
36 relevant result(s)

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DomainTools Whois Plugin
4 websites DomainTools whois plugin shows whois data for domains found in blog articles and links them to The DomainTools Whois plugin will automatically link domain names in a WordPress
Video Embeds
1 websites Just another plugin that creates shortcodes for embedding videos in posts. There are a lot of plugins that allow users to embed videos using a shortcode. Now there's one more out there. Video Embeds
Brankic Twitter Widget
69 websites Showing latest tweets with new Twitter API v1.1 Since the Twitter updated it's API most of old Twitter widgets don't work. Now Twitter requires new authentication, so you have to create new Twitter a
109 websites Ajoute un bouton "J'aime cet article" par hellocoton. Ajoute un bouton "J'aime cet article". Permettez à vos visiteurs de voter pour vos articles sur hellocoton. Cela aura pour effet
16 websites Adds TinyMCE button for Tweeting selected text in a post. Give users ready-made "soundbites" to tweet. TweetHerder introduces a shortcode to easily add "Tweet This" buttons to quotes inside your pos
Wp Fixed Social Profile Icons
20 websites Fixed Social Icons for your wordpress website Wp Fixed Social profile Icons places the social icons on the left/right side of the page. When a user rollover the icon the full icon is shown with nic
3 websites This is a very accessible and custom made YouTube-plugin for WordPress. This plugin was custom made for a company for use with screen readers. It allows the user to embed YouTube videos in a post or
Website Logo
39 websites Website logo plugin help you to manage website logo image from the wordpress admin section. This plug-in helps you to manage website logo at front end. You need to upload logo from the admin section
1 websites Set a keyword or phrase and NewsTweet constantly pulls twitter posts containing that word or phrase. Set a keyword or phrase and NewsTweet constantly pulls twitter posts containing that word or phras
1 websites Automatically creates an image gallery from any folder on your WordPress Server in Flow Layout Creates a picture gallery from a specified folder on your server in Cascading Grid Layout Comes with an
Documents Shortcode
27 websites A `[documents]` shortcode which will display a list of attached files, with file type icons, and linked to the files for easy downloading. By adding a simple [documents] shortcode in your post or pag
Scroll to Top
200 websites Creates a floating box centered in the footer of your site that, and when clicked gently roll the site to the top. Fully written in jQuery, the plugin adds a floating box centered in the footer of yo
6 websites CheckBot — simple one-click captcha-plugin created for people. It is very easy to use, and look nice, but at the same time, fully customizable, and quite seriously protect your blog from spam. Feat
WP Cookies Alert
60 websites This plugin adds an alert box notifying visitors your blog uses cookies. WP Cookies Alert allows to display an alert box on your WordPress blog notifying visitors you blog uses cookies as EU Cookie L
Attendance List
7 websites Simple event attendance list. You can add it to any post or page. Attendance List is simple plugin to manage multiple events attendance lists, witch you can add one for each post. It also support AJA
WP Timeline -
38 websites Output your WordPress custom post types as a timeline like The WordPress Posts Timeline Plugin uses js and css to create a horizontal timeline for a custom post/page/posts like tim
WP Image Uploader
4 websites Image hosting plugin. Image Uploader is a simple plugin that lets you turn your WordPress website (or only a part of it) into an image hosting site like, and others. It ca
3 websites Affiche vos annonces sur votre blog. Annonces est un plugin de publication de petite annonce permettant d'ajouter facilement des annonces immobilières sur son blog. Il suffit d'ajouter cette b
Comment Images
180 websites Allow your readers easily to attach an image to their comment. Comment Images gives readers the ability to upload an image to their comment right from the comment form. Comment Images... Will noti
1 websites Quick and easy management of google maps to display on your blog. Supports static maps api The plugin aims to provide a quick and easy way to store googlemaps on your blog. By storing maps, requests
Cudazi Scroll to Top
339 websites Version: 0.1 Adds a smooth scroll to top feature/link in the lower-right corner of long pages. Adds a smooth scroll to top feature/link in the lower-right corner of long pages. Appears after a set s
Front End Login Form
17 websites A tiny plugin which allows you to add a log-in form to your wordpress blog. Front end login is a plugin to get login form on the wordpress pages so you can easily be able to login to your wordpress a Plugin/Theme Information Embed
1 websites Paste the URL to a plugin into your posts or pages, and have the plugin information pulled in and displayed automatically A WordPress plugin that allows you to embed realtime informatio
iTunes Lookup Widget
26 websites Embeds an iTunes Widget to display any kind of store items (software, albums, artists etc). Embeds an interactive iTunes display as a sidebar widget with optional use of affiliate links. Multilingual
2 websites The eBible VerseLink plugin let's website and blog owners automatically link to Bible references is a Bible site that can be instantly integrated into your WordPress blog with this pl
3 websites A samll and lightweight plugin for showing random images with links in any place you want. This plugin allows you to show random images with links to your posts in any place of your website. You can
Simple Ajax Shoutbox
18 websites Simple AJAX shoutbox, add shoutbox on your sidebar. This plugin will add a shoutbox on your sidebar. Using AJAX technology so visitor doesnt have to refresh page to view their messages. It automatica
29 websites A plugin to integrate D3 into your WordPress post/pages. D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphas
WP Tweet Button
87 websites This plugin easily and fully implements Twitter's official Tweet Button on your WordPress blog or site. The tweet button can be positioned as you please and can be styled to your delight in the settin
3 websites Easily add a custom Google map to your WordPress site. Multiple locations on a single map with ease. Easily add a custom Google map to your WordPress site. Multiple locations on a single map with eas
WP social integrator - WordPress social integrator
4 websites WordPress social integrator Plugin will help you to display on your page social activity of your social feeds in social networks: 1. 2. 3. google+ 4.
WEN's Social Links
44 websites Plugin that can be used to link to 24 social networking sites to your WordPress Site. Plugin that can be used to link to 24 social networking sites . Usage Instructions Activate the plugin from th
WP Search for Comments - LITE
2 websites Enables you to search in comments separetly from the search loop. This is a lite version of plugin Plugin for search in comments. The plugin you are looking for. It's search through comments. Can be
GT Press
4 websites GT Press allows you to easily customize the look and feel of the back-end Admin menus. GT Press allows you to easily customize the look and feel of the back-end Admin menus. This plugin can be usefu
Featured Property
1 websites Displays a simple formatted Featured Property as a widget. Perfect way to feature properties that are for sale or rent. Featured Property Widget is a responsive widget that is designed to fit well o
WP Easter Egg
9 websites Easily add Easter Eggs to your WordPress site using the Konami code or a custom key sequence. Currently includes options for: Cornify ( Raptorize (