
36 relevant result(s)

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12 websites Show the links in multiple columns. Show the links with multiple columns layout in the sidebar. You can limit the number of links, switch it between one-column and multiple-column layouts in the side
Category and Page Icons
509 websites Easy add icons to sidebar of categories and pages. All features are flexible and ajax based. Old version. Current version of plugin is not supporting, right now. Please wait for the next major update
Google Calendar Widget
676 websites This plugin installs a sidebar widget that can show the upcoming events from a Google Calendar feed. This plugin installs a widget for showing a Google Calendar agenda on the sidebar. Once installed
72 websites Put widgets into tabbed interface in sidebar Put widgets into tabbed interface in sidebar. Features Multiple instances; The layout of each instance can be defined as horizontal or vertical; Layout
3 websites Enhancements to Kieran O'Shea's Calendar plugin to allow multiple uses, theme styling, and more. Enhanced-Calendar (previously known as Calendar-Plus) enhances Kieran O'Shea's Calendar pl
Webloggerz WP Social Media Wigdet
3 websites Webloggerz Social Media Wigdet : A beautiful widget to be used in sidebar or footer, it allows you to add your Twitter , Facebook, Google Plus and Fee Webloggerz WP Social Media Wigdet : A beautiful
Advanced Floating Content
410 websites Advanced Floating Content Plugin is an all in one plugin with easy to use controls, helps you demonstrate sticky footer or header with many features. Online Demo Advanced Floating Content plugin is
Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget
222 websites Shows the latest tweets from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget. This plugin displays the latest posts from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget. Easy customization of style, replies, retweets,
Fuse Social Floating Sidebar
705 websites This plugin allows you to add social media floating sidebar icons which can be connected with your social media profiles. By simply inserting links from Admin Dashboard under Settings Menu, one can s
Genesis Simple Sidebars
2 websites This plugin allows you to create multiple, dynamic widget areas, and assign those widget areas to sidebar locations within the Genesis Framework on a This plugin allows you to create multiple, dynami
Call to Action
1 websites Displays the most relavent Call to Action in your sidebar based on the content of the page Displays the most relevant Call to Action in your sidebar based on the content of the page. Calls to action
SDAC Translate
2 websites Simple lightweight translation sidebar widget that uses Google Translation. The SDAC Translate plugin uses Google Translate to translate your site's content in multiple languages using a simple sideb
277 websites Display recent comments in your blog sidebar. Show the recent comments in your WordPress sidebar. You can limit the number of comments, set the maximum length of excerpts, filter out pingbacks/trackb
Archives Calendar Widget
443 websites Archives widget that makes your monthly/daily archives look like a calendar on the sidebar. Archives widget that make your monthly/daily archives look like a calendar on the sidebar. If you have a lo
BlogWell's Simple Image Link Widget
155 websites A widget which allows you to add an image with a link to your sidebar. So you want to put an ad or an image in your sidebar. And you want it to link to another site. And you want to do it easily, wit
Ads in Right Bottom
6 websites This plugin could bring so many kind of ads to right bottom, with opacity effect. Good for user want to add advertising banner over content. This plugin will be power when intergate with Custom Ads S
WP Wall
51 websites "Wall" widget that appears in your blog's sidebar acting as a cool shoutbox for your visitors. WP Wall is a "Wall" widget that appears in your blog's sidebar acting as a cool shoutbox
Simple Sidebar Navigation
91 websites Easy way to create custom navigation in sidebars or other pre-defined areas. Conditional tags are included to specify pages where widgets appear. Supp This plugin adds a widget into the Widgets dashb
Mobile AppWidget
2 websites Wordpress widget for promoting a Google Android/Apple iOS/Windows Phone app in your WordPress sidebar Mobile AppWidget let you insert in your sidebar Mobile apps ads. After you install this free plug
History Manager
3 websites History manager is a widget that shows archives, categories, tags, recent posts, and recent comments in a collapsable mode on the sidebar. Tired of having your post history taking up your entire side
Social Links
52 websites Social Links is a sidebar widget that displays icon links to your profile pages on other social networking sites. Social Links is a sidebar widget that displays icon links to your profile pages on ot
Online Counter
3 websites Visitor Hit Counter plugin. You have the ability to chooce from different stlyles and the option to add it in your sidebar or in the footer. Visitor Hit Counter plugin. You have the ability to chooce
121 websites Display Flickr items in the sidebar, or within pages and posts. This is a widget to display items from Flickr in the sidebar or within pages and posts. This widget supports: Flickr RSS feeds Photo
Alkivia SidePosts
66 websites Simple widget to move posts from a category to the sidebar. Posts in this category do not show on index, archives or feeds. With this widget you select the category you want, and all entries with thi
WP Weather Hacks
47 websites Display weather reports in the sidebar. Display weather reports in the sidebar from Livedoor weather API. Sorry! Japanese only. Plugin Homepage (Japanese) Support GitHub
WP Social Buttons
10 websites Add Social Buttons Using Floating Sidebar (Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Google+,Pinterest) "wp-social-buttons" is the very simple plugin for add to social buttons on your site. Using this plugin you c
About Me widget
10 websites Add an "About Me" widget to your sidebar. Since I don't consider my blog anonymous or 'seekrit' I grabbed a text widget and started adding an "About Me" to my sidebar. After trying to get t
Kento Latest Tabs
17 websites Get list of latest post, comment and most popular post on sidebar via widget. jquery tabs to get list of latest, popular and recent comment with post thumbnail or gravatar image on sidebar widget. L
Social Links Sidebar
15 websites Social Links Sidebar is a sidebar widget that displays icon links to your profile pages on other social networking sites. Based on About Me / Social L Social Links Sidebar is a sidebar widget that di
Hackadelic Widget Voodoo
12 websites Morphs your sidebar widgets into collapsible, cool AJAX-type citizens. This plugin morphs your sidebar widgets into collapsible, cool AJAX-type citizens. Check out the plug-in homepage for in-depth i
4 websites This plugin allows you to show the latest comments, pingbacks or trackbacks in the sidebar of your blog or anywhere else. The plugin comes with widget This plugin allows you to show the latest commen
9 websites Displays Gravatars of all your commenters as a mosaic in the sidebar of your blog. The plugin is widget ready and brings many configuration options! IMPORTANT: If you update from a version prior to 0
Image Rotator Widget
807 websites A sidebar widget for rotating and displaying images in your sidebar, allowing you to loop, set the speed, target a new window if linked, and even rand A widgetized plugin that puts an image rotator o
Tabber Tabs Widget
133 websites The easiest way to add a tabbed content area in your sidebar. This plugin is not actively supported anymore. The easiest way to add a tabbed content area in your sidebar. If you can use widgets...
4 websites Envator plugin display yours envato items in pretty widget. This plugin display yours envato items in pretty widget Sell or referrer envato items with your wordpress blog. Its too simple. Please no
Social Widget
90 websites A beautiful widget that allow you to add a stylish Facebook like box, twitter follow button and a google +1 button to your sidebar. Adds a social widget for your social media account to your wordpres