
36 relevant result(s)

Most popular searches for last 30 days:
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Social Connect
141 websites Allow your visitors to comment, login and register with their Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo or account. Looking for maintainers. This plugin is currently not maintained. If you would
Meks Smart Social Widget
1179 websites Easily display more than 40 social icons inside your WordPress widget. Choose from different icon shapes and sizes and quickly connect your website with your social profiles. There are 40 social icon
Author Box Ultimate
6 websites Display author information under post. Displaying author info by Author Box is super easy and customizable. use different themes to match with your site template. Plugin Features Different themes.
Simply Pinterest
44 websites Automatically add a Pin It button on every image in your posts. No shortcodes necessary, this flexible plugin makes it easy for your visitors to share With Simply Pinterest make it easy and obvious y
Social Profiles Sidebar Widget
20 websites Add a sidebarwidget for social profiles in you blog. Supports several sets of icons and three different iconsizes. 32, 64, and 128 Pixel. This plugins installs a sidebar widget to show you social pro
1 websites
GC Social Wall
12 websites This plugin helps to export your records from social networks in WordPress blog. This plugin helps to export your records from social networks in WordPress blog. Demo link: http://sw.gurievcreative.
4 websites This plugin allow you to extract and add files in the media library from a zip file. This plugin allow you to extract and add files in the media library from a zip file. You juste need to upload or
8 websites The 1st plugin to integrate the foursquare® API into WordPress to show your checkins and badges This plugin uses the foursquare® API to retrieve various information and display it in a widget
IS Circular Photo Gallery
14 websites Circle style picture gallery with Lightbox popups. Uses images from either the WordPress Media Library or an uploaded directory of images. Display images as circle on the current page or post using t
BuddyPress for Sensei
10 websites BuddyPress for Sensei integrates the WooThemes Sensei plugin with BuddyPress, so you can add groups, activity, members, and forums to your courses. Want your students and teachers to interact with ea
7951 websites BuddyPress helps you run any kind of social network on your WordPress, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more. Are you looking for modern, robust, and sophisticated
Timeline Twitter Feed
55 websites Output timeline feeds and multiple hashtags into your WordPress site as flat HTML. Timeline Twitter Feed let's you output your timeline feed and multiple hashtags into your WordPress site as flat HTM
ShareThis: Share Buttons and Social Analytics
2552 websites Social Charge your Content with ShareThis - features Social Analytics, CopyNShare, Open Graph Sharing, and the Hovering Bar! Updates 2/12/2016 New Look. Same Function. You may have been selected to
Social Share
61 websites Simple Social Sharing widget. This Widget Plugin will allow you add a simple widget in your sidebar for your users to share! The Widget contains four simple Social network sharing buttons viz. Twitte
2 websites Gallery fully integrated in facebook with like and comments for each picture Make your own gallery of NextGen Gallery with facebook like and comments for each photo separately for more and demo: http
WordTwit Twitter Plugin
7 websites WordTwit is a plugin that uses the Twitter API to automatically publish tweets about new posts on your WordPress website, and is configurable with has WordTwit keeps track of when you publish new pos
19 websites The easiest way to add Socicon, the social icon font, to your site! demo The easiest way to add the social icon font Socicon to your WordPress site! Instant access to over 100 social icons, Socicon
Open Social
41 websites Login or Share with social networks: QQ, WeiBo, Baidu, Google, Microsoft, DouBan, XiaoMi, WeChat, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook. No API! Single PHP! Login or Share with social networks: QQ, WeiBo, Baidu,
12 websites Share WP posts on multiple Social Networks with different icons sets Share-me is a simple social share plugin. Share your posts on multiple Social Networks with different icons sets. Share-me is able
WordPress Picture / Portfolio / Media Gallery
422 websites A powerful portfolio/gallery plugin, highly suitable to showcase your portfolio/pictures/videos/media and sort them nicely under filterable tabs. Nimble Portfolio This free plugin can transform a hu
Easy Twitter Feed Widget Plugin
3374 websites Add twitter feeds on your WordPress site by using the Easy Twitter Feed Widget plugin. Easy Twitter Feed Widget plugin uses the Twitter Widget without creating an API to display tweets on your WordPr
Social Share by WP Dev Shed
9 websites Adds Facebook and Twitter social share buttons to your blog posts. The easy and simple way to share you blog posts via Facebook and Twitter. Just activate the plugin and go to Appearance > Customi
Pics Mash
1 websites Pics Mash creates "Facemash" like hot or not image rating contests on your WordPress website. Facemash for WordPress plugin Want even more features? Go Pro the best face mash for wordpress
Social Crowd
3 websites Social Crowd retrieves the count/number of Friends/Followers from your favorite social networks and displays them throughout your blog The Social Crowd Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Friends/
Social Tags
6 websites Automatically converts a post's tags into hashtags, allowing your readers to join the conversation on their favorite social network. With Social Tags, the post's tags are seen as hashtags, and a
Essential Grid
23603 websites Essential Grid - the most impressive WordPress gallery Plugin. Content sources: Post, Custom Post, Pages, WooCommerce, Gallery, Social Media.Adjustable rows/columns/spacings.
Twitter Feed
208 websites A powerful Twitter integration system that allows you to display tweets using widgets and shortcodes Twitter Feed allows you to easily display tweets from Twitter in a wide variety of ways, using the
Recently on Twitter
2 websites Fast, flash free, non-cached view of your Recent Tweets on Twitter The Twitter Recent Tweets Plugin / Widget let's you display your tweets in the sidebar of your blog, useful if you use WP-Cache / Su
Facebook Comments Notifier
168 websites Get email notifications when Facebook Comments are posted on your WordPress website. The Facebook Comments Notifier plugin adds the facebook comment system in place of the default WordPress comments
Tilt Social Share Widget
44 websites Tilt Social Share Widget allows your users to quickly share your content on social sites. View "Description" tab for available services. Tilt Social Share Widget is a simple widget that all
TentBlogger Social Widget - Twitter, Facebook, and RSS
13 websites Note: This plugin is no longer under active development. If you're interested in maintaining it, please contact me. A lightweight, fast loading, and clean looking social widget to capitalize on
Cleio Toolbox
2 websites Cleio ToolBox is packed with nifty widgets and shortcodes that will cover all the basics of blogging... and more! Key Features New Post Type and Widget: Photo Post, to feature your latest photo pos
135 websites Long page loads aren't fun for anyone. Use WPSocialite to take control of heavy social sharing links and load them how you want! No one likes long load times, but we all want to be able to share
Social Share Boost
173 websites Get even more sharing tools at *new: * More Buttons * More Widgets * More customizable Boost Your Social Sharing by automatically adding various social share tools above or below the pos
2 websites The WordPress ImageShare plug-in gives you the possibility to add social bookmarking icons on an overlay on images in your blog posts. The WordPress ImageShare plug-in adds social bookmarking buttons