
36 relevant result(s)

Most popular searches for last 30 days:
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1 websites
25 websites
1 websites
1 websites
2 websites
1 websites
1 websites
1 websites
89 websites Simnor Shortcodes is a user friendly shortcodes plugin, it adds a button to your editor to allow you to add basic shortcodes like buttons and columns
Timeline Pro
17 websites Timeline Pro is pure HTML & CSS timeline style grid for WordPress. Timeline Pro is pure HTML & CSS timeline style grid for WordPress. Very lightweight, Responsive and easy to use anywhere vi
Simple Author Widget
1 websites Easy way to display the Author profile with four social networking profiles using widget. Easy way to display the Author profile with four social networking profiles using widget. Through this plugi
Popups - WordPress Popup
2761 websites Most complete free Popups plugin, scroll triggered popups, compatible with social networks, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Contact form 7, Mailpoet, Mail The new Popups plugin can display multiple popup
Featured Posts Slideshow
5 websites Featured Posts Slideshow is a wonderfull WordPress Javascript Slideshow. It displays as many Post's images as you want. Featured Posts Slideshow shows as many post's images as you want. It's a v
Recurring Donations
83 websites Accept recurring donation payment from your WordPress site. The Recurring Donations plugin allows you to accept recurring donations via PayPal from your website. It has a user-friendly and simple sh
1 websites
1 websites
1 websites
4 websites
Delightful Downloads
576 websites A super-awesome downloads manager and statistics tracker for WordPress. Delightful Downloads is a super-awesome downloads manager for WordPress that allows you to easily add download links, buttons a
Users Ultra Membership Plugin
54 websites Users Ultra is the ideal plugin for creating advanced user communities & networks easily. It includes Social Login & Paid Membership Features Users Ultra is the ideal tool for creating advanc
LTW Content Shortcodes
20 websites LTW Content Shortcodes is a lightweight plugin that contains some useful shortcodes to enrich your content quick and easy. LTW Content Shortcodes is a lightweight plugin that contains some useful sho
Find Me On
156 websites The Find Me On sidebar widget displays icons & links for all of your social network profiles. *73* Supported Social Networks! The Find Me On sidebar widget displays icons for all of your social n
Sexy Author Bio
14 websites A WordPress author bio plugin that adds a sexy, custom about the author box below your posts for single and multiple authors. Sexy Author Bio is a WordPress author bio plugin that supports single and
Like To Keep Reading
27 websites Get more Facebook Likes, Google +1s, and Tweets by forcing users to perform a social action before accessing the rest of your content. Market your content virally on social networks by forcing users
Vote My Post
8 websites Provides up and downvote buttons to each of your posts. This plugin provides one upvote( like ) and one downvote( dislike ) button with counter, to each of your posts. The site admin has option to se
About Me 3000 widget
142 websites Add an "About Me" widget to your sidebar. This widget will show general information About You. Add your email and small description, and your gravatar will be shown next to the summary. Yo
1 websites
40 websites
3 websites
1 websites
2 websites
1 websites
3 websites
1 websites
Display Latest Tweets
6 websites A widget that displays your latest tweets from your twitter account. This plugin is compatible with the new Twitter API 1.1 Connect your Twitter account to this plugin and the widget will display you
Subscribe Button by AddToAny
442 websites Help visitors subscribe to your blog using email or any feed reader, such as Feedly, My Yahoo!, AOL Reader, and many more feed services. The Subscribe button helps people subscribe to your blog using