
36 relevant result(s)

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22 websites Mailbag lets you quickly and easily add MailChimp or Campaign Monitor email forms to your posts or pages with a shortcode. Dead Simple Email Subscriptions Mailbag integrates both MailChimp and Campa
wp comment validation
25 websites wp-comment-validation adds validation for wordpress default comment submission form. wp-comment-validation can adds custom message for wordpress default comment submission form validation. It is easy
Quick Contact Form
225 websites A simple plug and play contact form with a huge range of options and styles. A really, really simple drag and drop contact form. There is nothing to configure, all you have to do is set up your email
2 websites This plugin allows you to show the latest comments, pingbacks or trackbacks in the sidebar of your blog or anywhere else. The plugin comes with widget This plugin allows you to show the latest commen
AJAXify FAQ-Tastic
66 websites Used to add AJAX open/close effects to the FAQ-Tastic WordPress plugin. Used to add AJAX open close effects to the FAQ-Tastic WordPress plugin. Please note that this plugin does nothing on its own.
Countdown to Next Post
5 websites This plugin will display a countdown timer that counts down towards your next scheduled post. This plugin will display a countdown timer that counts down towards your next scheduled post. The countd
Disqus Popular Threads Widget
21 websites Shows your most commented posts from Disqus via widget, shortcode, or template tag. Integrates with the Disqus API to show your most popular threads (most commented posts). Can be added via sidebar w
261 websites Integrate Pardot with WordPress: easily track visitors, embed forms and dynamic content in pages and posts, or use the forms or dynamic content widget Say hello to marketing automation simplicity! Wi
93 websites Allows users to dynamically change the font size. Although users can change the font size of a web page through standard browser settings, few people knows or remembers how to do it. WP-chgFontSize
Header and Footer
2 websites Why you have to install 10 plugins to add Google Analytics code, MyBlogLog tracking code, Google Webmaster verificaton code, MyblogLog verification code, tradedoubler verification code (and so on...)
1 websites Retrieves the number of people who are online in an IRC Channel, which can be displayed in the sidebar using a widget. Well WP-IRC Plugin (for lack of a better name ;) ) can fetch the number of users
AppAd Manager
22 websites Displays google adsense (or other ads) between posts in AppThemes Premium Themes. This plugin inserts advertise between posts (ads, coupons, job listings...) in AppThemes Premium Themes. In administ
ML Post Slider
15 websites ML Post Slider is a widget designed to display your slides in any widget area. DEMO You have to create special slider category which contains all slides which you want display in slideshow. Plugin
Collapsing Links
116 websites This widget uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapsable the set of links for each link category. This is a very simple plugin that uses Javascript to form a collapsable set of links in the s
Progress Bar
187 websites a simple progress bar shortcode that can be styled with CSS This plugin does one thing: it creates a simple (but nice-looking) CSS3 progress bar that you can style with your own CSS and use wherever
WP Welcome Message
33 websites WP Welcome Message is a wordpress plugin, which help your to make any announcement, special events, special offer, signup message or such kind of mess WP Welcome Message is a wordpress plugin, which
Cute Scroll To Top
1 websites Cute Scroll To Top is an awesome, super lightweight plugin for your wordpress website. This plugin will add a scroll to top button on footer right. Wanna see how it works? Click here: http://etwoz.h
JQuery Drop Down Menu
78 websites A plugin to create Jquery Drop Down Menu with fully customization.To show menu Add <?php jquery_drop_down_menu('HOME') ?> on your . theme header.php or where you want to display me
Flexible Quote Rotator Plus
10 websites Flexible Quote Rotator Plus allows you to add a rotating display of quotations to your site using a shortcode or a widget. The Flexible Quote Rotator Plus plugin allows you to add quotations/testimon
Code School Badges
1 websites Provides both widgets and shortcodes to help display Code School profile badges on your website. Learn By Doing. Code School teaches web technologies in the comfort of your browser with video lessons
WP Share
2 websites Add social sharing buttons to your content in 5 minutes. You can choose from 3 different icon styles including the original ones. WP Share adds social sharing buttons to your site, the available serv
Outstanding Bar
3 websites Outstanding Bar allows you to easily collect emails in a way that your users won't find offensive. Outstanding Bar is a simple plugin that adds a newsletter sign up bar to your site. It comes wi
Custom Nextpage
37 websites MultiPage is a customizable plugin MultiPage is a customizable plugin. Can any title on the page. Contributors Webnist understandard
12 websites Use tagaroo to get semantic data to use as tags and photo for your posts. Tagaroo gives you an integration between your WordPress blog and the Calais web service. Tagaroo fetches semantic data (peopl
oDvut Author Bio
5 websites oDvut Author Bio is a simple plugin which will enable you to place blog author's bio anywhere in the blog. oDvut Author Bio is a simple plugin through which you can place blog author's bio anywh
Responsive Progress Bar
31 websites Shortcode for displaying a responsive configurable progress bar. A lightweight responsive progress bar which will work with your favourite HTML5 theme. It works with major browsers, is configurable
Anonymize Links
15 websites Anonymize all your external links with the service. You can use this plugin to prevent your site from appearing in the server logs of referred pages as a referrer. The operators of the referr
Category-Post AJAX Tree
5 websites Add a sidebar widget that displays expandable categories menu. Add a sidebar widget that displays expandable categories menu. Widget shows only 2 level menu - no subcategories just posts in categorie
WordPress Football Leagues
1 websites It's here, the plugin thats been missing from wordpress! A plugin to display a football league table, specified by you. WordPress Football Leagues allows you to select a football league to show
3 websites Create step-by-step tutorials. Have users rate and search them. Turn your site into tutorials portal. Run a tutorials site with WordPress. This plugin lets you publish step-by-step tutorials, get the
Enhanced Links
36 websites A plugin for wordpress which allows you to list your links in a sexier way. Very useful when you have a great number of links and categories. This plugin allows you to get better control on how your
Automatic Social Locker
14 websites Automatically opens the popup ask user clicks the Like, Plus or Tweet button to view your page's content. This plugin enables you automatic lock content from users until they Like, Plus or Tweet
Prism WP
7 websites WordPress plugin for the prism js syntax highlighter. This is not a spying program! Beautify the source codes displayed on your site using the Prism syntax highlighter. Languages Supported: Bash C
87289 websites Elementor allows users to create and design websites with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, that enables users to design and customize their WordPress websites without any coding knowledge. Ele
Custom Shortcodes
2 websites Manage custom fields using the insert shortcodes or HTML comment in text of post. Manage custom fields using the insert shortcodes [custom name="field-name" value="field-value"] or HTML conditional c
Pierre's Wordspew
24 websites A plugin that creates a live shoutbox, using AJAX as a backend. Users can chat freely from your blog without refreshing the page! The shoutbox add a chat functionality to your blog and permit to easi