
36 relevant result(s)

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215 websites
182 websites
163 websites
1 websites
List category posts
53 websites List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category in a post/page using the [catlist] shortcode. This shortcode accepts a category name or id, t This plugin is looking for maintainers! Please t
TSP Featured Posts
30 websites Featured Posts allows you to add featured posts to your blog's website via widgets, pages and/or posts. The Software People's (TSP) Featured Posts plugin allows you to add featured posts to your
About the Author Advanced
134 websites This plugin creates a sidebar widget which displays the post/page author's information. This plugin creates a sidebar widget which displays information about the author of a post or page. Confi
GetMeCooking Recipe Template
151 websites A WordPress recipe plugin for food bloggers. Display one or more recipes per page with print, recipe search, custom layout, SEO and other features. This WordPress recipe plugin makes it quick and eas
Style My Gallery
15 websites Style galleries using popular scripts - currently only FlexSlider. Supports multiple galleries per page. This plugin will allow a gallery of images pulled from the media library to be displayed using
Featured Image Thumbnail Grid
58 websites Visit the web site for detailed examples. This plugin gives you access to two simple shortcodes that display post thumbnails in a grid. The plugin us Version 5.5 Donations for extended support are
Index Authors page
4 websites With this plugin, you will be able to display an index with all your authorss, sort alphabeticaly. With this plugin, you will be able to display an index with all your authorss, sort alphabeticaly. T
Simplr Registration Form Plus+
113 websites This plugin allows users to easily add a custom user registration form anywhere on their site using simple shortcode. NEW FEATURES The Plus version of this plugin is now free! It includes reCAPTCHA,
Social Media Aggregator
7 websites Aggregate social media content from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and RSS Feeds into WordPress and use PHP or Ajax to retrieve. The Social Media Aggregator will pull content from vari
FV Gravatar Cache
2 websites Speeds up your website by making sure the gravatars are stored on your website and not loading from the gravatar server. There's one problem with Gravatars. They are very slow to load. Each page with
Easy Scroll To Top
5 websites Easily scroll back to the top of your website pages. Easy Scroll To Top is a WordPress plugin to add a button that appears only when users scroll down the page allowing them to scroll to the top of t
Nutrition Facts Vitamins
9 websites Use this free WordPress plugin to create Nutrition Facts Labels with vitamins. This plugin creates a 'Label' custom post type which can be assigned to any page or post. Includes Vitamins A, C, Calc
Canadian Nutrition Facts Label
6 websites Use this free WordPress plugin to insert a Canadian Bilingual Nutrition Facts Label to pages or posts with a shortcode. This plugin creates a 'Label' custom post type which can be assigned to any pag