
36 relevant result(s)

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Featured Posts Slideshow
5 websites Featured Posts Slideshow is a wonderfull WordPress Javascript Slideshow. It displays as many Post's images as you want. Featured Posts Slideshow shows as many post's images as you want. It's a v
LaTeX for WordPress
7 websites This plugin provide an easy and elegant solution to add and display your mathematical fourmula. verion logs: ver 3.4.10 revert the change in ver 3.4.8. ver 3.4.7 make the space around inline formul
Nivo Slider Widget
6 websites This plugin provides a sidebar widget that creates a slideshow of images. This plugin provides a sidebar widget that creates a slideshow of images. The source images can be added from the media uploa
Sponsors Carousel
45 websites This plugin displays thumbnail images or banners in a carousel using jQuery jCarousel. Sponsors Carousel implements the jCarousel as a WordPress plugin. You can set internal link for all image or cu
WP Featherlight - A Simple jQuery Lightbox
1771 websites An ultra lightweight jQuery lightbox for WordPress images and galleries. WP Featherlight is a WordPress lightbox plugin for adding a minimal, high-performance, responsive jQuery lightbox to your Word
Floatbox Plus
55 websites Seamless integration of Floatbox (jscript similar to Lightview/Lightbox/Shadowbox/Fancybox/Thickbox) to create nice overlay display images/videos with Floatbox Plus is a plugin that implements Floatb
The Gallery Shortcode
8 websites Improve built-in [gallery] shortcode with cleaner output, optional pagination, visual exclude option and lots more. Integrates with WordPress' built-in [gallery] shortcode to provide lost of unique f
SmugMug Embed
25 websites Allows users to search and embed images into posts or pages directly from their SmugMug accounts. Allows users to search and embed images into posts or pages directly from their SmugMug accounts. Th
EP Hashimage
73 websites ABOUT This plugin search after hashtagged images on twitter and/or Instagram. The Twitter search can fetch images from the following networks in the twitter search result. twitpic instagram yfrog
Code Pixelz Simple Responsive Image Gallery Plugin
22 websites Add gallery feature to your website. Supports lightbox and shortcodes to display your gallery images anywhere. Simple Gallery Plugin. Easy to use gallery plugin that lets you add gallery feature to y
Pre Loaded - CSS Image Preloader
3 websites Preload Images Contained Within ALL Referenced CSS Files. Uses jQuery to Preload to DOM. Plug n Play. Upload, activate and sit back! Preload Images Contained Within ALL Referenced CSS Files. Uses jQu
WP-eDel post copies
11 websites This plugin searches duplicate posts by title or content, filtering by category and can permanently delete them with images or send them to the trash We are working on a new best of the best 5.0 vers
WP-Cycle Plus Captions
19 websites Based on WP-Cycle with modifications by Chris Grab and includes changes by Toby Brommerich to get the caption to display properly with each image. The WP-Cycle Plus Captions plugin allows you to uplo
Gallery without the Fluff
13 websites Adds Gallery management functionality to WordPress, still using the built in Media Uploader & Library. For people who want to use their own jQuery This plugin is ONLY for people wanting to play a
IFTTT Instagram Gallery
7 websites IFTTT Instagram Gallery is a highly configurable plugin that automatically shares your Instagram pictures in an amazing looking photo grid. IFTTT Instagram Gallery is a highly configurable plugin tha
902 websites Highly customizable plugin to display Instagram photos in a sidebar widget, a post or on a page. Also an image gallery with paging functionality. Attention At the moment Instapress won't work on you
109 websites Hammy speeds up your website by generating and serving resized images for your content area depending on content width. Introduction Hammy takes your regular content images (only within posts and pa
Image Gallery Reloaded
330 websites Replaces the default WordPress gallery with a featured slideshow. A jQuery based Image Gallery Reloaded plugin replaces the default WordPress gallery with a highly customizable slideshow and gallery.
Popup Colorbox
61 websites Huge-It Popup Colorbox is the most spellbinding plugin in WordPress that implement Lightbox-effect look of the images and videos Huge-IT Popup Colorbox Huge-It Popup Colorbox is the most inimitable
TTF Titles
14 websites This plugin provides two new template tags to replace plain text with styled images. This plugin provides two new template tags to replace plain text with styled text images using TrueType fonts. Th
Photospace Responsive Gallery
127 websites A simplified version of Photospace featuring a responsive only layout. Based on the Galleriffic gallery, Photospace takes advantage of the built in gallery features of WordPress. Then simply use the
38 websites This simple plugin enables Fancybox on image links. It groups all images within a single post and can also be disabled per post. Fancybox is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-medi
Multi Image Slider Widget
34 websites Display Multi Images from your Media Library in a Modern Responsive Slider. This widget includes option to customize the Responsive Slider. Display Multi Images from your Media Library in a Modern Re
Envoke Supersized
14 websites This plugin creates an easy to use interface for managing the Supersized jQuery Plugin on your site. This plugin creates an easy to use interface for managing the Supersized jQuery Plugin on your Wor
Vertical Tab Slider
11 websites A very attractive and cool looking tabbing slider which gives a user to rotate their images and description in slides with great effect. A very attractive and cool looking tabbing slider which gives
Custom Content Type Manager
9 websites Version: Break out of your blog! Create custom fields for dropdowns, images, and more! This plugin gives WordPress true CMS functionality. The Custom Content Type Manager (CCTM) allows
WP Easy Gallery » WordPress Gallery Plugin
307 websites WP Easy Gallery is an easy to use WordPress Gallery Plugin. Simple WordPress Gallery Plugin WP Easy Gallery is the best free WordPress gallery plugin. WP Easy Gallery allows you to easily create and
Gallery Pro
42 websites Gallery Pro is an advanced plugin with a list of Features and options for adding and editing multiple images for different views. It is All Device Com With Gallery Pro you can Add unlimited images on
13 websites Easily insert images and photos into your blog posts! ImageInject searches the huge Flickr database for creative commons photos related to any topic. ImageInject, previously called WP Inject, allows
WP Slideshow Posts
47 websites Show your posts on a responsive slideshow A plugin capable of capturing your posts and show in a very beautiful slideshow with images, titles and summary. Prepared to be simple, uncomplicated and mee
5 websites Live demo & Manual With an expectacular interface, Matrix 3d allows you show your image and video galleries in a very different way to your users, giving a personal desing, to your blog or page.
Social Hashtags
9 websites Grabs images & videos matching any hashtag from social APIs like instagram & youtube. Grabs images & videos matching any hashtag from social APIs like instagram & youtube. Stores thu
Recent & Featured Posts Widget
23 websites Display recent posts or manually selected posts with thumbnail images. Show the excerpt directly on the page or as a dropdown. Recent & Featured Posts Widget adds a list of recent posts or posts
WP pngfix
2 websites Plugin that fixes the png image transparency issue on IE. This plugin uses CSS technique to fix the png image transparency issue and jQuery to apply this script to all of png images shown in the page
Image Banner Effects Lite
5 websites Add animations to your images. Highlight the images of your products or services with layered multi-state text, image or html animations. Mobile friendly css3 animations and responsive layers. The us
wp responsive photo gallery
58 websites This is beautiful responsive photo gallery plugin for wordPress blogs and sites.Admin can manages any number of images into the photo gallery. WordPress responsive photo gallery is beautiful photo th