
36 relevant result(s)

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7 websites CheckBot — simple one-click captcha-plugin created for people. It is very easy to use, and look nice, but at the same time, fully customizable, and quite seriously protect your blog from spam. Feat
22 websites Photo Albums for BuddyPress. Includes Posts to Activity Stream, Member Comments, and Gallery Privacy Controls. This plugin adds photo album capabilities to BuddyPress. This is a fork of BP Album+
Simple Colorbox
177 websites Description: Adds a very simple Colorbox to your linked images. Adds a very simple Colorbox to your linked images. This plugin is intended as an easy to use alternative to other lightbox / Colorbox
3 websites Gallery fully integrated in facebook with like and comments for each picture Make your own gallery of NextGen Gallery with facebook like and comments for each photo separately for more and demo: http
While Loading
25 websites It shows a screen while all content page is being loaded. After the content has been rendered, it disappears. It shows a screen while all the content loads. If you have a page that takes long time to
10 websites This plugin allows to add interactive polls to your WordPress web site. You can use shortcodes to place desired questions in a post or in any widget. This is a plugin that allows to add interactive a
Best Related Posts
3 websites Shows related posts with thumbnails. Allows you to design your own layout using simple interface. Good for SEO and reducing bounce rate. Best Related Posts is a straight forward and easy to use plug
Cool Tag Cloud
512 websites A simple, yet very beautiful tag cloud. The plugin renders a tag cloud using a professionally designed tag image as a background. The plugin's tag cloud is completely responsive and is correctly ren
11 websites Overlays images on the current page using Slenderbox, a lightweight and framework-free lightbox plugin that can be used with valid HTML5. This plugin overlays images on the current page using Slender
16 websites A simple and beautiful Flickr widget that supports themes. Fidgetr is a WordPress widget that displays the latest photos from your Flickr photostream in an attractive manner. It features support for
18 websites With this plugin you can create photo galleries from the images in a folder. With this plugin you can create photo galleries from the images in a folder. To display the plugin in your Posts type [ima
WP MtG-Helper
11 websites Mtg Helper supports you writing "Magic:the Gathering"-articles The goal of this plugin is to help you writing articels about Magic: the Gathering like tournament reports or draft walkthroug
HMS Testimonials
431 websites Display your customer testimonials on pages or posts. Use groups to organize and display specific testimonnials on specific pages. HMS Testimonials is a testimonial and review plugin for your WordPre
OAuth twitter sidebar widget
85 websites Display the latest updates for any twitter user in a widget. Automatically embeds links to @users, #hashtags and urls. This widget will display the most recent tweets for any twitter user who has the
Social Author Box
8 websites Creates an "Author Box" Widget with the author's picture, bio and social media links. This plugin will create an authorbox widget that you can place in a sidebar. The widget displays t
21 websites Comment Image Embedder is a very simple plugin that, once installed, lets your visitors add an image to their comments. Comment Image Embedder is a very simple plugin that, once installed, lets your
Better Stop Adblock
8 websites Rileva e Blocca i Visitatori che usano Adblock o hanno i Javascript disabilitati. Detects and Blocks Visitors who use Adblock or have Javascript disab This plugin detects if a visitor to your website
Google Plus Widget
196 websites An easy-to-use plugin which allows you to add a Google Plus profile badge along with an optional Google +1 button and Google+ posts anywhere on your W NEW WITH v1.5 Inclusion of profile pictures of
2 websites photonPWG is a plugin which allows PhpWebGallery (a photoblog) and wordpress integration. All seems to be one, your users won't see any difference! photon is a plugin which allows PhpWebGallery (a p
Background Changer
18 websites Background Changer helps you change very easy and very fast the background color of your wordpress blog. Background changer will appear as a sub-menu in the Settings Menu In your Wp-Admin Control pan
Fancybox Plus
132 websites Seamless integration of Fancybox (similar to Lightview, Lightbox, Thickbox, Floatbox) to create a nice overlay to display images and videos without th A wordpress plugin which implements Fancybox. F
Lightbox Gallery
1062 websites The Lightbox Gallery plugin changes the view of galleries to the lightbox. Importance: From 0.7.1, the default view changed to Colorbox due to the license regulation by the plugin directory. If you w
Photo Protect
21 websites Adds an invisible layer over your images to protect them from copying. Photo Protect adds an invisible layer over your post images to protect them from copying. Visitors trying to save an image wil
Image Formatr
26 websites Formats all content images on a page / post giving them captions and popups. Image Formatr is a simple plugin that goes through all the content images on posts & pages, and with zero user changes
9 websites This plugin is a lightweight solution to put a kind of garage sale on your wordpress page. This plugin is a lightweight solution to put a kind of garage sale on your wordpress page. Users can put th
Give a Beer
5 websites Widget that will enable visitors to give you/the site a virtual beer by clicking on the widget (Update: Now with PayPal link integration support). Widget that will enable visitors to give you/the sit
Lazyest Gallery
90 websites Maybe the second-best Gallery plugin for WordPress Create a photo gallery from your existing photo directories. This gallery basically needs just two settings: Your image directory and your gallery
Infinite Slider
25 websites Innovative slider plugin for WordPress based sites. Features 20 or more tiles of your best content on the same page! Draggable and responsive. Web users are starting to get bored by the currently pre
2 websites The missing gallery of WordPress. Simple, yet the effective gallery plugin! If you are looking for a simple, easy to use and lightweight gallery plugin, We Gallery is here for that. It's the only gal
post highlights
10 websites Add a nice looking animated highlights box to you theme, and lets you highlight your posts Add a nice looking animated highlights box to you theme, and lets you highlight your posts Features: Beau
TopUp Plus
1 websites Seamless integration of TopUp (similar to Lightview, Lightbox, Thickbox, Floatbox, Fancybox) to create a nice overlay to display images and videos wit TopUp is a jQuery based wordpress plugin which i
Front End Upload
50 websites Provides the most basic implementation allowing site visitors to upload files to the Media library and notify admin Uploading files should be considered risky This plugin will facilitate uploading f
117 websites Adds the Galleryview template for use with the NextGen-Gallery plugin. NextGEN-Galleryview (originally created by Alex Rabe) is a WordPress plugin providing NextGen-Gallery plugin users a new templat
5 websites wp-greet is a wordpress plugin to send greeting cards from your wordpress blog. It uses pictures from native gallery, NextGenGallery or NextCellentGa wp-greet is a plugin for the famous wordpress bl
Boxers and Swipers
64 websites Integrates Colorbox, Slimbox, Nivo Lightbox, Image Lightbox, Photoswipe and Swipebox into WordPress. Integrates Colorbox, Slimbox, Nivo Lightbox, Image Lightbox, Photoswipe and Swipebox into WordPre
UnPointZero Slider
47 websites UnPointZero slider is a plugin that display a slideshow for your posts, pages or custom post type. And it's fully customizable ! UnPointZero slider is a plugin that display a slideshow for your