
36 relevant result(s)

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iLike Social Media Optimization
3 websites With iLike Social Media Optimization (SMO) for WordPress, you can turn on and customize many social network profile buttons which power by With iLike Social Media Optimization (SMO) for W
WP Twitter widget by rYokiNG
29 websites free twitter widget for wordpress with api 1.1. WP Twitter widget easy to create twitter feed in your blog for settings Twitter API support display user timeline a collection recent Tweets posted by
8 websites newsPage is an easy to use plugin that allows you to have a headline aggregation page on your blog. NewsPage is a plugin that lets you create your own RSS feed aggregation page on your blog like PopU
Dakno IDX
1 websites Add your Dakno IDX quick search, featured properties, and saved searches to your blog. This plugin allows you to connect your Dakno IDX solution to your blog by: Adding a quick search widget Adding
Cool Social Icons Widget
69 websites This plugin allows you to insert cool social icons in widget area with dark and light color scheme according to your site. Cool Social Icons widget plugin is very easy to use, customizable way to dis
Thumbnail For Excerpts
19 websites Thumbnail For Excerpts allow easily, without any further work, to add thumbnails wherever you show excerpts (archive page, feed...). The idea of this plugin is to make excerpts have an image near. By
TT Social Icons
3 websites This plugin allows you to insert social icons in any widget area. TT Social Icons is a perfect WordPress Plugin for smooth operation of Social Icons by Widget in your WordPress Website. It is easy to
Dream Broker Embed
1 websites This plugin enables you to embed Dream Broker channel and videos to a WordPress site. After creating a channel at Dream Broker Studio, you can easily integrate it into your WordPress site with this p
F2 Tumblr Widget
43 websites This widget displays recent posts from a tumblr blog. The F2 Tumblr Widget displays recent posts from the provided tumblr blog. It allows the user to select how many posts to display, to restrict wh
Latest Apple Movie Trailers
7 websites Displays the latest movie trailers from featured on Each trailer listed comes along with the movie poster and synopsis. Displays the latest movie trailers from featured on - http
Display Latest Feeds
14 websites Display latest feeds to your blog from any RSS Feeds accounts. Display latest feeds from any RSS Feeds accounts. This is very helpful if you want to put to your blog the latest feed blog post of any
Floating button
25 websites Floating button for you site or blog, which can give you opportunity to make a survey, show ads and collect some statistics about user. Floating Button is a new way to add survey, ads or some other a
CB Storefront
23 websites CBengine Storefront Plugin For WordPress allows you to present all ClickBank products available through their FEED with your affiliate ID. CBengine Storefront Plugin for WordPress generates a basic
Easy Social Buttons
9 websites It is very easy and simple Plugin for showing your social links using a simple widget so that people can connect with you more easily. When you activate this plugin widget, you'll see 'Easy Social Bu
100 Cities
7 websites Add great content to your posts automatically: just choose a city and get a map, photos, data, and related offers. Very useful for travel bloggers! 100 Cities is a plugin which displays information a
Storify Stories Slider
8 websites Short code that allows you to easily add a slider displaying the last 20 stories/liked stories of a Storify user in a horizontal or vertical slider. Integrate your Storify Stories into your pages, ar
254 websites The Embedly Plugin extends WordPress's auto embed feature to give your blog more media types, video analytics, recommendation, and style options. Enhance the default WordPress embedding to get p
zStore Manager Basic
24 websites Enables Zazzle shopkeepers and people who have affiliate websites to display Zazzle store products on their own website using Zazzle's RSS feed. zStore Manager Basic gives a Zazzle shopkeeper or
Artsopolis Calendar
13 websites Artsopolis Calendar provides a searchable calendar of events for Artsopolis Network member content syndication partners. Artsopolis Calendar provides a searchable calendar of events for Artsopolis Ne
The Social Links
282 websites The Social Links plugin adds a widget and shortcode to your WordPress website allowing you to display icons linking to your social profiles. The Social Links plugin adds a widget and shortcode to you
WordPress Social Login
1642 websites WordPress Social Login allow your visitors to comment and login with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and more. WordPress Social Login allow your website readers and customers
6 websites This plugin shows posts from a category on any page you like using shortcodes. Create multiple blogs within a blog using a category. Hode posts in a s Blog-in-Blog allows you to use the WordPress pla
WordPress Popup Scheduler
25 websites Description: A multi purpose popup scheduler that blog owner can use to deliver their message effectively to their readers. If used correctly, a popup is always the best way to achieve great results
12 websites A clean, simple, responsive and touch-friendly Carousel with no bells and whistles but plenty of flexibility. Slidr is a clean, simple, responsive and touch-friendly multi-purpose Carousel. It takes
Heroic Social Widget
31 websites Heroic Social Widget allows you to add social icons in a widget Easily create and display links to all your social media, email, rss and more. Rewritten with Font Awesome 4, with over 80 customizable
Social Icons Widget
760 websites Displays a list of social media website icons and a link to your profile. The Social Media Icons widget takes a simple, extendable approach to displaying links to your social media profiles in WordPr
3 websites A customizable plugin to display photos from an RSS or Atom feed as a widget or shortcode. RSSPhoto is a WordPress plugin to display photos from RSS and Atom feeds. It includes a widget for easy addi
Birds Author Box
27 websites This plugin adds an author box below the post or/and the page content. Birds Author Box adds a responsive author box below the content of your posts or/and your pages. The box contains author's pictu
Lightweight Social Icons
1084 websites Looking to add simple social icons to your widget areas? Choose the size and color of your icons, and then choose from 42 different social profiles. Lightweight Social Icons is an easy to use, lightw
NertWorks All in One Social Share Tools
16 websites NertWorks Social Share Tools make it easy for you to place social share and like buttons through out your website. You can pick specific pages to mak NertWorks Social Share Tools make it easy for yo
BuddyPress Courseware
4 websites A Learning Management System for BuddyPress A BuddyPress GSoC 2010/2011 project. Here's the features list: Class Dashboard Progress Indicator Overall status Student evolution (based on received
Comments Switcher
7 websites Allows users to comment on your blog using the facebook credentials or the default wordpress guest credentials. The plugin replaces your comment form and includes one that also allows to use the face
Upcoming Events
12 websites This plugin can receive iCalendar feeds from third party sites and display aggregated upcoming events from multiple feeds in your sidebar. Upcoming Events is a plugin that can receive iCalendar feeds
FX Currency Tables
2 websites FX-ForeignExchange 6 currency cross table plugin for WordPress. This easy to use tool adds a horizontal 6 currency table to posts and pages, and the w FX-ForeignExchange 6 currency cross table plugin
FeedBurner Footer SlideUp
22 websites Footer Slideup Form adds Feedburner Email Subscription form into the footer where user's can subscribe to your RSS feed using email. Footer Slideup Form is one of the best ways to ask your user
What Would Seth Godin Do
287 websites Displays a custom welcome message to new visitors and another to return visitors. Seth Godin advocates using cookies to distinguish between new and returning visitors to your site: "One opportuni