
36 relevant result(s)

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Popups - WordPress Popup
2928 websites Most complete free Popups plugin, scroll triggered popups, compatible with social networks, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Contact form 7, Mailpoet, Mail The new Popups plugin can display multiple popup
WP Pipes
91 websites RSS Feed to Post/bbPress, AutoBlogging, auto post to Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn, CSV importing for Posts/WooCommerce/bbPress, RSS Feed Creator. Yahoo Pipes & Zapier are powerful online services fo
Feed Them Social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, Pinterest, etc)
2581 websites Custom feeds for Facebook Pages, Groups, Events, Album Photos, Videos & Covers, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, Pinterest & YouTube on pages, posts Create Social Feeds of any or all your celebritie
Super Post
97 websites For any post type and any other extended options for displaying your site post in a better way. This plugin gives you all the controls for any post queries, for any post type and any other extended o
Sell Downloads
24 websites Sell Downloads is an WordPress eCommerce for selling downloadable files: audio, video, documents, pictures all that may be published in Internet. Sell Sell Downloads features: » Sell Downloads is a
Google Maps Widget
2122 websites Displays a single-image super-fast loading Google map in a widget. A larger map with all the usual features is available on click in a lightbox. Check out some examples on the official plugin site, v
Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration
69 websites Let users log in, comment and share via their social accounts with Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vkontakte, QQ and over 25 more! This is a paid subscription plugin offered by LoginRadi
Another Author Box
12 websites Show an author box on posts and pages Another Autbox Box is a wordpress plugin that shows your visitors an author box. It allows you to add a few social media links such as Twitter, Facebook and Lin
WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite
98 websites WP MashSocial Wigdet : A beautiful widget inspired by Mashable to be used in sidebar, it allows you to add your Pinterest, G+ , Twitter , Facebook and WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite: A beautiful widget in
AddToAny Share Buttons
33870 websites Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny sharing button, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, WhatsApp, many more, and follow icons too. The AddToAny WordPress sharing plugin helps people
WP Social Bookmarking Light
283 websites This plugin inserts social share links at the top or bottom of each post. This plugin inserts social share links at the top or bottom of each post. This is the list of used social sites: Hatena Fa
Custom Comment
24 websites Customize your comment form with more fields This plugin lets you define more fields for comment to let your visitors include their facebook, twitter and ... in their comments
Click To Tweet
2550 websites This WordPress plugin allows you to easily create tweetable content for your readers. Use pullquotes and custom messages inside the body of your blog post to highlight your content for the reader and
CP Image Store with Slideshow
22 websites CP Image Store with Slideshow is an online store for the sale of image files: images, predefined pictures, clipart, drawings, vector images. For payme CP Image Store with Slideshow features: § Allo
St Social Links
6 websites A simple plugin to add links to your social network. You can add the list on header, footer or widget. This plugin simply displays links to your social netwrok. You can add the links in header sectio
Smart About Me Widget
2 websites Smart About Me widget shows the about me content added by wordpress admin This plugin contains a widget for showing off the about me content on your wordpress blog sidebars. With this plugin you can
MF Gig Calendar
56 websites I'm Matthew Fries (that's where the MF in MF Gig Calendar comes from) and I'm a NYC jazz pianist and part-time web developer. I developed this plugin because I wanted a flexible and easy to use perfor
Hero Social Widget
11 websites Display your social profiles in a cool widget. Display your social profiles in a cool widget. You have the following social profiles options: -Facebook -Twitter -Google Plus -Flickr -RSS -DeviantArt
Simple Author Box
20 websites Adds a simple author box below the articles on single page. Adds a simple author box with Gravatar image below the articles on single page. You can add Twitter and Facebook profiles.
RSS Stream
2 websites RSS Stream displays your social feeds in a lifestream way. RSS Stream displays your social feeds in a lifestream way. View plugin's home page for more info. Needs PHP5! RSS feeds must be in RSS 2.
Social Impact Widget
17 websites Displaying your social impact. Add a sidebarwidget to display the count of your twitterfollowers, your googleplus circles, fans of your facebook-fanpage, and your feedreaders (from feedburner) in you
379 websites podPress adds a lot of features designed to make WordPress the ideal platform for hosting a podcast. podPress includes a lot of bug fixes and some new festures like a Post Type Filter for t
Tweet Stream
1 websites Display your most recent tweets and mentions in a sidebar or widget enabled area. This plugin adds a widget to WordPress that will display a users tweets as well as recent mentions. Choose from sever
58 websites Comic publishing power for the web. Webcomic provides a host of features for creating, managing, and sharing webcomics. Take control of your webcomic with multi-comic management, theme integration, d
2 websites Converts links to videos hostet at in your posts or pages to embedded players. Converts links to videos hostet at to embedded players. Bringt embed and download options.
Facebook FanBox Popup
78 websites Promote your Fanpage in a cool natural way Support for this plugin will only be served HERE Promote your fanpage naturally, tested websites with more than 1 million hits per day. The plugin is o
Recommend to a friend
30 websites Plugin that add a share to friends jQuery Lightbox Plugin that add a share to friends jQuery Lightbox to your pages or posts. Users will be able to share your content using 3 ways : Writing email a
Follow us on widget
194 websites This plugin is the most efficient way to integrate the important social like buttons. This plugin is the most efficient way to integrate the important social like buttons like Twitter, Facebook, Flic
Bangla Author Bio
5 websites Simply adds a author bio after every post automatically in Bangla. Simply adds a author bio after every post automatically in Bangla. You can integrate Twitter and Facebook profiles.
RocketCloud - Social Share Buttons
1 websites Allows you to easily change, colours, sizing and icons. Adds social sharing to all your WordPress postings. Select a from a list of popular social media icons. Allows you to change icon colours and b
Genesis Social Profiles Menu
277 websites This small and leightweight plugin is intended for the use with the popular Genesis Framework. It adds a special stylesheet for social profile icons for the WordPress custom menu system. The menu syst
17 websites Adds TinyMCE button for Tweeting selected text in a post. Give users ready-made "soundbites" to tweet. TweetHerder introduces a shortcode to easily add "Tweet This" buttons to quotes inside your pos
Wp Fixed Social Profile Icons
21 websites Fixed Social Icons for your wordpress website Wp Fixed Social profile Icons places the social icons on the left/right side of the page. When a user rollover the icon the full icon is shown with nic
Personal Profile Widget
2 websites Personal Profile Widget WP Creative have created a simple personal profile widget for your WordPress website. A simple interface allows you to update your Biography, Profile Picture, website links an
Social Profiles Widget
181 websites This plugin/widget allows you to insert icon links to your social profiles in any widgetized area. By simply dragging this widget into your sidebar or any widgetized area, you can easily place icon l
Genesis Latest Tweets
1 websites The official plugin from WP Valet, adopted from StudioPress in 2015. Note: This plugin has just been adopted and is getting re-coded. Genesis Latest Tweets will add a new widget allowing you to show