
36 relevant result(s)

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2 websites
1 websites
WP Social Bookmarking Light
259 websites This plugin inserts social share links at the top or bottom of each post. This plugin inserts social share links at the top or bottom of each post. This is the list of used social sites: Hatena Fa
Sociable RE
51 websites Добавляет кнопки для публикации ссылок в соц. сетях на страницы блога. Плагин добавляет множество кнопок для
Juiz Social Post Sharer
704 websites Add smart designed buttons after/before your posts to allow visitors sharing your content (includes no JavaScript mode & counters) Add smart designed buttons after/before your posts to allow visi
Social Viral Downloader
18 websites This is a "Share to Download" plugin, and works for Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. This plugin is a very powerful viral marketing tool. Once installed, this plugin prompts the user to share
1 websites
5 websites
1 websites
1 websites
2 websites
Super Link Preview
7 websites Generate a preview (aka thumbnail) of any external link in the page, similar to Facebook or Google+ snippets. Get the most relevant image, or the appropriate embedded media player, or the page screen
Responsive Video Shortcodes
126 websites This tiny plugin allows you to embed online video from YouTube, Vimeo and more media for a responsive layout - they scale according to the screen size Responsive Video Shortcodes is a tiny plugin tha
Social Bookmarking RELOADED
10 websites Social Bookmarking RELOADED - Add social bookmarks service icons to your blog articles in order to submit them easily. Based on Apostolos Dountsis plu The Social Bookmarking RELOADED plugin for WordP
NextGEN Facebook - Complete Meta Tags for FB, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn & More
251 websites Display your content in the best possible way on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. - no matter how your webpage is shared! Make sure social websites present your content in the best possibl
Swifty Image Widget
108 websites Super simple but powerful widget that allows adding single or multiple images to your widget positions, using native media uploader. Super simple but powerful widget that allows adding single or mult
SwfObj Plugin: for embedding Flash objects
202 websites Insert Flash content into WordPress using shortcodes. This plugin enables inserting flash content into WordPress posts and pages with shortcode. The resulting embedded Flash implements the SWFObject
7 websites
Find Me Elsewhere
15 websites This plugin let you shown all your social network icons in a widget Features: * 16 social networks embeded,including Facebook , Twitter , Friendfeed , Linkedin , Myspace , Friendster , Orkut , Bebo
ClickDesk Live Support - Live Chat - Help Desk Plugin for Websites
612 websites ClickDesk is an awesome combo of live chat, help desk, voice and video chat and social toolbar for your wordpress website. Install it for free today! Besides being the fastest live chat service, Clic
Mobile ShareBar
70 websites Displays a customizable bar with WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ share buttons on top or bottom of your website. Displays a customizable bar with WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ share
WP Share
2 websites Add social sharing buttons to your content in 5 minutes. You can choose from 3 different icon styles including the original ones. WP Share adds social sharing buttons to your site, the available serv
WP Canvas - Shortcodes
1024 websites A family of shortcodes to enhance your site functionality. Enhance your pages and posts with the following features. Accordion Tabs Toggle Columns & Sections Testimonials Borders Buttons Full W
Flash MP3 Player
130 websites This plugin integrates a powerful music player into WordPress. This plugin can display a highly customizable MP3 player on your sidebar, in a single post page or any other places on your blog pages.
12 websites
1 websites
HTML5 and Flash Video Player
90 websites The html5 and flash video plugin for WordPress allows the addition of video (and other media) to a WordPress website, now you can also watch videos in The html5 and flash video plugin for WordPress a
Subscribe Me
87 websites Adds widgets that let you display subscribe links to RSS readers such as Feedly or Bloglines. This plugin has been retired. No further development will occur on it. The Subscribe Me plugin will
Pinterest Pin It Button For Images
896 websites Add a "Pin It" button over your images, so users can add it to Pinterest easily. Don't like the "Pin It" button underneath your post? Want to be able to add images directly to Pinterest by
Easy Logo
42 websites This plugin allows the end user to upload a new logo or use an existing image from your WordPress media gallery as a logo. This plugin helps in managing your WordPress website's logo. You can easily
Fullscreen Galleria
179 websites A simple fullscreen gallery to WordPress Fullscreen gallery for WordPress. Based on Galleria JavaScript image gallery framework. Features Clean fullscreen interface. Only image and carousel is sho
Social Semantic Recommendation (SOSERE)
11 websites Display a list of related entries on your site based on an unique, self-learning, socialsemantic network analysis algorithm. Social Semantic Recommendation (SOSERE) is a easy way to engage your reade
WordPress Tweaks
24 websites Adds many must-have options for tweaking comments, posts, media, multisite, the administration back-end, and more. WordPress Tweaks is a powerful yet simple plugin to help you push the boundaries of
S3Bubble Amazon S3 Video And Audio Streaming With Analytics
33 websites S3Bubble offers secure, Media Streaming from Amazon S3 to WordPress. Streaming Types Available. Video RTMP Streaming: (with cloudfront) - View Example Video HLS Streaming: (.ts segments .m3u8) - Vi
GD bbPress Attachments
219 websites Implements attachments upload to the topics and replies in bbPress plugin through media library and adds additional forum based controls. Attachments for forum topics and replies are handled through
WP Attachments
223 websites Powerful solution to manage and show your WordPress media in any post or page. WP Attachments is a plugin that enhance the download experience and file managing in WordPress. It adds some features fo