
36 relevant result(s)

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Simple Contact Info
142 websites Write contact information, social links, google map and display on your website where you want. Do it easy! You can write your contact information in admin panel and then show it on front-end through
Social Slider
119 websites This plugin adds links to your social networking sites' profiles in a box floating at the left side of the screen. What is Social Slider? The Social Slider plugin display on your blog an expand
PB MailCrypt - AntiSpam E-Mail Encryption
54 websites This Plugin provides a Shortcode to encrypt email addresses / links and protect them against spam. This Plugin provides you an easy to use Shortcode to encrypt email links and protect them against sp
Inline Achives
1 websites Display your monthly archives compactly by year with individual links to each month. Replacement for wp_get_archives('type=monthly'). Display your monthly archives compactly by year with in
Google Maps Retailers
4 websites Plugin to manage and output retailers by region on a Google Map. This plugin lets you create state regions on top of a Google Map then add a popup box with external links. Currently supports only USA
Metaphor Members
25 websites Creates a custom post type to display info about members of your group or organization. This is not a membership plugin. Create individual posts to display information about the members or your orga
Best Related Posts
3 websites Shows related posts with thumbnails. Allows you to design your own layout using simple interface. Good for SEO and reducing bounce rate. Best Related Posts is a straight forward and easy to use plug
Easy Team Manager
75 websites Easy Team Manager helps you to create team members with their short descriptions, social profiles with smooth hover effects. Easy Team Manager helps you to create team members with their short descri
Simpul Facebook by Esotech
12 websites This plugin is designed to access a facebook feed and display it in a WordPress Widget. Enables a widget that will pull a facebook page or personal feed via JSON by Facebook ID and display text and/o
Responsive Logo Slideshow
18 websites Responsive Logo Slideshow is a nice WordPress Slideshow for showing your Customer's Logos with Links. Responsive Logo Slideshow provides a powerfull and nice javascript/DHTML Slideshow/Slider fo
Fancy Gallery
546 websites Supercharged image gallery management tool with touch-enabled, responsive, mobile-friendly image lightbox for WordPress! Fancy Gallery is the most innovative state of the art WordPress Gallery Manage
JS Social Bar
7 websites JediSoftware Social Bar is a plugin that adds a fancy bar to your website, containing links to your social pages. JediSoftware Social Bar is a plugin that adds a fancy sidebar to your website, contai
S3 Secure URL
11 websites S3 Secure URL plugin allows you to create temporary links using Amazon S3 service. Create temporary links to files which are stored in Amazon S3 service using simple shortcode. Shortcode builder als
Responsive Lightbox by dFactory
11323 websites Responsive Lightbox allows users to view larger versions of images and galleries in a lightbox (overlay) effect optimized for mobile devices. Responsive Lightbox allows users to view larger versions
Social Counters
36 websites It allows to place social sharing links with counters (if available) to the most popular social networks: Menéame,Twitter,Facebook,... It allows to place counters and social sharing links to the mos
FD Footnotes Plugin
682 websites Add elegant looking footnotes to your posts simply and naturally. This plugin provides an extremely easy way to add elegant looking footnotes to your posts. The syntax is natural, simple to understan
Social Author Box
8 websites Creates an "Author Box" Widget with the author's picture, bio and social media links. This plugin will create an authorbox widget that you can place in a sidebar. The widget displays t
Genesis Post Navigation
63 websites This plugin adds post navigation and an additional option to navigate posts within category. This plugin adds a previous and next post links on a single post in a conventional way. This plugin create
JQuery Expanding Box
95 websites This plugin creates a shortcode to add an expandable box to show and hide the selected content on a post or page with customisable show and hide links This plugin creates a shortcode to add an expand
GAS Injector
1 websites GAS Injector for WordPress will help you add Google Analytics on Steroids (GAS) to your WordPress blog. GAS Injector for WordPress is a plugin which makes it easy for you to start collecting statisti
Superlinks Google Ads Plugin
2 websites The easiest way to start earning more revenue with display ads on your WordPress site! SuperLinks Ads gives long tail WordPress Publishers access to advertising solutions that are typically only acce
86 websites The Social Media Marketing Plugin that lets you put social bookmarking links in your posts and other pages.
hreflang Flag
2 websites Add a flag icon to link corresponding to the hreflang attribute. hreflang Flag plugin uses css3 selectors to add a flag icon to your links depending on their hreflang attribute. This is really usefu
Subscribe To Author Posts Feed
9 websites This plugin adds links after the posts for subscribing to the post author's posts feed via RSS. This plugin adds links after the posts for subscribing to the post author's posts feed via RSS. So
South Africa Sociable Plugin
3 websites Automatically add links on your posts to popular South African and International social bookmarking sites. The South Africa Sociable plugin allows users to your blog site the ability to shorten urls,
Logo Slideshow
19 websites Logo Slideshow is a nice WordPress Slideshow for showing your Customer's Logos with Links. Logo Slideshow provides a powerfull and nice javascript/DHTML Slideshow/Slider for WordPress. It can be inte
1 websites
Accessible Dropdown Menus
37 websites Makes dropdown menus in many WordPress themes keyboard accessible. Purpose: Many sites have dropdown menus where the expanding of the links can only be triggered by a mouse hover. This means that fo
Affiliate Hoover
4 websites Parses feeds into posts as supplied by affiliate marketing companies Affiliate Hoover allows the website owner to upload and parse CSV feeds supplied by affiliate marketing companies. Feed items are
Collapsing Archives
124 websites This plugin uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collaps the set of months for each year and posts for each month in the archive listing. This is a relatively simple plugin that uses Javascript t
Printer-Friendly WP
3 websites This plugin adds an icon to all posts which links to Print-Friendly page with a content of the post. This plugin adds an icon to all posts which links to Print-Friendly page with a content of the pos
2 websites Lists (post) categories used on your blog in a table with links to subscribe to topic feeds using popular on-line feed readers.
Easy Bubble Menu
8 websites Powerful jQuery Supplementary Menu & Social Icons Builder Enhance your site by adding an elegant supplementary menu. WYSIWYG - Easily build supplementary menus builder tool. Add links with
Personal Contact Info Widget
42 websites Add a custom Widget to display your profile photo, social media links and contact information. This plugin adds a custom Widget which displays your profile photo, social media links and contact infor
Recommended Stories for WordPress
4 websites This plugin can list a selectable number of latest sticky posts, and push their links into an animated box This plugin can list a selectable number of links to the latest sticky posts, within an anim
Facebook Iframe Link Fixer
1 websites Facebook won't let you link from an iframe page to another part of Facebook (without opening a new window). This plugin gives you that ability. Makes it possible for a WordPress page viewed in a