
36 relevant result(s)

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Adsense Explosion
20 websites Adsense Explosion automatically insert and optimize Google Adsense ads for increase your profits.Compatible with the widget system too. Multi Language Adsense Explosion insert and optimize google ads
Little Hippo
17 websites Little Hippo is a multifunction plugin for agencies and site owners that speeds up the process of onsite optimisation. Little Hippo is a Multifunction plugin for agencies and site owners that speeds
Image Map Edit
3 websites Edit and place Clickable Image Maps through easy to use shortcodes. This is a plugin to help easily configure and display our clickable maps featuring MapHilight JQuery into a WordPress post or page.
Floating Adsense Bar
61 websites Floating Adsense side bar allows you to add floating ad bar to display floating adsense or any adnetwork ads on either side of your webpage. These Ads Author Site| Plugin Home Page Floating Adsens
Genesis Simple Sidebars
2 websites This plugin allows you to create multiple, dynamic widget areas, and assign those widget areas to sidebar locations within the Genesis Framework on a This plugin allows you to create multiple, dynami
Related Items
22 websites Related Items plugin lets you relate a page, post or custom post type to other pages, posts and custom post types. Related Items plugin lets you relate a page, post or custom post type to other pages
Design Approval System
27 websites A project management system to streamline the process of getting designs, photos, documents, videos, or music approved by clients quickly. See Live Example and Approve the design. Here's a look at h
UnPointZero Slider
40 websites UnPointZero slider is a plugin that display a slideshow for your posts, pages or custom post type. And it's fully customizable ! UnPointZero slider is a plugin that display a slideshow for your
MyPuzzle Jigsaw
11 websites Fast and easy integration of jigsaw puzzles into your blogs. Adobe Flash Version for best quality. Major features in this version include: New! Add a custom redirect to another page when the user s
Mombly Review Rating
2 websites Mombly Review Rating allows you to add a simple rating to your reviews on your wordpress blog. Mombly Review Ratings allow you to easily insert ratings for your reviews on your wordpress blogs. The f
1 websites Advanced iFrame Pro | iframe | All iframe params | Donate [iframe src="" width="100%" height="480"] shortcode should show something like this: Iframe shortc
4 websites HH Quiz just enables the Quiz JavaScript-Framework (GNU Lesser General Public License) from Felix Riesterer. With the Quiz JavaSript-Framework you can simple create some different quizzes in a post o
Counter Ecl
19 websites Making WordPress web counter widget and cookie Law. A simple counter to the web and cookie Law. Is responsive. Features Counter Ecl A simple counter to the web Use bootstrap css. Responsive. Cus
Share Button
10 websites With Share Buttons Widget you can share your content at Facebook, Twitter, Google, Digg, Delicious and many more! Share Buttons Widget is simple and easy to use. With Share Buttons Widget you can sh
Youtube Playlist Thumbs
50 websites Use the [ypt playlist_id=] shortcode to show a Youtube playlist with side thumbnails. Playlist videos can be triggered by links in page content. Demo Install and activate the plugin. Insert the [ypt
Easy Plugin for AdSense
26 websites Easy Plugin for AdSense manages all aspects of AdSense: insert ads into posts and sidebar, and add a Google Search box. Easiest and most complete AdSe Easy Plugin for AdSense provides a very easy way
Cookie Law Info
42087 websites A simple way to show how your website complies with the EU Cookie Law. Implied Consent. Style it to match your own website. This plugin uses implied consent, adding a subtle banner to your website ei
Exclusive Content Password Protect
55 websites Exclusive Content Password Protect is a plugin that allows you to hide a section (or multiple sections) of content on your page or post. Exclusive Content Password Protect is a plugin that allows you
Smooth Scroll Links [SSL]
95 websites This plugin will give special smooth scroll effect to your **BACK TO TOP**, **TOP TO BOTTOM** like links. It also has capacity to add such links in yo This plugin will give special smooth scroll effe
Image Carousel
139 websites Carousel WordPress plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive image carousel Carousel sliders is now a must have feature in all business, portfolio or any web template. Along with fullscreen
285 websites The easiest tool available for creating custom & great-looking Google Maps. Add multiple pins and customize maps with drag-and-drop simplicity. Easy2Map is a simple-yet-powerful tool for quickly
Facebook Like Box
7 websites This plugin can increase facebook likes for your blog. Add this plugin to your website and a facebook like box will pop up with the lightbox effect w Plugin helps you to show facebook like box in a
6 websites Aggregate all the .css and .js files from all plugins into combined files in order to speed up page load and minimize HTTP Requests from the browsers.
95 websites Mistape allows readers to effortlessly notify site staff about found spelling errors. Strive to keep your content flawless? Mistape will help! Let your readers notify you about spelling mistakes the
Nice Login Widget
105 websites Add, build and manage login-register widget anywhere in your site. An elegant login and register widget that can be placed in any widget area on your site. Add login/register widget in any widget a
NertWorks Super Mega Popup
4 websites Super Mega Popup makes it easy to place popups on a particular page, post or site wide. Offers different options for user to select to customize thei Super Mega Popup makes it easy to place popups o
Simply Instagram
541 websites Simply Instagram displays your photos from Instagram either using Widget or Short Code. The Simply Instagram plugin display your Instagram photos in three Endpoints that Instagram offers through shor
2 websites Prevent bots from clicking ADs Checks user's data (IP address and behaviour) and hides ADs from page when bot-like activity is detected.
WP Report Post
33 websites Adds functionality to report inappropriate post or page Report Post is a highly customizable plugin that lets your visitors to report posts or pages with inappropriate content. All these reports are
RSS Digest
33 websites RSS Digest is a plugin that creates daily digests from an RSS or Atom feed that you specify. RSS Digest fetches items from the RSS or Atom feed that you specify and posts them to your blog in a daily
WP Awesome FAQ Plugin
215 websites Best WordPress FAQ Plugin integrated with Custom Post Type. WP Awesome FAQ comes with accordion based jQuery UI. No need extra configurations for WP Awesome FAQ Plugin. WP Awesome FAQ Plugin allows t
Post Slides
7 websites Display posts as slides in a responsive Owl Carousel. Admin settings and shortcode control allow for advanced configuration. Post Slides allows you to use the shortcode [post-slides] on any page or p
Admin Bar Button
4 websites Replace the default WordPress Admin Bar on the front end with a simple button. Admin Bar Button is a plugin that will create a simple button to replace the default WordPress Admin Bar on the front en
Bounce Grab - Corner Peel Exit Pop
4 websites Bounce Grab is an easy to use WordPress plugin that shows a corner peel advertisement when a user tries to exit your page. Bounce Grab is an easy to use WordPress plugin that shows a corner peel adve
1 websites The Ultimate Adsense / Ad-Management Plugin for WordPress WP-INSERT by SmartLogix : The Ultimate WordPress Plugin (Optimized for Adsense) Wp-Insert is the most powerful yet easiest to use wordpress
Display posts in grid layout without coding - Content Views
5882 websites It is super easy to query & display latest posts or any posts (by category, tag, author...) anywhere in responsive Grid layout without coding! Do you want to display latest posts on any WordPress