
36 relevant result(s)

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Beatport Discography shortcode
16 websites Wordpress plugin that adds a shortcode on posts or pages to read the artist discography using the Beatport API. WordPress plugin that adds a shortcode on posts or pages to read the artist discography
Eye-Laser Savings Calculator by Ostheimer
1 websites Our savings calculator tells you how much money you can save with laser eye treatments until you are 60. You must enter your current age and the estimated amounts that say how much you spend per year
JJ NextGen JQuery Cycle
52 websites Allows you to pick a gallery from the 'NextGen Gallery' plugin to use with 'JQuery Cycle Lite'. The 'JJ NextGen JQuery Cycle' allows you to create a 'Cycle Lite' (
Simple Google News DE
5 websites Binde mit diesem einfachen Plugin den Google News Stream zu einem bestimmten Thema in die Sidebar, Deine Artikel oder Seiten ein. Dieses Plugin kann als Widget oder per Shortcode genutzt werden. Das
jcwp copy paste blocker
76 websites This plugin blocks text selections and right clicks on your blog pages and posts. This plugin gives you an option to make your content safe. There is nothing like full protection of your content bein
Yet Another Social Media Icon Plugin (YASIP)
31 websites This plugin/widget allows you to insert icon links to your social profiles in any widgetized area. By simply dragging this widget into your sidebar or any widgetized area, you can easily place icon l
850 websites CataBlog is a comprehensive and effortless tool that allows you to create catalogs, stores and galleries for your blog. CataBlog allows you to catalog pretty much anything you would want and share it
Simple HTML Slider
97 websites SHTML slide plugin is a simple but very easy to use flexible and elegant slider plugin for WordPress. Simple HTML Slider a.k.a. SHTML Slider is a basic HTML content slider. SHTML Slider allows users
Birds Portfolio
5 websites This plugin adds portfolio projects (with categories) to your WordPress site. Birds Portfolio allows you to create, manage, categorize and publish portfolio items. The plugin comes with some basic b
Dynamic Headers
1186 websites Dynamic Headers does just what you think it would based on the name - it allows you to create highly dynamic header space on your WordPress site. Dynamic headers fills a void that has been present fo
Pretty Simple Progress meter
8 websites Pretty Simply Progress meter is a clean and fun way to share your tracked progress on everything! Track your progress, and showcase it on your WordPress website with the Pretty Simple Progress meter.
Mozilla Persona (BrowserID)
25 websites Implementation of Mozilla Persona (BrowserID) for WordPress Mozilla Persona is an open source identity system from the Identity Team at Mozilla. More information on Persona can be found at https://lo
9 websites Transforms the output of the Multisite Language Switcher to an HTML select Most people are likely to use some lines of PHP or the widget provided by the Multisite Language Switcher to integrate the l
Norman Advanced Archive Widget
25 websites Norman Advanced Archive Widget is a free replacement for the standard WordPress archive widget. Lots of customization options to satisfy your needs. Norman Advanced Archive Widget is a free replaceme
WP Business Intelligence Lite
10 websites Dynamic web charts and tables for your site! Connect to your live WordPress instance DB to retrieve data in real-time and update charts and tables! Adding charts and tables to your web site has never
1 websites 将您的博客文章和图片自动和手动同步更新到新浪微博、腾讯微博、Twitter, 本插件利用各大SNS和微博网站的开放API,可将wordpress中文章分享到这些网�
9 websites Simple WordPress plugin for up/down voting on posts and comments. UpDownUpDown provides two template tags for adding up/down voting for any post or comment. Anonymous guest visitors can either be all
AGP Font Awesome Collection
445 websites The latest Font Awesome icons with HTML and shortcodes usage, dynamic visualizer for TinyMCE, promotion widget and other features in the one plugin The plugin allows to integrate the Font Awesome ico
Image Caption Hover
145 websites Add images anywhere in your site with 60+ caption hover effects. Add images anywhere in your site with 60+ caption hover effects. It is Simple and Flexible. FREE VERSION DEMO PRO VERSION DEMO Help
WP Ajax Search Widget
5 websites Displays instant search results directly beneath a search widget. WP Ajax Search Widget is a replacement for the standard search widget but instead of redirecting you to a new search page the results
Mini twitter feed
223 websites Embed your twitter feed or the twitter timeline from your favorite users on your WordPress blog. Shortcodes and widgets are used. Important notice: Twitter shut down their v1 API and use now the v1.1
Youtube Playlist Player
40 websites Display a Youtube player with jQuery/HTML5 playlist on any post or page using a simple shortcode. Display a responsive Youtube player with jQuery/HTML5 playlist on any post or page using a simple sho
Display Latest Tweets
6 websites A widget that displays your latest tweets from your twitter account. This plugin is compatible with the new Twitter API 1.1 Connect your Twitter account to this plugin and the widget will display you
WordPress Widgets Extended
8 websites WPWE is a plugin that adds some new widgets to your websites to customise how posts, pages, comments and authros appear in your sidebar. WPWE or in other words WordPress Widgets Extended is a plugin
Electric Studio EU Cookie Law Compliance
17 websites The Electric Studio Cookie notice plugin adds a cookie notice to the top of the website which is displayed via AJAX. The notice will display once and will set a cookie for 730 days (2 years). The plu
Islamic Graphics
1 websites Shortcode for the insertion of graphics representing the common Islamic phrases: SAW, RA, SWT and AS, into WordPress posts and pages. A simple set of shortcodes to allow authors to insert graphics th
Hana Flv Player
143 websites Easily embed videos(Flash & HTML5) in your WordPress featuring Flowplayer(version 2, 3, and 5), OS FLV player, FLV Player Maxi, and MediaElement.j Now you can easily embed the FLV Flash videos in
INK - Own your content
7 websites Installs INK on your wordpress blog so you get credited everytime someone copied and paste content from your blog. INK is a new way to own your content. It’s a well know fact, the content you produ
Quote Tweet
18 websites A plugin that shows a link when a user selects text on your WordPress site to quote that text, with the current URL, in a tweet. Let your visitors share a quote from your pages with Quote Tweet! Whe
WRC Pricing Table
130 websites Free WordPress pricing table developed to display pricing tables in a lot more professional way on different posts or pages by SHORTCODE. WRC Pricing Table is a free WordPress plugin developed to dis
Radio Station
114 websites Radio Station is a plugin to run a radio station's website. It's functionality is based on Drupal 6's Station plugin. Radio Station is a plugin to run a radio station's website. It's f
Chronosly Events Calendar
27 websites Elegant event list display, easy-to-use interface with major event features included. 100% responsive and extensible with templates and addons. Chronosly plugin was born from the need to make events
Multipage Plugin
2 websites Order your posts in subpages: multipage posts will have a table of contents linking single subpages with their titles. Multipage Plugin for WordPress (formerly sGR Nextpage Titles) will make you able
WP Attachments
223 websites Powerful solution to manage and show your WordPress media in any post or page. WP Attachments is a plugin that enhance the download experience and file managing in WordPress. It adds some features fo
Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress
46 websites Quickly embed or insert Articulate content into a post or page. This plugin will add a new toolbar icon (the letter 'a') next to the 'Add Media' button on the Edit Post and Edit Page pages. Upon cli
1 websites Displays call to actions, tracks their performance and optimizes placement AdHerder is an automated A/B advertisement testing platform. Create your ads and AdHerder will select the best ad for each i