
36 relevant result(s)

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1 websites
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Logo Slider
799 websites Showcase logos in stylish slideshow carousel. Add a reponsive logo slideshow carousel to your site quickly and easily. Embed in any post/page using shortcode [logo-slider] or in your theme <?php l
5 websites
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2 websites
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1 websites
ShiftNav - Responsive Mobile Menu
1022 websites Add a native-style, off-canvas, responsive mobile navigation menu to your site. ShiftNav is an awesome mobile menu for WordPress. It looks and acts like native app off-canvas slide-out menus for pop
3 websites SlideWizard helps you to create beautiful slider from various source. Easily create a slider on your website. You can add various source for the slider, such as Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, Twitter t
Ajax Scroll
4 websites Turns standard 'next' and 'previous' post links into animated AJAX scrolling. AJAX Scroll links an AJAX-enabled page scroller to the standard next and previous post links. Clicking on a next or prev
Cimy Header Image Rotator
863 websites Change your theme image real-time. Displays an image that automatically rotates depending on setting. You can setup from one second up to one day and more. Intermediate settings are also possible. S
1 websites
WordPress Gallery Plugin
66 websites WordPress Gallery Plugin makes it as easy as it could possibly be to create gorgeous sliders for your WordPress powered site. WordPress Gallery Plugin makes it as easy as it could possibly be to crea
Genesis Widget Toggle
5 websites This plugin add additional widget area that can be slide up and down at the top of your site. This plugin add additional widget area that can be slide up and down at the top of your site. Very useful
1 websites
SEO Auto Links & Related Posts
243 websites Automatically create auto link, related posts, and slide out related posts when user reach the end of article. SEO Auto Links & Related Posts Main Features Auto Links Auto create internal lin
Simple Content Slider / Slideshow
7 websites A simple and responsive content slider and slideshow plug-in for jQuery with features like touch and CSS3 transitions. A responsive content slider and slideshow plug-in for jQuery with features like
SH Slideshow
33 websites Slideshow banner with different effects which is using jQuery Cycle Plugin. Simply for normal users and advanced users. SH Slideshow is a WordPress plugin that will create an animated promo slideshow
Easy Logo Slider
627 websites Easy Logo Slider is plugin that helps users to upload the logos of clients along with title, short description and website URL. Easy Logo Slider is plugin that helps users to upload the logos of clie
BW Slideshow
4 websites BW Slideshow is a widget to show posts as a nice slideshow. You can control themes, show or not desciption. BW Slideshow support many params to control your slideshow. It show post's image with title
Nivo Slider for WordPress
352 websites Atenção: O plugin está sendo descontinuado, mas você pode usar o Simple Responsive Slider no lugar! :) Warning: The plugin is being discontinued, but you can use the Simple
Fullscreen Slider
24 websites Create a fullscreen background slider for your site in a couple of minutes with multiple images and transitions. Create a fullscreen background slider for your site in a couple of minutes with multip
WP Orbit Slider
112 websites WP Orbit Slider is a jQuery slider that uses custom post type and taxonomies. Oh, its also responsive! WP Orbit Slider is based around the jQuery Orbit Slider from the excellent team Zurb. It uses a
Simple Fullscreen Responsive Slider
34 websites Simple Fullscreen Responsive Slider is an easy-to-use, lightweight, responsive, fullscreen slider that supports MultiPostThumbnails and custom CSS. Simple Fullscreen Responsive Slider (or Simple Slid
WP flash img show
31 websites wp-flash-img-show is a FLASH Image Slide plugin for WordPress. You can show your articles , photo,goods,product and other ad. or introduction.Just enj English wp flash img show is a FLASH Image Slid
Recent Posts FlexSlider
51 websites Simple setup responsive slider of recent posts selected by category or post type using FlexSlider by WooThemes. This slider uses the FlexSlider framework by WooThemes. Recent posts are displayed as a
Facebook Panel
1 websites Let your visitors like, comment and share on facebook from a neat slide-in panel. The Facebook Panel plugin sticks a Facebook icon to the left edge of the window, across every page of the site. When
JDs Portfolio
9 websites JDs Portfolio Plugin enables you to Add a projects detailed and produce portfolio page to display information of past Projects. While using the Portfolio plugin you possibly can create an original pa
Elastic Slide
1 websites !!!Further development on this project has stopped!!! This is a wrapper plugin for the elastislide script (with some modificati
Preload Current Images
9 websites Preload images on the current page to make them load faster. Allows you to auto preload all images on the current page. This also include background images. This is perfect for slides where not all i
70 websites FikraTicker is a simple and multi-effects newsticker that displays the recent news/posts on your website/blog FikraTicker provides WordPress with a sleek and multi-options newsticker. It can be displ