
36 relevant result(s)

Most popular searches for last 30 days:
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Social Gallery Lite
26 websites Social Gallery is the Ultimate Social Lightbox Plugin for WordPress. This is the Lite Version. The Ultimate Social Lightbox Plugin for WordPress That's right – you can now get a Lite version of th
JS Social Bar
7 websites JediSoftware Social Bar is a plugin that adds a fancy bar to your website, containing links to your social pages. JediSoftware Social Bar is a plugin that adds a fancy sidebar to your website, contai
Social Stickers
218 websites A simple plugin that shows the various social networks you use. Also supports themes. This is a simple plugin that shows the various social networks you use in the form of "stickers" (see screenshots
BuddyPress Social
79 websites Bringing social engagement to Buddypress - let your community share to their hearts content all while promoting your website to social networks. Bringing social engagement to Buddypress - let your co
WP Social Buttons
10 websites Add Social Buttons Using Floating Sidebar (Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Google+,Pinterest) "wp-social-buttons" is the very simple plugin for add to social buttons on your site. Using this plugin you c
Helios Solutions Social Media Buttons
321 websites Add Social Media Buttons to your Site Embed the customised Social Media Buttons, like – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus, Linkedin, Xing, Tumblr , Skype and Pinterest to your Website. Add S
Candy Social Widget
183 websites Adds a delicious Social Icon widget to your dashboard. Created by WPExplorer, this plugin will add a new widget to your widgets dashboard so you can link to your favorite social profiles using the be
Social Space
23 websites A simple Plugin for showing your social links using a simple widget so that people can connect with you more easily. Social Space widget is a very light weight widget that will help you easily share
Call To Action Box
30 websites An easy way to add call to action boxes to your WordPress site. An easy way to add call to action to your WordPress site. Quick Start Guide Call To Action quick start guide at
Social Web Links
50 websites Display your social profile in widget, post content anywhere. This plugin will display elegant icons of your social profiles on a sidebar widget. Plugin also provides options to upload your own icons
Super Socializer
1451 websites The unique Social Plugin to let you integrate Social Login, Social Share and Social Comments at your website Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Arabic, Russian and Serbo-Croatian translations inclu
Social Profilr
3 websites Sidebar Widget To Display Eye Candy Icon to Display Your Social Network Profile This plugin is a sidebar widget which will display icons for your social network sites that linkback to your social n
Cresta Social Share Counter
287 websites Share your posts and pages quickly and easily with Cresta Social Share Count showing the share count. With Cresta Social Share Counter you can share your posts and pages easily and show the social co
Cool Social Icons Widget
69 websites This plugin allows you to insert cool social icons in widget area with dark and light color scheme according to your site. Cool Social Icons widget plugin is very easy to use, customizable way to dis The Social Sharing Platform that Captures 100% of your sites Social Activity!
102 websites encourages social sharing, tracks dark social sharing of your content, provides comprehensive analytics and actionable reporting. is the leading sharing platform that has the capability t
Affiliates Manager
28 websites Affiliates Manager plugin can help you manage an affiliate marketing program to drive more traffic and more sales to your site. Running your WordPress site with an e-Commerce plugin or solution? WP A
Responsive Social Share
7 websites Responsive Social Share is the best social media plugin for WordPress that integrates share buttons to your website. Responsive Social Share is a light-weight WordPress plugin that adds Social Share
Social Streams
16 websites Collect, curate and display social media content from Twitter and Instagram directly on your WordPress website. Social Streams lets you aggregate and display social media content from Instagram and T
Flow-Flow Social Stream
277 websites With Flow-Flow Social Stream you can display your social hub in awesome responsive grid. Make any combinations of social feeds with Flow-Flow and show posts in masonry grid on any page of your site.
Sticky Social Bar
23 websites Sticky social bar is a simple container of social media icons with links, glued to the right side of the browser window Sticky social bar is a simple container of social media icons, glued to the rig
cbnet Social Menu
5 websites Manage and display your social network profile links using a custom navigation menu. This Plugin adds a custom Widget that allows you to add a list of social network profile links to any Theme, using
Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons
1726 websites Super lightweight, simple, nice, modern looking and effective social media sharing and following buttons and icons on your site quick and easy WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight fr
Affiliate Hoover
5 websites Parses feeds into posts as supplied by affiliate marketing companies Affiliate Hoover allows the website owner to upload and parse CSV feeds supplied by affiliate marketing companies. Feed items are
Lightweight Social Icons
1084 websites Looking to add simple social icons to your widget areas? Choose the size and color of your icons, and then choose from 42 different social profiles. Lightweight Social Icons is an easy to use, lightw
NertWorks All in One Social Share Tools
16 websites NertWorks Social Share Tools make it easy for you to place social share and like buttons through out your website. You can pick specific pages to mak NertWorks Social Share Tools make it easy for yo
ChimpMate - WordPress MailChimp Assistant
154 websites ChimpMate is a MailChimp based email marketing plugin. Professional and Custom designs. Includes Lightbox, Slider, Widget, Add-on, Topbar and Flipbox ChimpMate is a MailChimp based email marketing pl
Advance Social Sharer
51 websites Add social button to your wordpress website for share your post to social network such Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter and Google. Social Share Plugin allows you to add google, facebook,twitter and linked
WordPress Social Login
1642 websites WordPress Social Login allow your visitors to comment and login with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and more. WordPress Social Login allow your website readers and customers
Social Stream
4 websites Combine Twitter and Facebook feeds with WordPress posts to create one Social Stream Social Stream takes your latest posts from Twitter, Facebook and your WordPress blog to merge them into a single fe
132 websites The Affiliates system provides powerful tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program. The Affiliates system provides powerful tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program. Important features
I Love Social Bookmarking
31 websites I Love Social Bookmarking is a simple WordPress plugin that allows your readers to submit your content to social media services via a clutter-free dro I Love Social Bookmarking is a simple WordPress
Social Likes
510 websites Little, easy to use plugin that adds single-style buttons with fast like counters for: Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and others. Little, easy to use plugin that adds social networks sharing bu
Lazy Social Buttons
49 websites Delayed loading of Google +1, Twitter and Facebook social buttons on your posts. Have your cake and eat it too; social buttons and performance. Social buttons attract more visitors to your site. When
Social Pug - Easy Social Share Buttons
3158 websites Increase your social shares and your audience with these sleek social share buttons. Simple and Beautiful Share Buttons Add social share buttons to your website to increase the interaction on your w
Cocorico Social
189 websites Cocorico Social is a simple social sharing plugin for WordPress. English Cocorico Social lets you add social share buttons before and after your content. The following networks are supported : Fac
WP Social Stats
48 websites The best social analytics plugin to track the performance of your posts and webpages at Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Stumbleupon WP Social Stats is a social analytics plugin that