Top plugins for WordPress

This is a review and relative rating of the WordPress plugins, based on an analysis 1,500 000+ WordPress websites.

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The more sites - the higher rating of plugin.


-1 new websites added last month


-12 new websites added last month

Subscribe Me

Adds widgets that let you display subscribe links to RSS readers such as Feedly or Bloglines. This plugin has been retired. No further development will occur on it. The Subscribe Me plugin will add buttons that let your visitors shar

atom, feed, rss, semiologic, subscribe, subscribe-button, subscribe-me
-6 new websites added last month

WP Tweet Button

This plugin easily and fully implements Twitter's official Tweet Button on your WordPress blog or site. The tweet button can be positioned as you please and can be styled to your delight in the settings page. You can configure individual me

-6 new websites added last month


Add awesome looking embedded HTML representations of actual tweets in your blog posts just by adding simple shortcodes.

-17 new websites added last month


-12 new websites added last month

WP Optimize By xTraffic

Plugin "WP Optimize By xTraffic" optimizes your WordPress websites more useful and powerful through the special features. Plugin WP Optimize By xTraffic automatically optimizes your WordPress site more useful and powerful through

automatic, cache, categories, category, combine, comment, comments, content, CSS, feed, feeds, footer, google, head, header, image, image pr
-18 new websites added last month

KN Mobile ShareBar

Displays a floating share bar with custom shared text on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp at bottom or top of your website via mobile. How it works? Displays a floating share bar with custom shared text on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp at

buttons, Facebook, responsive, Share, sharebar, social, social buttons, social share, twitter, whatsapp
-3 new websites added last month

WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite

WP MashSocial Wigdet : A beautiful widget inspired by Mashable to be used in sidebar, it allows you to add your Pinterest, G+ , Twitter , Facebook and WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite: A beautiful widget inspired by Mashable to be used in sidebar

+1, add, add this, add to any, AddThis, addtoany, admin, ahmad awais mashsocial, aim, all in one social, analytics, bar, bookmark, bookmark
-11 new websites added last month

AWeber Forms by Optin Cat

Aweber Forms by Optin Cat Helps You Convert More Blog Visitors Into Subscribers. Create Aweber Popups, Widgets & Post Boxes In Less Than 2 Minutes Aweber Optin Cat WordPress Plugin With the Aweber Forms by Optin Cat WordPress plugin,

aweber, Aweber form, aweber opt-in form, aweber registration, aweber shortcode, aweber subscribers, aweber widget, aweber wordpress, email m
-6 new websites added last month

GIF Animation Preview

Replace GIF animations to a static preview image This plugin finds every GIF animation in your posts and replace it to a preview image. Doesn't matter the GIF embedded from another website or use WordPress's static thumbnail. It automatica

gif, images
-3 new websites added last month

Grid Gallery with Custom Links

Displays gallery in a grid. You can add custom links to all images and captions. Grid Gallery with Custom Links displays gallery images in a grid. Live Previews

custom links, galleries, gallery, gallery links, grid, grid gallery, image links, responsive, responsive gallery
-5 new websites added last month

CP Related Posts

CP Related Posts is a plugin that displays related articles on your website, manually, or by the terms in the content, title or abstract, and tags CP Related Posts is a plugin that displays related articles on your website, manually, or by

admin, associate page, associate post, custom post type, excerpt, filters, image, images, manual, page, pages, plugin, Post, posts, posts si
-7 new websites added last month


-6 new websites added last month


-5 new websites added last month


-3 new websites added last month


Provides extensible support for EU/UK compliance of the EC Cookie Directive (2009/136/EC), based on a visitor's location. Cookillian makes it easier to comply with the EC Cookie Directive (EU Cookie Law), which affects the United King

block, cookie, cookie law, ec, eu cookie directive, europe, filter, uk
-10 new websites added last month


-7 new websites added last month

Brankic Photostream Widget

Showing photostream from Dribble, Flickr, Instargam or Pinterest Brankic Photostream plugin displays photos from Flickr, Pinterest, Dribbble or Instagram in your sidebar. Just set username, network and number of photos to show. Live demo

dribbble, flickr, image, instagram, photo, photostream, pinterest, stream
0 new websites added last month

Colored Vote Polls

Add polls with multiple choice of answers to your site. Display the results in colors from red to green, or any color you like. Perfect to show your p Create polls with as many questions with choices of answers has you like. Each answer ca

color, colour, poll, survey, vote
-2 new websites added last month


+9 new websites added last month


+6 new websites added last month


+8 new websites added last month


+4 new websites added last month


+5 new websites added last month


+3 new websites added last month


+5 new websites added last month


+11 new websites added last month


+10 new websites added last month


+10 new websites added last month