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Modal Dialog
222 websites The purpose of this plugin is to allow users to create one or more modal dialog(s) / pop-up window(s) that will appear when a user visits their site. The purpose of this plugin is to allow users to c
6 websites Add your MailerMailer signup form to your WordPress site. Allow site visitors to easily subscribe to your email list. The MailerMailer plugin allows you to easily add your signup form to your WordPre
AnyWP MailChimp
84 websites This plugin lets you easily to add a signup form for your MailChimp mailing list. Features: Signup form as a widget or by shortcode Ajax form submission Customizable "thank you" message Uses MailCh
WP Lead Plus Free Squeeze Page Creator
74 websites Create stunning squeeze page/newsletter pages with ease. Simply point-click-edit and your squeeze page is ready in less than 3 minutes. Have you ever wanted to create stunning squeeze pages just like
Single Mailchimp
9 websites Single Opt-In AJAX Mailchimp Newsletter form for WordPress. You can switch between single opt-in and double opt-in. Use it as Widget or Shortcode. Single Opt-In AJAX Mailchimp Newsletter form for Wor
Optin Forms
543 websites Create beautiful optin forms with ease. Choose a form design, customize it, and add your form to your blog with a simple mouse-click. Create Beautiful Optin Forms With Ease! Optin Forms allows you t
Simple Popup Plugin
119 websites This plugin makes it easy to create a simple, modifiable popup window. To get a Email Collection popup and more, go here! The function of this plugin is to easily create links to simple popup window
4 websites Send beautiful, responsive newsletters with your latest posts to subscribers without lifting a finger. We even widgetized the subscription form! CircuPress is the only email service provider develope
CleverReach Extension
40 websites Simple interface for CleverReach newsletter software using the official CleverReach SOAP API. The CleverReach Extension for WordPress provides an easy way to embed your CleverReach sign-up form anywh
MailMan Widget
7 websites Uses php-mailman to integrate the GNU Mailman mailing list manager with WordPress. This plugin provides an easy, lightweight way to let your users sign up for your MailMan list. You can use it to sig
GoDaddy Email Marketing
685 websites Add the GoDaddy Email Marketing plugin to your WordPress site! Easy to set up, the plugin allows your site visitors to subscribe to your email lists. The GoDaddy Email Marketing signup form plugin ma
EZ Popup Manager
3 websites EZ Popup Manager allows you to easily display a simple message box on your WordPress front page. If you want to promote your brand new newsletter functionnality, display advertising on your homepage
Sliding Social Icons
40 websites WordPress Sliding Widgets Plugin will help your to create a sliding icon list dynamically where you can place on your website. The icons slide into the screen when you hover over them. This plugin als
ThemeFuse Maintenance Mode
1 websites Use our awesome Maintenance Mode (Coming Soon) plugin while you work on building your website. ThemeFuse Maintenance Mode is a coming soon plugin that enables you to inform your users when your new
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1 websites