenticator)
67 websites Easily add Two Factor Authentication to protect sites from unauthorized login attempts.Support SMS,QR Code,Push,Google Authenticator,Authy,Device Id. A highly secure & easy to setup Two-Factor Au
8309 websites No spam in comments. No captcha. Anti-spam Pro | Anti-spam | Donate | GitHub Captcha madness: Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they
26 websites CodeGuard protects your WordPress website with daily automatic backup and monitoring. Automatically fix mistakes or problems by restoring to a previou CodeGuard is a secure, automatic daily backup se
3 websites Allows developers to compress (GZIP & JSMIN) JavaScript files as well as concatenate them into one single file. This plugin will GZIP and JSMIN your JavaScript files as well as allowing the abili
Advanced iFrame
3305 websites Include content the way YOU like in an iframe that can hide and modify elements and foreward parameters. You can also embed content directly. Advanced iFrame Pro | Demo Include content the wa
Report Content
76 websites Inserts a secure form on specified pages so that your readers can report bugs, spam content and other problems. This plugin allows you to add a simple Ajax powered form to the posts (and optionally p
4063 websites Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress on the forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost p
CaPa Protect
4 websites Protects Categories, Pages and Posts for specific users & anonymous visitor CaPa provides Category & Pages protection on a roles & user basis. Posts in a protected Category or Pages will
AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter
14 websites Provides Visually Appealing Captchas to Enhance and Secure your WordPress pages. Fortified with ANTI-SPAM FILTER Protection and SPAM COUNTER. The AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter provides in
16 websites WP DS FAQ Plus is the plugin which was improved based on WP DS FAQ 1.3.3. WP DS FAQ Plus is the plugin which was improved based on WP DS FAQ 1.3.3. This plugin includes the fixed some issues (Quotat
Spam Destroyer
12 websites Kills spam dead in it's tracks. Be gone evil demon spam! Stops automated spam while remaining as unobtrusive as possible to regular commenters. The Spam Destroyer plugin is intended to be effort
Clef Two-Factor Authentication
529 websites Modern two-factor that people love to use: strong authentication without passwords or tokens; single sign on/off; magical user experience. The Clef mobile app provides password-free, two-factor authe
Music Store
32 websites Music Store is an online store for selling audio files: music, speeches, narratives, everything audio. In Music Store, secure payments with PayPal. Music Store features: ♪ Allows selling audio fil
GG Infucaptcha reCaptcha for Infusionsoft
3 websites Inserts Google’s new reCAPTCHA into Infusionsoft web forms Infusionsoft® has a native captcha you can insert into web forms, but it's not user-friendly, blocks submissions, and is ugly. With th
7 websites CheckBot — simple one-click captcha-plugin created for people. It is very easy to use, and look nice, but at the same time, fully customizable, and quite seriously protect your blog from spam. Feat
En Spam
181 websites Block spam with cookies and JavaScript. All Spambots will remain away from your blog. Without settings or Captcha, install and forget the spam. "En Spam" blocks totally comments of bots by cookies an
Simple Weather
517 websites Shows current weather for specified location. Shows current weather for specified location. Makes use of "secret" Google Weather API, which is unofficial, yet XML-based and lightweight, and is used b
14590 websites Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet Web service to see if they look like spam or not. Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet Web service to see if they look like spam or not an
35 websites The whole idea to this plugin is to keep spammer robots from posting on your blog, reducing the space taken by spam messages in the database, and prev The whole idea to this plugin is to keep spammer
1 websites Advanced iFrame Pro | iframe | All iframe params | Donate [iframe src="" width="100%" height="480"] shortcode should show something like this: Iframe shortc
524 websites Integrates reCAPTCHA anti-spam methods with WordPress including comment and registration spam protection. What is reCAPTCHA? reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that protects your site against spam,
1269 websites No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for email adresses. With CryptX you can hide all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by con No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for em
757 websites After about 7 years and more than 320'000 downloads, DMSGuestbook has reached end of life and will not longer supported by the owner. Nach über 7 Jahren und mehr als 320'000 Downloads wird die Entwi
Gwolle Guestbook
188 websites Gwolle Guestbook is the WordPress guestbook you've just been looking for. Beautiful and easy. Gwolle Guestbook is the WordPress guestbook you've just been looking for. Beautiful and easy. Gwolle
Bad Behavior
7 websites Bad Behavior prevents spammers from ever delivering their junk, and in many cases, from ever reading your site in the first place. Welcome to a whole new way of keeping your blog, forum, guestbook, w
78 websites This plugin enables you to use a Google reCAPTCHA contact form on your blog. A simple plugin for your WordPress blog that enables you to have a contact form with the reCAPTCHA challenge system. All
564 websites IMPORTANT NOTICE This plug is no longer actively being developed. I do not recommend you install and use it. If you are currently using this plugin, please consider disabling it. Running unmaintained
369 websites Simple Plugin to enable Cufon fontreplacement This Plugin makes it totally easy to implement Cufon into your WordPress Blog. The only thing you have to do is converting your fontfiles and upload them
NS Comment Validator
8 websites Client side validation of your WordPress Comment form This plugin adds client side validation in WordPress Comment form. This acts as a level of security also. Without entering valid input user wont
5 websites wp-greet is a wordpress plugin to send greeting cards from your wordpress blog. It uses pictures from native gallery, NextGenGallery or NextCellentGa wp-greet is a plugin for the famous wordpress bl
2 websites BadPass helps to promote better password selection by warning users when they are using a common password. BadPass helps to promote better password selection by warning users when they are using a co
47 websites Create a stylish and user-friendly Guestbook for your WordPress blog. Designed to replicate the appearance and behavior of Viper Guestbook. WP-ViperGB is a WordPress plugin designed to replicate the
Contact Form With Captcha
29 websites Contact form with captcha plugin allows you to use a Google reCAPTCHA contact form on your blog. It requires PHP 5.0 or later. Contact form with captcha is great plugin for your WordPress blog that e